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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. This fact will be a big feature of the game because it is a blockbuster. The throng that is better known as 'The Filth' will be given many opportunities to stay in the game, to score inside their 50m and to be compensated for the rough treatment dished out by the vicious, fortress-like Demon defenders. On a positive note, the Dees will win easily when this umpire charity becomes ridiculously obvious (usually after the first goal to our opposition in the third quarter). Seen it all before, haven't we?
  2. As an aside to this, the umpires are realising - ever so slowly - that where they have penalised him for 'incorrect disposal' (ie: throwing the ball, not handballing) in the past was entirely wrong and ridiculously, it only took two years for them to use slow-mo clips to actually see how fast he was handballing, not throwing. I knickname him ' The Wall ' because ball hit wall - ball bounces off wall. In that split second between his possession of the ball and its legal despatch, a full handball has been executed with accuracy and limited loss of momentum. How unfair for poor old Filth, Carlscum, Essendrug, Whoreform and the rest of less gifted.
  3. I would love to see Cam play in a winning Grand Final. He is that type of a bloke.
  4. We cannot lose. We must win. If we lose, we get the gate receipts. The Filth get nuffin.
  5. Precisely, it is a very hard call. Pedo, Frosty, JoelS, Wagner, the bloody works. If these players are all fit, it's Frosty and Wagner, with Pedo on the bench against the Filth, without further change. Rotations will be keys to success. Let us not be intimidated by the Filth and play our game.
  6. Can't put my finger on it, but there are many things that I really like about this team proposal. It does look awesome; a prodigal effort in selection with the balance of sheer talent on show. Well done.
  7. Poor old Filth supporters, they are misunderstood. They buy a newspaper because it is a 'news pictorial', not for the words, the journalism, the current affairs and news items at the broader spectrum of national communications. Slobbo's team selection is an example of what Eddie needs to support his fellatious Brownlow dogma and therein lies a message itself; the 'Herald-Sun' is the most likely source of pictures that might communicate in a limited way for Eddie to get his otherwise meaningless message through and for the Filth followers, any message that Saint Eddie espouses repesents their daily dose of vomitus they so needfully crave.
  8. Then again, despite his enormous talents and occasional application thereof, Colin had more that the 'normal' training footballer and lifestyle - and decision-making - to contend with against the more highly committed that we see in most others, and these combined factors did little to bring him to the potential and longevity that might otherwise have taken place.
  9. An expression of interest over a longer time is healthy recruiting when availability is not current. Heard about this fella; it seems like he is a pretty tasty recruit and one whom we should watch for, as long as it takes. We are always going to need good disposers of the football from those with reputations of 'outside running'.
  10. He works very hard against multiple injuries and forced lay-offs to give his best, time and again. For his effectiveness across his career at MFC he would be the most underrated talent we have had for years yet kept working on his game and its improvements for the success of the MFC. His talents are only latently obvious; yet, his game has been first class for years; our best interceptor through the bleak recent history of our Club. Highly respected for these ethics.
  11. Sidebottom will enjoy a weekend with Bernie. Without doubt, Bernie would just love to contain Sidebottom using his tricks of the trade and I hope that this eventuates. It is up to the rest of the team to limit the options that Sidebottom regularly finds; a close quarters game from the Dees should enable that to take place.
  12. Ain't she pretty? Soulful eyes, elite posture and bearing, well-tempered personality and just huggable?
  13. Hey, Daisycutter, where did you get that photograph of my mother-in-law?
  14. Be fair, Dockett, Collingwood did not have that many to go to war relative to some other clubs and their representation in the ANZAC tradition is punching above their weight; their numbers may have been down in terms of airmen, seamen and soldiers, but that is only because of their two historical disadvantages: 1. They are too stupid to follow and apply tactics, strategies and to make effective decisions in a crisis, let alone exercise common sense in all other arenas of harmonious life and community, war and peace, local or national crises; and 2. They cannot take instructions from others, linked closely to their inability sustain constant thought processes for over 5 minutes. There is little in O Group briefings that they can understand (namely orders) or interpret and the use of innovation and self-evaluation are beyond them. Their subsequent inability to read and write is of limited value to the dissemination of grouped ideas and intentions. In a revision of your fairness, Dockett, you must give Collingwood credit for their contribution to the war effort overall. Someone had to stay behind to clean the dunnies, make bullets in factories, sweep the streets and sew buttons on uniforms.
  15. First cab off the rank in terms of football maxims: The Melb FC was the initiator of the game. Second cab off the rank in terms of football maxims: It is so easy to forget by other teams and the former VFL, and now the AFL: The MCG is the home of the Melbourne Football Club and has been for just under 150 years! Suck that one, Filth! Some of us never forget that fact whenever in our lifetime we enter the hallowed stadium and have remembered for years, and years, and years.
  16. PHantastique! Onyer, Tom. Backbone of the Club.
  17. We would have to listen to the Master, Roos, when it comes to a defensive set-up and logically, he is correct in this.
  18. Another good point, Redleg; another one in an array of many.
  19. This is realistic; it is the blocking that is really important to slow or prevent the Filth progressing through the midline. The intercept / clearing role can be capably performed by Hibberd (without disruption to the set-up in defence) and the few crumbers/halfbackflks and midfielders with fallbacks to Lewis and Vince where steerage is going to be needed. Wagner, to me, is one who is capable and strong enough to provide support clearances in tandem with Frost and Hibberd, in the first instance.
  20. Correct, he has overdone the bleeding heart routine - poor Collingwood - with the AFL and with the public to extract unfair advantages over many years; his media links have inflated his ego beyond his capabilities and still he presses onward with tasteless advantage-seeking. He would argue and so would the Collingwood FC that he, as President, is doing all in his power for the benefit of the Club, however, when taking a good deal from his media profile to enable this 'caring steerage', he and the Collingwood FC are giving little back to the AFL and idts representation on behalf of all other clubs in the League, let alone the non-Collingwood supporting general public across Australia.
  21. It really is nice to have choices, as indicated strongly by Viney this week. Each of us is nominating a player or two, a role or two, with good reasons and discounting some/others for reasons that may well be vaild on the observational surface at this point. Hard decisions in reality; but the choices should go down to experience in large part - players used to the level and many of their proposed opponents. These are the players that may well have the best potential to put in a 'blinder' of a game against the Filth. No matter what we must beat the Filth - it is an expectation held for a century; it is an expectational demand since the last game, last year. If proposed nominees to fill the gaps and effectively fight the Filth's running brigade are moderately even in most regards, experience and training/play familiarity are two paramount considerations for this round. Killer WeedSmiths are all in Harms' way if Waggy Frosts are available.
  22. Will Pedersen be OK to play after his concussion last w/end? I am guessing that he will not be ready to play.
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