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Posts posted by YesitwasaWin4theAges

  1. 21 minutes ago, xarronn said:

    I notice no 'Likes' for your reply backing up your earlier statement Steve. What you have said is a fact. Apart from the score line it was like a game which we could/would/should have lost by a much larger amount, (arbitrarily - up to the 15 goals which you said).

    We were really outplayed, with perhaps 10 minutes out of the 100, when we were on top in general play. Because of their inaccuracy, I think most of us held hopes until early in the last quarter that we might fight back and make it a closer game at least. But if they had kicked more accurately from the start, all hope would have evaporated by mid 2nd quarter.

    These games happen, and all the reasons why this happened to us have been pretty fully explored in previous posts. Most certainly it was not for lack of effort. (Allowing for the the impact of the successive 6 day breaks).

    On another matter, one post stated that last night showed Pedersen, amongst several others, wasn't up to it. I think most serious football watchers know that when a team is overwhelmed, many fringe, (and other), players will look poor. Hunt and Oliver were amongst those yesterday. No one would suggest they are not AFL standard.

    How then does Peder's get dissed like this having proven himself for about 10 weeks, - after one poor game in a team that was statistically thrashed?


    It should have been 100 pts, but you think it was an even playing field???????AFL ✔✔✔✔✔✔

  2. 46 minutes ago, Demon77 said:

    The more I think about it, the more it irks me. 

    Apart from GWS and we know the talent pool they have been gifted, no other team would have gone close to the Swans last night under these circumstances. In saying that I don't think GWS have gone through a patch like we have anyway. 

    Our players are dropping like flies and from what I read, our training loads have been minimised to compensate for this tough month. 

    Now, I sit comfortably in saying, that for the first time  ever I couldn't care less if players last night went in half hearted or without the required effort. Enough is enough and the boys have been exceptional with winning 3 from the last 4.

    I don't blame one single person from the MFC last night for the loss and even if Trengove, JKH, Weed or Kent had played,   the result would be exactly the 


    This irritated me all week and you could tell in the first 10 minutes we had no spread, no forward defensive pressure and impetous to generate run off half back this can not be tolerated by this football club. Sydney knew to play the wings coz we had no run in our legs it was so evident complete and utter disgrace.

    I hope we recover but this has potentially destroyed our season why did we have to play our only Friday Night Games on a 6 day break returning from Perth? why not put us up against a Brisbane or Carlton on a Sunday coming back from Perth. All because of corporate GREED and proping up  Sydney market where all the money is, shame shame shame.

  3. 4 minutes ago, SFebey said:

    It does beg some questions as to WHY we had to travel to Perth and back, off a 6 day break to play last years Grand Finalists....

    Can you imagine if it happened to Collingwood oh no oh no that wouldn't happen to the Golden [censored] club would it.

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Rodney (Balls) Grinter said:

    WTF, what a load of BS

    When we were winning all these blokes looked the goods and we're kicking goals metaphorically (and literally).  Pretty tough call to single out these guys when 3/4s of our side looked spent and lathargic tonight.  Oliver had a [censored] night, perhaps he's a VFL player also.  Gawn was ok, but still not hitting his A game (with good reason).

    If anything, I thought Harmes and Melksham were a few that actually showed a bit of energy and drive tonight.  Yes Harms missed a soda early in the second half, but that's hardly what lost us the game tonight (not to mention the clutch goal he kicked last week to keep us in the game in the fourth).  Let's not forget that a number of those you list are still essentially developing players who have continued to improve and pretty much all normally fearlessly and relentlessly attack the contest, hunting the ball and the opposition and take on the gamr in a manner that our game plan/style which has been so successful over the previous four weeks demands.

    I'm quite prepared to put this game down to 3 X 6 day breaks, No Watts, Garlett, Jones (& Pactically Viney) and comming up against the other form side in the comp who are at close to peak fittness/personal.  Even then, we hardly discraced ourselves.  If next week's game is a disaster, the things would look more ominous for some, but let's wait and see there, so far this year we have been pretty good at backing up after a loss.

    AFL Scheduling has put us in this position, find me a club that has this grueling draw disgrace I hope Ox, KB and all the media identities jump all over this because this was not a fair representation of the body of work we have produced this year. What Gets me is they put us up against a well rested and experienced outfit not even sydney could cope with one 6 day break against Essendon but its ok that Melbourne have three 6 day breaks in a row this can not be allowed to happen again. Shame on the AFL have destroyed our top 4 hopes and hanging on to top 8 by a thread.

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  5. On 6/21/2017 at 5:47 PM, Chelly said:

    The list is getting longer and some players seem to be going backwards. Jesse Hogan has gone from 426 to indefinite (not sure what that means) and Lochie Filipovic is out to 3 weeks.

    And Big Max ... he's back!!!

    Melbourne injury list: round 14

    Angus Brayshaw (concussion) – indefinite
    Lochie Filipovic (hip flexor) – 3 weeks
    Col Garland (knee) – season
    Max Gawn (hamstring) – available
    Jesse Hogan (testicular cancer) – indefinite
    Jayden Hunt (shoulder) – available
    Neville Jetta (ankle) – available
    Nathan Jones (quadriceps) – 4-6 weeks
    Pat McKenna (hamstring) – 6-8 weeks
    Joel Smith (shoulder) – 2 weeks
    Tim Smith (navicular bone) – season
    Aaron vandenBerg (heel) – season
    Jack Watts (hamstring tightness) – test

    They don't even update the injury list waste of time looking at it, just get the info from Goody or Misso.

  6. 2 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    Agreed. And the tone of the articles seems to be "can you believe it?" or "2017 is so unpredictable that even Melbourne [the most defective team of the past 300 years] might even play finals......"

    I remember only too well those that pilloried us for years. Yes we were poor and our admin was a rabble but we are on our way now. And our team on the weekend was full of players that were taken at low draft picks that have been developed.

    I would rather be feared or depised than have sympathy from those media cretins.



    I too remember all to well.

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