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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. ours would be perfect with a couple of minor changes; get rid of the blue under the arms - its what causes the clash with the saints make the blue V under the red yoke a bit bigger and bolder. the end
  2. Pretty sure support staff could take whatever they wanted Its not like they are doing the running
  3. Better that than posting pictures of drinking pis s every weekend like sylvia did
  4. Thanks for that WJ. In your opinion, does hird have a leg to stand on? Also id bet that if hird loses itll end up in the high court, and it wont be about the vibe or mabo.
  5. let me guess. Hirdy started a business with dank and charter to import AOD. Little invested in it.
  6. WSW winning the asian cup is an achievement in australian soccer second only to qualifying and then reaching the 2nd round of the 2006 world cup. I have been part of my local club for the last 8 years or so. i have been a hardcore demon for the last 26. the last few years i have found myself caring less and less about the AFL - i no longer even watch games not involving melbourne. the game has changed for the worse - i think the afl saw soccer coming and wanted mums to keep their kids playing footy and so changed the rules to make the game softer with less contact. footy from 10 years ago was harder with more contests and a much tougher game than todays rolling mauls and keepings off (not to mention soft free kicks). they have changed footy for the worse and people are turning off. also the clubs have gone away from being "clubs" and talk more about "brand" there is also the amount of artificial hype around the game now. its over done and horrible. dont change who you are. people love the afl for what it was. soccer changes for no one - and more and more people love it.
  7. interest massively peaked Dees2014 Would looove a PM about the possible rumour!!
  8. if youre at a club and youre unaware that players are going off site on a very regular basis to get injections then youre either a liar or you literally have no clues. bomber has clues.
  9. pretty simple really. charter goes to china and gets ingredients for tb4 takes them to chemist in south yarra where it becomes proper tb4 and put into vials and doses etc dank takes it to essendon used on players. the end
  10. Bomber still refusing to pay his fine. Mark Thompson set to disregard AFL fine by Friday deadline
  11. i am more likely to get to darwin, alice springs and canberra than i am to go to etihad in round 23.
  12. The problem is that people dont show up in numbers to crappy timeslots. the hawks this year got 16k to a sunday twilight against an interstate club. dont give us crappy time slots and expect to get more people there by playing well
  13. my hird worshipping mate posted this article on facebook and said "suck it asada". now, id have thought the guy accused of bringing in the drugs from china for essendon to use facing drug related charges only serves to help asada.... and this from a guy who is normally highly intelligent and logical!
  14. their internal process might be a bit slipshod but they have followed the external anti drug code violation processes to the letter.
  15. well, asada havent leaked anything - they had the AFP and deloite investigate for potential leaks and found none they may not have been ridiculously efficient but theyve had governments try and meddle, the media pasting them, theyve been under-resourced and undertaken a massive investigation in consultation with the ACC... and they havent put a foot wrong. just kept on investigating (legally), defended their legal investigation and have finally issued SCN with way more evidence than needed. they have followed procedure every step of the way so far.
  16. One of the great smackdowns. ASADA has played this by the book since day 1.
  17. Still cant believe they traded us pick 11 for him Also cant believe we used it on jordy gysberts Also cant believe he was so bad
  18. I love that asada apparently hasnt provided any clarity. Id say the players have about 350 pages of clarity each
  19. No special treatment for footballers Boooooom. Reality bus.
  20. http://asada.gov.au/media/organised_crime_and_drugs_in_sport.html
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