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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Son of a gun! Yes pleaseeeeeeee get it done Melbourne.
  2. Go hell for leather all year, and win every game.
  3. Finely some body who understands. Now only if we could convince the AFL?
  4. Wait we have one?
  5. Wow i hope so that would be massive for our club.
  6. Be good if we could?
  7. Be nice but isn't he going to kangas?
  8. Why can't we use our first round pick this year?
  9. And i just ate, now that's gota scare the little children.
  10. So that's what's wrong with my chickens?
  11. Here's another suggestion how about they do their job with out being bias? Where is the duty of care to the players?
  12. Our club has copped for years. Razor ray hates us and after what he said to Trac i hate 100% more. How about they sending them to the seconds for every mistake that's made like they used too? Also what the hell has happened to holding the ball? What bright wit changed that rule?
  13. One my friends that sits with us has one of those umpire radios, and she heard razor ray saying to Trac I'm watching you. Once was bad enough but he said it again to Trac, would be the last player to any thing nasty to any one, so it came as a shock to all of us who were there.
  14. What about JKH to carlton? They wanted him a couple years ago, plus a pick.
  15. He would be a great addition to our young side; however i wouldn't be giving overs for him.
  16. Ok, thanks must have heard wrong.
  17. I thought his girlfriend is from SA and he is a Melbourne boy?
  18. The only thing he said was Nat has been talking about him coming over. Well just have to wait and see, or maybe we could get information out of some ones Grandma?
  19. I think also as players are coming to the end of their playing days, we will need replacements.
  20. Hope it's true? love to little Jonsy at the club.
  21. Both 1:15 and 2:10 are great. Hate 3:20 start it's just a blah time.
  22. Who wiz son or lovett son?
  23. It would be good to know why all grounds are different sizes?
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