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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. And pretty much every other team in white... Ours does have a blue v under the red....
  2. we beat essendon a couple of times in the white. honestly get rid of the blue stripes under the arms and itll be much less a clash v the saints
  3. Thymosin, colostrum and tribulus?
  4. staying apparently. SO GOOD although to be fair, they cant boot him because his wife goes on tv.... thatd be a lockdown wrongful dismissal lawsuit
  5. Had to look it up. taken me 5 mins to write this now i have stopped laughing
  6. actually the only problem with ours (apart from the white) is the big blue patches under the arms. get rid of these and they would really be different.
  7. agree. only saw the last 10 mins but I definitely saw a couple of occasions players kick or handball to a saint - or go to and realise it was a saint not a dee. a mostly red jumper would have solved that. or, gee, just the one that worked for the last 150 years?
  8. Not quite sure how he can defend a man who was responsible for a program that saw young men injected multiple times with substances not fit for human use by arguing another club president should step down because he is apparently sexist? Aside from the fact that as far as i have seen no one has attacked her for being a woman, but simply being incorrect?
  9. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-chairman-needs-to-show-leadership-20140324-35eay.html http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/tania-hird-could-be-summoned-by-essendon-board-20140324-hvmbz.html Caro
  10. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/time-for-eddie-to-step-down-says-hird-adviser-20140324-hvmbe.html this guy has lost it
  11. board meeting on wednesday to decide Hirds fate apparently. not fussed either way - if they sack him theyll lose members and if they dont they will lose some members but will lose heaps when they realise they SHOULD have sacked him in feb 2012
  12. yeah but i voted no - they deserve him
  13. btw they should keep hird. They deserve him.
  14. it would not surprise me one bit if old tania is just repeating what james has been telling her. "no darling i didnt go to the pub last night" --> "james didnt go to the pub last night, he cant possibly have failed a breath test"
  15. hahaha because cycling is SO clean
  16. So the AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE say that ASADA has not leaked. anyone in the media pick up on that? Robbo? Caro? Bueller?
  17. except that none of the leaks have come from ASADA. Not one. their process has just kept rolling along and they have ignored all the other crap that has been blowing around in the media. NOTHING published in a newspaper matters except breaches of privacy - and they were not leaked by ASADA.
  18. Tanya still doesnt realise that THE ONLY REASON AD would contact essendon was so they would self report SO THEIR PUNISHMENT WOULD BE HALVED. they get huge discounts for self reporting. AD was protecting them and they have burned him again and again. There wont be any protection now....
  19. That is totally different. of course its not the players fault then. however, if they knew what they were getting then it was their fault. if dank has dressed up AOD and put it in a vitamin B bottle then how can it possibly be the players fault - if that were proved to be the case then the player should get a much lesser penalty. in this case, the essendon players were made to sign waivers WITH THE DRUGS ON THE FORM.
  20. I predict I will need a new liver
  21. jazza your posts are the best on here
  22. Ex-Essendon player pretty much says he has no idea what he was actually given. Unsure about impacts to health. Wowee. Former Essendon player Sam Lonergan really unsure about supplements impact on health
  23. Thats meant to be Constructive!
  24. When Matthew lloyd starts to sound smart you have to doubt the intelligence of those surrounding him
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