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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. In reality, the 'fix' may not be as great nor widespread as we might imagine. Independence in a thorough review must not have been situated - so that analyses that may occur have no biases from either internal or external sources. A review conducted under dispositions is not a review - and it will fail in its purpose if so undertaken. Looking into the cupboard for spring cleaning is, however, essential for the MFC to ensure that there are limited 'rainy-day' dependencies.
  2. No from me, too. Outside run, small forwards, and Langton. Nice mix - after a smashing pre-season of skills, fitness and variation in the game 'plans' - and I do mean these to be plural.
  3. That is an interesting and very possible circumstance with such strengths in the recruitment qualities.
  4. Ingerson was something very special - his defensive reliability was tremendously valuable, with possessions taken by hook or by crook establishing a 'wall' of intent on the backline.
  5. Absolutely, and it will be an enormous lift for the whole team: reliable defence, committed attack at the ball, solid interceptions, launching-pad for rebounds and setting examples for the rest of the football field.
  6. Just has the be the chase-down of the century, or very close to such. His pace for this type of football is unique and really effective. Such a clean despatch of the fast Eagle - almost sad if Frost's workrate was not so exceptionally good - and a very clear example of why Frosty is a very useful, and wanted, player for the Dees. Furlongs ahead, as mentioned by a poster, earlier.
  7. Get Frosty on the 'permanently required' list immediately!
  8. The Club, overwhelmingly made up of Members, does learn a heap, year after year, game after game, of just how badly the team, the FD, the administration and its hangers-on perform as if these structures actually do not care. The players - under a constant pressure to 'rally' and move across the changing aspirations (or lack thereof) of a series of short-term procrastinators placed to supervise their 'development' and 'competitiveness' - do remarkably well in their demonstrated tolerance and hope of short-term 'turn-arounds' yet before they know it, their careers as footballers are over. Only Roos provided relief - albeit too short but the improvements and readiness factors were noticeable. The Club across the board requires hard-headed determination alongside exacting performance criteria; and, if those accepting responsibility do not meet the Members' expectations across the medium-term, then they are to be rapidly terminated. There is a missing link between footballing success and footballing preparation. Just because such a link is not easily defined, it is also not to be ignored or under-achieved. Sack 'em, move on until what 'it' takes occurs.
  9. Widen your horizons, 'coz two disagreed summations ain't enough the substantiate the post. Olisik puts in multiple points of sound, alternative thought quite regularly, proving to be most interesting and often creatively abstract, for a change.
  10. Sounds like an automatic cull, to me. What do people think about him and his retention?
  11. How do we get to read this article? I keep getting 'generator' tabs but the document does not load.
  12. Yes, numbers at the contest; free-up the outside spaces for the opposition to clear. The number of times this season that we have seen this occur - with up to four Demon players on top of the player - who had the ball and tapped the ball out to space - all leaving their direct opponents. Worse still, Key Position Demons running into this melee to assist a static moment. Then Viney and Jones: grab the ball, stick it into your stomach, fall over onto the ball, wiggle your legs until there is a ball-up from the umpire. Two players out of the game for critical seconds. Sheet!
  13. I was surprised, not by the effort but by the scoreline until the dying minutes. Some played well; others, very well; most, dog ordinary once again. Max, Fritta and Frosty were my best three - clearly. Other 'reliables' came, went and faded. However, I was pleased with the space-finding of some of our forwards - particularly early in the game. Viney tagged well, putting in his best game for the season, I'd reckon. Happy for Jordan to play a better game and utilise his disposal as the Ranga-Tangas are not a fast side. (We still need Jordan and his knowledge, his mentoring and his ability to transfer the message to others. He'd be a great Coach.) Thankfully, this season is over but its effects will be with us for some time. Patched-up players, and all.
  14. Frosty did well and threatens the opportunities of many opponents.
  15. Ain't it the truth? We comment of interpretation and advantage being mutually and simultaneously handed out to certain teams by the umpires, and being fully denied for other teams - as if the particular rules never existed. This was one of many related efforts to mar the game against North, today. It is all a sham - even though we received at least two such interpreted decisions in our favour - and both of these that I saw were not in front of our goals.
  16. Salem's game has dropped a bit in the last few weeks with many turnovers of his own occurring. He is also not a strong backman, it seems his skills are more dangerous forward.
  17. The north and south foundation for a whole team in 2020.
  18. I feel the same, DOX, but sometimes - regularly in fact - I feel that I am asking too much.
  19. Very interesting and valid concepts. Great examples from other sports, other forms of umpiring.
  20. Nailed it. The changing rules now enable 'interpretations' to creep into game outcomes - as DL posters have stated to death about the performances of the green snot goblins. It leads to 'intentional' variance and advantage; the true tailoring of games, opening up games for the highest income stream potential.
  21. Still, Dee3, we must try to think 'asset' rather than 'upgrade' - our grade is actually pretty low.
  22. If Goodwin could see Ratten coming to the MFC, he'd shake in his boots about his own role, his widespread credibility and record. So, Goody put his finger in the pie and has thus seen and enabled an early firming-up of another (Richardson) whose pedigree is sure to be considered lower than his own at the present moment. Something 'Putinesque' about that strategy, don't you think? Just a thought....
  23. It appears to be putting just another step in the stairwell, down near the bottom. As it is, Goodwin is still just one step above.
  24. Given recent footballing history and the dearth of opportunities for some teams in comparison to others (and MFC does suffer in that dearth), including several other AFL-related issues that now seem endemic, it is not too ridiculous after the games this week to reconsider team mergers. The MFC, Footiscry and the Ranga-Tangers may well make such a solid merger with an emphasis on more lasting competitiveness and endeavour. It appears dead in the water as an item fait accompli, it is extremely unlikely, it is also very appealing to consider such a 3-way aggregation, just the same.
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