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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Merit, indeed! Great location, large enough and capable of stylised development to suit longer-term needs for the MFC.
  2. These three (T, L and Vanders) are seasoned footballers, after all - and how good will it be to bring in the young guns progressively during the early rounds of the season, armour-plating the whole team.
  3. Is is not a reality that our 'home', the MCG, has been taken and Club-filled with other clubs, to the point that suited them to a 'T" at a moment's notice across the last two decades? Is it not, therefore, the responsibility of the AFL to re-locate the fortunate (other clubs) but poor decision-making on behalf of those 'other clubs' prevailed? The AFL - and in part the MCC - have oversighted and approved great disadvantage for all co-tenants at the expense of the MFC? Further, is this not one of the most classic cases of well-overdue compensation yet to be addressed and granted to the MFC? First encroached, then even more continuously, first to be compensated is solution and surely the mantra to be adopted by members.
  4. Yes, well regarded as a footballing coach and mentor. Well regarded to the point of coaching/teaching/supervising at St Kevins College, as you say. It would be great to have him involved in the MFC coaching ranks - perhaps he could straighten out a few kicks at goal, in general field play and teach a few of our current players to 'put in' when the going counts. It was all about team pride, for Rodney.
  5. Onyer, guys! That would be phantastique. In the past, I have hung onto every word from Rodney the Grunter - a man who largely self-sacrificed his footy career to do something about the way the games against the Dees were being implemented to the blind eyes of the white froth holding the whistles.
  6. Can't do it, due to other commitments and I would feel absolutely irresponsible, abjectly disappointed with myself and altogether remiss if I missed this conversation with one of our greats - and certainly, one of my own personal favourites from the footballing fraternity across the years. Is there a way to get this recorded online, for example, to listen at a later time? No.14 - what a footballer!
  7. Bailey was a very entertaining footballer; with selected opponents, he was highly reliable. Admittedly, there were 'some' ordinary games but he always managed to rile his opponents and negate most.
  8. Another example (Pike), of inbuilt mongrel with skills. We miss this...
  9. So eloquently posited, RB. It is almost 'nobles oblige' the way the MFC have handed out players to help others. Let's all hope that Whoreform plays mediocre football this year with Frosty onboard. He may well prove to be the spark that they needed.
  10. Minimum of 14 wins in the home & away fixture, with at least two finals wins. Any more than that would be far too unexpected; however, I'd consider 14/2 is very possible - depends on how the players are managed, Goodwin's courage and standards, and improvements where these may legitimately be expected as DL fanatics have discussed.
  11. Bailey was special - terrific backline runner and clearer - in the mould of Frank Davis.
  12. Dirty Dave was an essential. Gerard was the second worst 'let go' we have ever done. Frosty was the greatest 'let go' loss ever since.
  13. The card only pathway worked for me - an interstate/armchair member - as it has those two extra games (that are available with the digital on-phone pathway. So, interstate/card still gets 5 game entries, and 'she who must be obeyed', the 'hand-brake', gets the same membership deal. It costs a fraction more than the digital, even fo interstate members, but it is worth it for the types of trips that I make to mighty Melbourne to touch base with my heritage. Opted out of the parcel deal, as well, as over the years, the merchandise mounts - and last year I won the door prize at the interstate luncheon in the Sporting Globe pub, which was a $400 gift voucher at the Demons shop at the MCG - so I am well equipped with other Club paraphernalia. The old 'flash and sit' card is the way to go and cannot be superceded adequately - provided that little Club window in the Southern Stand stays in operation to collect tickets for guests. 'Carna Dees!
  14. Such a pleasing rap for Stanley the Alves. He may not have actually been one of our echelon 'greatest' but by hell, he was a fantastic footballer, a fantastic wingman, a great Captain, a beautiful kick and 'on-the-run' disposer of the ball, a speedster, too. He had the best baulk and blind turn routines one could ever see (and has ever seen - absolutely impeccable) and knew better than most what it took to kick a goal from a long way out. Even Bartlett got a few from the Southern Stand wing - and these were commendable: Stan got all of them, everytime. I always hoped that he would coach the Dees ... his stint at the Saints as coach was marred by a very sick club and limited talent within the footy department/majority of players. Stan, to me, remains a playmaking icon of our Club and certainly, one of the great characters of our Club.
  15. Fully agreed - Ray and Ron did the spotting I recall as well as the gameplan and skills development. Widely successful across a whole team. Swooper did hold them together, pushing on with the doctrinal emphases of their recent past.
  16. Makes you cringe a little in disbelief - how could Northey assemble such a talented team - and talented, it was - legendary players and capabilities almost across the board. Northey was capable of bringing out the best in his charges, ice-cool and demanding of a certain standard of contribution. I think he coached Redan, in Ballarat, as well where considerable success was achieved repeatedly. Over a couple of years, Northey was the ideal coach for that crew and a tactician of the first order. We wuz robbed that season...
  17. Hard not to pick Robbie Flower. We have had some greats, when in form. 1. Flower 2. The Ox 3. Hardeman
  18. This has a very nice ring to it - toss in Brayshaw as a receiver and we may well be away into a big and successful season.
  19. One would seriously be happy if this was correct (May and Lever with a full season). There are the usual and some newbie supports for the backline, as well. Many of us here on DL will still miss the 'excitement machine' with the red hair, freckles and ears worthy of some appreciation. It is ponderous just how far Frosty might have continued to improve - and it is sad that Whoreform have the right to display such progression.
  20. I rejected the digital avenue. The lanyard with the card is the footy season security blanket. It worked, too. As I go out of the ground a fair bit during the breaks to breathe that enchanting Benson & Hedges aroma, the card is quick, no queues, and is identifiable for the seat attendants in the Members' areas. Flash and sit, I call it.
  21. Inbuilt mongrel - that is what we need in bucketloads - with skills to match.
  22. DWilliams did play for Sale. Great place for footballers in the 50s, as well. Only problem was the Filth colours they wore.
  23. Petty is still better down back than 'chicken wings' - at all costs. This season will be one of deep reflection as to whom is responsible for allowing Frosty to get the deserved cash at Hawthorn.
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