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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. If you think, so therefore you are, then consider beyond this 3-dimensional existentialism that time travel was discovered simultaneously at different points in history. So therefore you were, might be now and will be in the future, so rejoice in that knowledge.
  2. Most probably will bag 9 goals against us if he gets to play on OMac. No worries...
  3. A very interesting and logical series of discussion points raised here by DeeSpencer. Worthy of thought and reflection - all the way.
  4. Leave Clayton alone ... he will be there whatever the external shell.
  5. There is something in that, Deemented. Never recognised it before but you are definitely correct. Maybe is a 'readiness' thing brought on by training with Port - aligned to mental acuity in order to understand the purpose of the game? Could be wrong but he looks comfortable....
  6. Yep, was interested in his tracking with the team and possible contribution. He is fairly and highly recommended as a mid-tall and mobile utility. Great photo....
  7. Petty has that look about him, and a very good vertical leap. Note the hand proximity at a full stretch. If he had a back and shoulders to ride - could be awesome. Nice photo.
  8. Viney will be fine, for Round 1 following a successful pre=season. My concern might be that he may not see the next season through to be plagued by such injuries in the longer-term. Viney, himself, almost dictated his return and this may well be the cause of any unanticipated delays or interruptions to his 'normal' season - yet he is, at the same time - largely invincible. Best wishes, Jay.
  9. Sniff, sniff ... another Essendon something or other? Sniff, does it stink? Thompson, Salmon, Madden, monetary profiteering, what else?
  10. This is an very important and troubling issue. We need some explanations, surely?
  11. Grinter certainly applied himself and his consequences to the game outcomes. He was an enigma for the team and for all opponents. With great skills, mobility, excellent run and kicking 'to position' or up the ground, he redeemed himself for his aggressive style many times. But aggression was only a small part - it really was 'drive' and 'driven' was a mantra that Grinter exuded. Bugsy is a different player, a different athlete to Grinter but displays some characteristics of Grinter's drive and enthusiasm. This can do no harm to the team at all if the 'stupid' behaviours are controlled. There is no reason to suggest that these are not under control at this point. He trains hard and shows contrition for what occurred as a 'rush of blood' last season. We need him.
  12. Really interesting points and both make a good deal of sense, Lord Byron. C'mon Bugsy! He creates interesting spaces and delayed reactions in his opponents when in touch. With those kicking improvements already mentioned on this site, both in the field and in set shots, he may well be one of our power play instigators. Wouldn't it be exciting?
  13. Yes, Time and Saty. It was the case - drop in form at that point and non-qualification to play for Casey. Still, given the result of that season, I hope he had a good rest, kept the faith and it seems, used the time profitably to prepare for a very big 2018. Carna Dees!
  14. It does stick in the back of the mind...taking the reckless advantage option too far for most peoples' liking. Good indicators have been the movement of previous Essendon players to other clubs.
  15. I'd thought of that, so thanks for the reminder...I like his height from the ground when he goes in for a clearing punch from behind but he can also do this from either side of a forward. Pace to burn, body mass improving all the time, elevation, spring, reads to play well, intrepid by nature, close-checking, good kick. Got most of what is needed and certainly, better than OMac.
  16. That man Frosty is looking totally awesome ... he has pace, muscle and no-one would like to run into him! Very exciting for the new season. I'd reckon that Frosty might make a good fullback given a bit of confidence.
  17. That disturbs me, as I have been a fan of Kent in the couple of years he has been around. Onfield, I saw great similarities between Kent and Hassa Mann, particularly on the flanks. I'd hope that Dean can improve this observed aspect to become as competitive as possible. We could do with another 'Hassa'.
  18. I seemed to have received ( in the membership pack ) nearly all of what could be regarded as the 'full kaboodle', as did my wife. These few extra scarves will be good to hand out to others in the extended family who currently do not own one - as nothing is wrong, faded or farnarkled to warrant a replacement of previous largesse from the Club that assists with neck warming at the 'G. At the Club's membership department, I guess that different people do different things on different days and hence, in my case, Vive la Difference!
  19. I'd play him, often. Like his endeavour and second efforts. However, I am not the coach. He seems capable of kicking more accurately at times; certainly, he plays off to teammates very well. Importantly, he gets the ball. Just an opinion, not a dictate from the Almighty.
  20. Bewdy, Buggy. A worthy effort. Things turning corners?
  21. Watson must return the Brownlow for re-awarding to a more meritorious player that did not take performance-enhancing drugs. Watson, like all others of the affected Essendon players knew he (and they were) was taking such illicit substances as professional sportsmen and this was encouraged and endorsed by Hird at the helm. The AFL would be highly remiss if it did not impose sanctions, as appropriate, to those at Essendon who were identified as using performance-enhancing substances; in fact, there must also be sanctions against Essendon receiving 'sympathy' draft or recruiting rights because of this massive transgression. Courts and international authorities do not get these assessments wrong.
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