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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. As a supporter group and football department historically we really treat out captains poorly. Actually makes me quite angry. The captains sacrifice so much of their time for the club on and off the field taking them away from partners and family. Jack is getting back from a serious foot injury its got nothing to do with his ability. He could easily play defence, attacking or defensive mid, forward pressure role. But he has the ability to lead by example and drag the team along as he did in the 2018 finals against Geel and Hawt while still carrying an injury. To win finals you need players with aggression at the player as well as the ball
  2. Doubt Joel Smith will be available any earlier than round 2 going by a short convo I had with him at family day. Not sure what the issue is though
  3. The govt built aami facilities for the mfc and a number of other sporting clubs also ( ie victory, storm, rebels ) which is now cramped for space. It's in the governments interests to get mfc out of there for the sake of all sporting clubs and therefore voters. Mfc should hold their ground (literally) and make sure they get something decent
  4. Congrats to Max but I feel for Jack. Ideally the club now settles with the one captain and stops the revolving door. Hopefully the annual leadership vote doesn't lead to changes each year as it will look farcical. Love the two man leadership model. Would have been even better with a deputy vice captain
  5. Took the kids to family day today just outside the G and chatted to a few of the injured boys. Jones has been cleared of a potential break to his leg. Was wearing a compression bandage. Hopefully the swelling doesn't go down to his ankles and cause issues. May said he would be available for the next match but mentioned something about getting stitches out so l have some concerns still. Joel Smith seems more likely to return for the first few rounds which logically means he will come through the vfl first. Fritsch had a decent bandage on this knee. l'm guessing he will be out for a while also. AVB had a bandage on this left calf area. Hopefully a healing graze/cut and not a calf muscle tear. Jetta didn't have any bandages on his legs and seems ok
  6. Jack is awesome. No one at mfc is built more for finals footy and crunch games than he is. And to me that's the greatest sign of a leader. There is a difference between leadership and friendship and l hope the younger players doing the voting know the difference. There is no way Stephen may should be in the leadership group. Came back fat only a year ago and hasn't proven anything yet
  7. gary who. don't think he has a clue when it comes purely to footy admin. we are not Collingwood who can sit back knowing we have no debt to pay down
  8. Look, most members are not as fanatical as most of us on here. Different supporter want different things from the club. It's mostly designed to attract those that churn their memberships and get the attention of non member supporters. History shows membership numbers will take a dive this year (because of last year) so you need to try something different to try and turn that around just a little. Winning typically lifts membership numbers the following season but does help with match day gate receipts in the current season. If they can uplift memberships by a few thousand (and thats the best they could hope for if successful) then we get a few hundred thousand in revenue using most existing resources and staff
  9. Suspect journalism as a profession had changed a lot since then swyl. More competition, social media, the need to be first with news
  10. absolutely, was leading b and f before getting injured in his last season with us. still my favourite opposition player to watch
  11. l wonder if some players are better away from their home states where they socialise and rely more on the friendships they form with other players at their club and benefit from the underlying peer group influences. jeff farmer also had many more issues when he went home.
  12. Was watching similar vids on the train before I realised others could see over my shoulder and quickly flicked to the home page
  13. Yep, it's official, but doing expect to read it in a medical journal
  14. It's also a fact that both kk and harley reached the mfc on the back of medical reports that suggested a new miracle cure for recurring / career ending issues. Kk had new medically identified neck issues that caused his head to wobble too much while harley had newly identified nerve issues that tickled his calf muscles. I'm fairly confident both players also had their fair share of other medical reports that said they had little hope of an AFL career. You may be aware, Freo already sent him to world renowned German soft tissue experts without luck. That's not to say l don't want him too make it. He can play, comes cheap, and helps to sell hope.
  15. We need you to do the mfc injury reports each week .. thanks for the insights
  16. Can't believe we bought the double calf surgery story, but at least HB comes cheap
  17. Luke Jackson would be well advised to get one also
  18. Barrels, speckies, match day kick to kick, finals buzz, transparent injury reports, training bbq's, father sons, draft gems, new revenue streams, no concussions ....... and less bushfires!
  19. Robbie Flower was a very reliable kick at goal. If only he had the ball in his hands in place of Eishold, Yeates or Campbell in that last quarter.
  20. Look at the positives, no new injuries to report and no one in rehab
  21. That's what happens when you trade away 1st rounders
  22. jury is still out for mine. need a bigger sample of past injury reports to assess and reflect on but excited to have him on board
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