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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. Correct, what has she actually done so far? The team hadn't lost a game when she took over in 21. This was what she was hanging her hat on
  2. We are a member base organisation they need to explain what went wrong ... if they were dudded then they need to explain it or whatever else that might have happened
  3. l'm not so forgiving ... if that's the case they should have realised earlier and gone outside the mcg precinct. As Kate has said before she knows what she is doing in this space and we need to trust her
  4. Very good summation ... although thinking about all those clubs makes me sick
  5. Honestly, if Kate can't get a govt announcement with funding by mid 2023 she needs to walk and let someone else try. Terrible that we still don't know anything even at this stage ... people might say its like watching grass grow ... but atleast the grass is doing something
  6. l dont like to say it but it seems its a lot to do with money ... he is an easy going kid not sure being away from WA would be that much of a concern to him ... hard to knock back those mega deals not unlike the Boyd and Rankin deals. PS. Going to wait for this thread to be labelled 'HOT' before coming back again
  7. poor bloke can't stay in the park works so hard and deserves a good run at it ... could be our back up ruck if we have injuries
  8. what's next for yze? he adds another premiership as a senior assistant coach and either takes over coaching his own VFL/WA/SA side and if the dons get non politically aligned ceo, recruiting and board in place he goes there
  9. What your stats dont show are times when the club has persisted with him when he has looked sore or has just returned like he did this year and he hasn't worked his way back up to the level expected of him after a number of games ... error on the part of the selection committee at times that should have perhaps rested him and given him time to build up at vfl level ... in any case he is a key to our forward line when fit enough as he competes so hard not expecting change though unless we really struggle
  10. In the end we don't know for sure why he knocked us back ... he may have been polite or just want the blues to lift their offer when he met us ... doesn't matter in the end ... what is fact however is that he will be envious of the teams playing finals especially ones that go deep into September ... that's us
  11. Hird isn't an experienced coach but they may see him as one ...
  12. Has already worked there, can't you tell
  13. I rang the club, and yes one barcode can get you up to 10 tix for the Sydney game starting at 10am for all MFC members
  14. Bris should be sanctioning its only player as Petty doesn't want the attention on his family and doesn't want it to be a long investigation
  15. Teams that deep down don't feel they can win tend to try to change the dynamic of the game by getting physical ... desperation ... they are our bunnies
  16. Wonder what the fist across the chest represents
  17. Feel for JJ, hopefully he is back in time to lift the cup on grand final day
  18. Still curious as to why he went from the leadership group, holding down full back admirably, and playing almost every game to only 4 games in 2016 before seemingly pushed out. Seems weren't given all the information. Also seemed very unfair
  19. People enjoy the win ... never know how many more games we have this season ... my son and l were leaving the G with a few minutes to go as he had a lightning premiership the next day but we kept on eye on the screen ... we just made it through the turnstiles when kozzie kicked it ... l ran straight back in jumping up and down with my son and was accosted by security for not checking bags and scanning .. he obviously wasn't a dees fan! One to remember just behind the after the siren goal from max to seal the mcclelland trophy
  20. I would suggest our inside 50 conversion and goal kicking accuracy is more injured than the players
  21. Our fortunes seem to turn as soon as Todd move into our list management team. Tough and courageous player and skipper
  22. l didnt want to be the one to break it to you but he has left already
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