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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Being big is important, sure. It means dollars and these mean options in a myriad of ways. Our membership is not the problem, despite being conservatively 'average' and well below the achievements (in terms of growth and population) of some other clubs. If we look between the lines, it is clearly evident that we are better off with whatever membership numbers we attract ... simply because of the class, calibre and superb citizenship of those people who could attach themselves to any club but instead, with such high-ranking character and discriminating sociological foundations, select and stick with the sophistication and refinement of the Melbourne Football Club over all others.
  2. He's just winding up the spring that propels him; pressure is his mantra, goals are his delight. Receiving on the outside is where he can change a game.
  3. Yep, the Sainters are due for some good luck, providence and greater success. However, it is difficult to imagine the Saints improving adequately in one season (almost) to play off - and win - a Grand Final. I feel strongly that the Dees will do it again in '22, possibly in a GF against Brisbane. The horizon for the coming season is broad, scattered, lean in terms of depths of talent in general amongst 'other' sides and stewing in an atmosphere of cloudless, untold sky. The Dees, in comparison, represent that great, tall and enduring mountain ash in that distance between the Premiership of '21 and that of the '22 season.
  4. That is simply it: a dual role for small forwards is essential . A third role might be 'getting under the feet' of opposition backs as annoying little blowflies with the intent of destroying their (the opposition's) critical balance, just like Paul Callery used to do.
  5. Very noble of you, Clinto. I'd hope that was the case - at the main thoroughfare. It does seem, to me, to be just a little knee-jerkish and amongst traditionalists, I'd reckon somewhere in the back of phootballing phanatics' minds, umpire abuse (as it were) is par for the course and an entertaining critique, at that; however, the 'new' rule does give the snot-goblins more opportunities to affect the outcomes of games. Let's hope such a 'power' improves games in the very near future, rather than stimulate cynicism, as it has done with me at this early stage. Carna Dees.
  6. Do you reckon that the brown paper bag syndrome made its re-appearance last night? This is an extraordinary count of critical goal opportunities provided to Carlton at the micro-second drop of the hanky. The status of umpires has fallen, albeit affecting games and games outcomes for some years (perhaps reaching a boiling point); this new 'whistle-controlled modification of player intellectual discontent with rule applications' will serve no purpose other than to further confuse, irritate and degrade the players whilst simultaneously further plunging an umpiring fraternity into the very shallow depths of a wading pool wherein they have the immense bad fortune to drown - in increasing numbers - whilst standing on two feet.
  7. There is something very comforting about this, 'Faulty. It seems like a whole new 'history' in construction; it seems as though the impetus of the 2021 season is swelling and each piece of the jigsaw puzzle we touch fits perfectly into the whole, first time. Carna Dees!
  8. No-one (going back to the Carlscum teams of the 90s) is playing footy anymore. Footy history is littered with episodic teams that surprised, suddenly, in a game or two to pull off a surprising dominance to win with - and displaying - unexpected 'no-form' characteristics. By golly, the Mighty Dees did that a few times, too, across decades (as we all know) but against the Carlscum froth and bubble this week, there just ain't going to be any problem; the Dees will anihilate them. We have spirit, we have composure, we have better players and teamwork, we have earned attitude that will last; we also have Yze to call the shots and mesmerise with stunning effect - no matter who we play against. I actually agree with you, JD; we have the 'greasers' covered.
  9. I'd like to think otherwise but according to my father (deceased), Fanning had it over all of the greats ... he included Ablett senior in that list of 'nearly as goods'. But these assessments are always going to occur - to confuse us - particularly when talking of the past in comparison to the present. In my lifetime, Hardeman was deemed my best backman, ever, for example.
  10. Fully agree about Alves being in the top ten. It was a dark era, but the fans went to watch him first, and then the team. So many skills, such a competitive runner - the best 'blind-turner' one could ever wish to see that produced more ground distance than our whole forward attack. Stunning kick, great speed, beautifully graceful and evasive. Almost never beaten by an opponent or the 'bash squads' that other coaches sent to him to nullify his impact.
  11. Going to be exceptionally interesting how pre-season preparations are going to pan out - and what tremendous depth the listings currently offer us as a team to drool over and over until the season proper evolves and settles into a 'routine' line-up. I retain a hope that JSmith will go forward and that Tomlinson - for a variety of reasons - will return to the wing so that the adaptive Brayshaw talent can be mid-fielded once again. Our bench, week to week, is going to be the most impressive in the competition; overall, I'd like to see the GF line-up returned to start the season but there are now alternative opportunities in player rotation that are truly lethal for any of the opposition teams to combat. We really do have the full-board arsenal to tailor our team to the strengths of all opposition sides on a fixture by fixture basis. Carna Far Ken Demons!
  12. Weid is confused by the word 'clunk' . Before you can clunk 'em, ya gotta be in position or moving to a better position, preferably just about alone.
  13. Always remembered; one of the fastest improving footballers we ever had, as well.
  14. Well, I received the book - Gawny's book - for an Xmas present. Glancing at it, I read the first two chapters. This guy has his head screwed on and astutely laid out the pathway to Team success. Loving the book, it will be finished in an hour - but doesn't it make you appreciate Max just that little bit more? He has got to be the most appreciated footballer going around the whole AFL.
  15. Nearly correct ... this time next week we will have three consecutive thrashings of the Poms - and this time at the 'G - to delight us even further than this commercial Xmas aborration and the sheer gleeful wonder of taking out the flag in the GF (and there is the very good chance the we will anihilate The Filth across the year.
  16. We, the ones who cannot get there to any training session, are highly indebted to you, PF. Training is as interesting to us a being at a 'reserves' game of the past but moving into the 'here and now', represents a vital cog in the wheels of performance and player/team readiness.
  17. You are probably correct. However, playing with champions - under the tutelage of champion coaching around our Club - may make all the difference with this young fella.
  18. It really is exciting for Club fans, Wells 11 (who could forget the bloke who wore that jumper?), with so much talent held in abeyance, as you indicate. I would think any of these ready players have the abilities needed to take us to another flag in the coming season and with some strategic insertion we will definitely be a frighteningly capable opponent, not just the best team.
  19. There's more to come from this one, I suspect. He's had his down time with injury; now he can let loose a bit and show his skills one would hope.
  20. Let us hope so for the near and longer-term future. I am still amazed by the performances, this year, of all of our players - but in particular, around half a dozen players that produced League-best efforts and teamwork.
  21. Seriously brilliant skills and evasion; perfectly screened/protected at the kick point; courageous decision-making on his part. We may be likely to see similar from Bowey in the coming season? That kicking accuracy - destined for goal opportunities or forward passes.
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