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Posts posted by YesitwasaWin4theAges


    That would leave his arms completely free to handball off to a teammate.  He can't handball when doing a fend off. Grab his hand and pull forward to put him off balence would be my suggestion

    yeah he can just spin off and run and carry more and pin point some one though.

    Cant do that when you get speared its a rushed handball.

    Cant believe no one has worked it out yet.


    Why is Dusty given free reign with his arm-blocking tactics when it is barred as a strategy in ruck contests (Big Maxy). Why doesn't our club, any club - employ some martial arts dude to teach players to grab Dusty's wrist and draw him forward so he  loses balance. Really embarassing watching his triple fend off last night. Take away the don't argue and dusty is just another player.

    If they actually tried to spear tackle his hips instead of his chest region they might actually stop him from having all the time in the world.

  3. 12 hours ago, Coldy21 said:

    Im sorry to Jones for saying this because hes been a warrior for the club but i dont think hes the best captain. I remember watching a video of him a few years ago:


    He seems unnatural and just plain annoying to be honest. The way he tries to motivate the players i think is more suited to a boxing gym than a footy team. When youre training to fight a one on one battle its good to be screamed at and get angry but not when youre playing a team sport. I just feel the way he goes about it is creating disharmony in the team.

    Everyone keeps blaming coach after coach but maybe its not the coaches when we have the same problem through multiple coaches?

    We always drop off dramatically without Viney and obviously he adds to the team with his skills but i think its a lot more than that that he offers. I think its the way he motivates the players in a slightly different way to Jones thats the biggest difference.

    Obviously Jones is a great player but i dont think he should be captain. I think hes just a bit too tough and tries a bit too hard. Leadership isnt natural to him and despite the effort hes put into the captaincy hes still not natural which has a negative effect on the whole team.


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  4. We've been worked out big style. We have limited pace on the outside of the contest, we are getting murdered on the outside, we have no one with pace on the outside of the contest, that's it in a nutshell.

    Once other teams break even at the contest or start sharking gawny we are [censored] coz we are so [censored] down back.

    As soon as the break from a stoppage situation they go long and find their targets with consummate ease. 

    We have a dysfunctional forward line just playing on a whim, no cohesion what so ever, non existant backline who give up goals like a KrispyCreme bakery Give away.

    We are like a 24 hour [censored] house open to anyone and everyone to come and do as they please.

    These are dark times.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, Age said:

    I don’t agree. Drugs make you feel good. Following melbourne has never made me feel good. 

    Im no drug taker but you would think they would have you sitting on top of the world.

    You know what gets me, Is that the team we played tonight 12 months ago were our equal and since then have absolutely blown us away and showen us we are scared and clueless, FML.

  6. Something fishy is going on out our football club and i want f [censored] answers!!!!!!!

    coaches leaving the box, rumours of unrest who's doing this whos doing that this is [censored] weak.

  7. Just now, Ethan Tremblay said:

    We are dumb, just dumb. 

    punching it straight down the middle f me, defence 101 punch it to the boundary line, 3 flying in to kill contest do you think they do? nah let Riewolt take an easy mark [censored] terrible.

  8. We get sucked into the contest like seagulls and their is always tigers waiting for easy clearances it is really dumb football in slippery conditions 

    What is with the continuous dependance on playing down the members wing [censored] me drunk.

    We are clueless a mess.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, TGR said:
    2 hours ago, TGR said:

    For those supporters that critique the kicking skills of Hunt (and Viney); thank Jesus that they weren't Richmond's Chairman of Selectors in 2017.  Guess what?  The premiership team had the worst kicking efficiency in the AFL in 2017.

    Give me Hunt with his speed and line-breaking ability, who may miss the odd target; over concrete legs, who gets relatively easy ball as a +1 and goes the safe option short and sideways.




    I agree with you 100% TGR, I've been spewing they dropped Hunty, only player with run and dare.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    I would be there in a flash if i was in Melbourne. 

    To the young Anzacs who were sent to slaughter by Tea drinking English command, You are not forgotten. 

    That includes bloodline family who were still teenagers. 

    The Flame ? burns eternal

    To Demon Supporters i say go to this one. 

    Be a part of the energy that makes Anzac Day


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