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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Come on can someone find out why the hell all the other clubs get money to do what they want??? Geelong, and all other Vic clubs have been given money twice over, whilst we have been left the crumbs🤬
  2. Would have been nice to go to the match this weekend and show our Kozzie some love😔 just to let him know he is very much loved player at our club.
  3. We need to stamp this c#* out! I just watched the doco with Nicky Winmar it was heart breaking to see the pain in their faces, when speaking of the hurt they have gone through. If you go through life with such hate, then you are missing out on so much more.
  4. His been great for a first year player, looks right at home 😁
  5. Lets enjoy this boys and girls😊
  6. The AFL needs to look into these cheating umps
  7. Congrats Nibbler on reaching 100 games, with the mighty Dee's🤗
  8. AFL web-site says Schache has done his ankle
  9. What about the one with May in the practice games, when we played the Lions, one of their players run straight into May, when he was just standing there, with his arms crossed?
  10. Because it's a Melbourne player, the AFL will give him life.
  11. Lets hope Mr, Squiggle is on the money?
  12. Thank you, looking forward to seeing what's next?
  13. Sounds good, when will we know more?
  14. Is there any room to allow for a bigger ground??
  15. Ohhh, was hopping for one ?
  16. So is there any news yet?
  17. hope we are able to get our own social club????
  18. Yes, sadly what you say true, people with depression can learn to hide the pain, and for some sadly they want to end their lives. I was diagnosed with major depression back in 2007, it sucks, some days are better then others, but i have the best doctor any one could ask for, been there for me in some very dark times, so i am very appreciative having such a great doctor. I'm just glad Majak is at our club, as he can have great support, be through other players, to medical assistants, when needed. I know things can change in a heart beat, he will have ups and downs, and i just hope he is going to be reach out if he needs help. It is just great to see Majak even able to run out and be able to play footy and AFL footy, after what he has been through, is great. Depression is hard, and each person is differn't, and my hear breaks every time i hear some has lost their life to this thing. So for the long post.
  19. I don't see how the AFL clubs can be happy with how the VFL is run fulltime? Something needs to done for the future?
  20. You never know, maybe he could still get a game this year? He seems happy at the club, because you always see him with a smile on his face, so it's great to see him enjoying his time at the club. ?
  21. Happy with this one, just hope the lads can get us a win? Go Dee's?
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