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Everything posted by deebug

  1. I think you can swap picks on draft night, not to sure about after the trade?
  2. Just in time to rasie a glass to Ben Brown?
  3. No need to be sorry, i put you on the spot, so thankyou.
  4. Ok thankyou. Do you know how many we can go for this year?
  5. Could work, he did say he is willing to work hard over summer, to shed some weight, so maybe lossing the weight could help him, get back into some form, for 2021?
  6. I am now looking forward to see what we do with the rest of the picks?
  7. Would love a an outside mid, oh well maybe we can find one in the draft?
  8. That's because he was still paying his $600.000 desk off?
  9. Is there a min of picks we have to use in the draft, i could be wrong but i thought all clubs had to use at least 3 picks?
  10. Are you %#&*( kidding me?? How come every other club the the AFL are getting more and more money, to add to their already near new home grounds, and we get donuts???? Pert if you are reading this what about calling the state government to get us a home ground?!?! I am livid, to say the least.?
  11. So then how many picks do we have left for the draft?
  12. Get side show Bob? Phillips, or another out side- mid?
  13. And they will go with it the same time next year?
  14. The Pies were also sucked in by Gundy last year, that deal was madness.
  15. How awkard, having to go back and play under a team who want's to dump you out of the place.
  16. How they were gifted this in the first place, makes me livid. I hope Pert is on the phone to Dan asking about some $$$ for us to start building a home ground?
  17. Could be right, they have shed a few of their players in the last few years, so they have both spots and cash.
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