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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Brilliant! As the pitchfork casualties grow, so should this graphic.
  2. There seems to be a sniff of prejudice emerging about the Demons this year...stuff 'em.
  3. I wonder about the responses and possible criticisms. May knows what he is doing, I'd say. Tomlinson, in my mind this week, was bloody good last week - almost a complete turnaround in many ways and for that cumulative effort over the pre-season, demands respect.
  4. That is true, and can be countered with our mobile backs teaming - as there really are only two Lions concerned on most occasions, and they will cross-feed one another to get to that offensive launching. These are critical seconds in a flowing match that we should be able to intercept/disrupt/use as our own springboard. Given our current aerobic fitness, far superior to that of Brizzy it seems, we may well run 'em off their feet by the end of the third quarter!
  5. Speed Chandler up over the next few weeks and we have another Kozzie (almost - marking excluded).
  6. Reckon Melk would be OK if he gets a few runs and starts getting noticed by the umpires. But there are several who could cover him - just a matter of who does what on the night.
  7. Poor OLD Geelong. Zip. Too old. Not good enough, after all, it was only Carlscum.
  8. In addition to a plethora of 'father-and-sons' recruiting to come for the Mighty Dees, this one is a 'must get' and perhaps, the most talented of all. Should he join the Dees, consider the learning curve that he will enjoy to emulate the skills and career of his Dad, and the related values to the team. He has so many attributes that his development is already in train so let's accelerate that potential.
  9. That was last time. Now, we can apply a multi-functional opposition on Cameron, overcoming his every innovation and hopeful success across the whole game. That is depth!
  10. As a 'sub', Joel Smith could also be part of this rotational plan - athletic, taller, physically more powerful, just as fast. Cameron is going to be confused, shut down by multiple opponents, sore and desperate to the point of becoming disoriented and 'un-cool', and thus losing the plot. :-)
  11. It is noticeable, though, that Gus is human and can make odd mistakes from time to time; however, he does amend these errors in quick time and within this process, also creates (as necessary) improved plays and significant controls over the positive progress of the ball in the Demons' favour. Mr Fixit!
  12. I agree. I'd reckon the Melk would be an excellent choice for the strategic 'Super-sub' based on his skills, adaptability and impacts (when needed most).
  13. We certainly do not need misinformation. Bending the truth causes recurrences, so suspect information must not be tolerated.
  14. Ever since he started at AFL level, everyone has been expecting more!
  15. Petty will rebound, big time. Two young blokes either side will support him better than in the game against the Doggies.
  16. Over-rated, yes. If Judd succeeds (and there is no reason at this point why he would not beat Cameron on the day), imagine what it would do for his confidence and role expansion across the half-back line - tag-teaming with what Lever so capably offers, harking to May's instructions, merging with the midfielders by foot and hand in creative plays, etc, etc. If he is succeeding in Round 2 against Cameron, that will greatly upset the expectations of half of the Brisbane team and Cameron, often a disgruntled hot-head, will be pithed orf, lose focus and concentration and remain - for the rest of the game - a sulky hamstring to the rest of his team. This has happened many times with close checking from opponents.
  17. I think we all noticed that element of umpiring - silent assistance - across the whole game. I think most Dees' fans are now desensitized to this happening so often as other issues of umpire performance become more pressing.
  18. After years of waiting ... .... ..... ..... I was lucky enough to get my MCC membership. Kept it for two years - then left. Why? Every game I attended in the Members' Stand was almost devoid of MFC fans/members; instead, the place was packed with opposition supporters (and none were recognisable in the intervening cricket season - they just did not have an interest in cricket). I guess the AFL members stand has the same indifference built into its status projections.
  19. I think your inclusion of Jordan in the imperatives of moving forward with increasing talent and game time is most appropriate. That young fella has heaps to offer and is more than capable of raising eyebrows onfield. He is one of the few with whom increasing game time and workloads are critical.
  20. Goody should simply sit all the current players down in the theatrette and replay all of the past onfield highlights of Brian Wilson as an exemplar of his footballing greatness - and what it means to be a Demon. It might prove to be a significant learning exercise - and a rallying one, at that.
  21. He made hating the Filth a quite reasonable proposition. He did so by adopting and challenging the Dees' experiences and silent tolerances in the 50s and 60s against the Filth and the subsequent intolerance of Filthy Privilege when it came to favourite sons of the VFL administration (in those days). He was a great role model for younger players and a fantastic team mate for all associated with what had become a significantly weakened side. If he were playing today, he's the type of talented mongrel we should sign up - highly motivating in all aspects of the game was our Brian.
  22. Great footy player, one of the best, one of the cheekiest, hit 'em hard with focus on the ball, attitudinally perfect. Very little other than the unsuspecting 'bash' could stop Brian Wilson, Esq.
  23. Harmes was quieter around the game against the Bulldogs; however, did work hard across the game and executed several signature moves to quell the Dogs' shorter distribution roles, plus he would have benefitted from the run, detecting new avenues in the forward line now that the season is underway. He is a very good tagger with wide experience in this role who can adapt to many opponents in the process of game-wide shut downs - but one of his highly valuable skills is his sighting and delivery of very good, longer-range passing into the forward line or when within the forward line itself, passing to deep forwards who have decided to mobilise into space to receive. He also teams well with Langdon - and hopefully can do the same with Hunter, as well. Brisbane have some key forwards, well-fed from their midfield. Harmes is strong at shutting down individuals such as these and this allows our own midfielders to turn the tables within congested central regions. Harmes blocks creating many opportunities for our midfield afficionados - and we have the best in the whole comp - so overall, I'd elect to keep him in the game because of these attributes to our 'B. B, b, b!
  24. Gus is our longer-term Mr Fixit, gets us going straight again and makes our receivers get mobile and create their own opportunities both in shutting-down opponents and in receiving upfield, that generates our scoring successes.
  25. Predictable excitements still abound; really waiting for that componentry to blend on the field - now that there appears to be some consistent and soul-destroying intent amongst the Demons' players who are prepared to fight back and then take the game away, including the first-half freshness of many opposition players. In this assessment, I am thinking, for example, of the re-bounding against the Doggies last night and then, actually realising what a step forward from this point is going to look like: May, Fritta, Viney, Hibberd, Salem coming into the bludgeoning Demons team, underpinned by the Super-sub in the Melk for cameos, JVR and two particular young talents in the backline (Judd and Disco) pressing for blood, including the vast improvements, capabilities and intents of Sparrow and Rivers. We actually have some mongrel pulsating across and underneath our entire lines of intent. Our only limitation may be the AFL itself and the umpires, and the MRC. Stuff 'em.
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