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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. I am not too sure that Buddy communicates the strategies too well. He is more interested in his own statistics and purpose.
  2. You betcha - his thought can be contagious.
  3. That is the young person that I am waiting to see join the Dees. At his current age, I don't expect him to be a champion amongst his peers or those slightly ahead of him in the maturation stakes; however, when he is ready, if he has half of the talent that his 'old man' had, then he will be an absolute champion. His dad has, on several occasions, hinted/no, demanded, that he will be a Demon. It may well prove to be a 'second coming' although that would be unfair to anticipate just that little bit too much of him. A very warm welcome when it happens is all we can offer under these circumstances. Gosh, I am still thinking that it would be a wonderful acquisition in the future.
  4. With a training record like Buddy's, one twist and you're permanently knackered.
  5. Yes, a donation, that is true.
  6. Didn't Motorola close its doors recently due to a sudden downturn in any customer support? LOL...
  7. So what of the membership for the following year if the type of success that was initially estimated does not materialise?
  8. Too right, inflationary demands do no-one no good. Kick 80+ goals a year would be a sign of consistency, earning a happily transferred pay cheque.
  9. Re-signature would be automated with that performance improvement. Also of benefit to him would be a more realistic chance of improved payments for such a contribution - rather than a promise that has lasted for years, not fully detected.
  10. All reasonable, admittedly. Trying to play the Devil's Advocate, a little, as I myself regard 1-2 games - albeit finals - of good performance yet still cameo performance, as not quite enough given the home-and-away games in which he played yet we lost due to a lack of firepower and continued initiative. If he re-signs and improves reliability, performances and contribution, I'd be happy to have him on-board, still.
  11. These clubs' needs are a reality. I ask myself, when considering re-contracting the Weed, after the current period of 3-4 years how much has he improved, how great is his contribution, can I wait (can the Club wait) another 3-4 years for the mushroom to swell, grow and open up; what does he offer that another young gun sourced elsewhere might not offer in the same timeframes? He has served an apprenticeship at the MFC, is stuck in Year 3 of that development and his loss from the Team for any reason - in reality - is nothing profound as his contribution is quite low for a week-by-week contributor. He'd turn a profit on transfer from the MFC ... and along comes another but slightly different Hogan that we cannot obtain...
  12. Yes, it is realism and recognised to the full meaning of the term. This is not negativism, at all. Positive fluctuations do occur and produce hope and groundswell. It is cyclical, enduring and in itself, quite satisfying without the hype of the masses. BB does a fine job expressing the truth and the interpretation, separately and tempers collective anxieties as these may occur. I'd consider his record as balanced and mature. It certainly does not lack 'faith or vision'. Such summations are themselves immature and ill-founded so ask yourself: 'How much more do I need to know and experience to enrich my actual knowledge?'
  13. Melk is a space man; put ball in space and Melk will goal.
  14. Sensible summation. Realism is an anathema to the ardent sometimes. If we keep OMac as a KPD then we are assured of losing potential members - who wants to see a footballer leak?
  15. Very handy was our Frosty, working on one of the best thinkers in the game and contrary to some opinion, executed it all with aplomb due to his own clear thought resourcefulness. Without the standardised 'panic' down back (who's going to back up for OMac this time and clear the ball from the hot zones because Oscar never will), Frosty is going to be a huge asset and clearance machine and if OMac gets three years to improve/master his craft just as the same tolerance works for the Weed up the other end, then it is only fair for Frosty to have the same orientation time to these roles. Beating Buddy twice in a row is highly commendable. Onyer, Big Ears!
  16. He appears to be very relaxed, possessing a surety about what is about to happen, what he needs to do for positive benefit to his team, and then finding a way to make that contribution. The frequency of this routine is quite complimentary. His kicking does let him down at times but on the short clearances to teammates, he is very sound. He'd be good in our backline - very good - assisting to relieve the panic that occurs on every deep backline entry. He also appears to be supremely athletic and completes some great 'break free' exhibitions.
  17. Noted. Star-struck. Sensationalism fed and anticipated. Didn't happen in the end. Sorry Bruce. So often it made for 'exciting' commentary but not this time,
  18. Lewis in hbflank, OMac out, in Keilty/Petty. Preuss in. Maybe retain Stretch for clearances.
  19. Nicely posited - calling a spade a bloody useless spade - he is not a good inclusion for our team. As finally noticed last week, we are a better team and far more potent/resisting/rebounding/resourceful without OMac. Put in a younger and mobile player with skills and endeavour to blend with the rest of the backline.
  20. Sharking is their key to forward clearances, and the Saints are good at it this year. For them, the alternative is to be knocked out of the way by our midfielders, so I would expect two of their players will be roving to Gawn, and three on the outside from there. If we can 'bullock' them then there might be resistance and drive against them so Viney and Clarrie must expect a tough game.
  21. ...and OMac replaced with someone hungry...
  22. Gotta be OMac for Petty, Keilty, anyone else?
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