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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. This should be a ripping game of footy. Ideally, I'd love to see us 8 goals up at half time so we can absolutely ruin the game as a contest, but that just won't happen. As many have said, it's the battle of the midfields. This is where the strength of the Doggies lies, and if we can at least break even across the ground then I think that puts us in a good spot to win the game. Our forward line functions better than theirs and we can kick more of a score than they can. Dees by 4 goals.
  2. I agree, but does he want it enough? If Freo jumped off him after two years then you would have to question what is going on with him, especially considering that they gave up Pick 6 to get him. He should be in the prime of his career right now and he can't get a game. That has to be a concern.
  3. Really, really positive stuff. Love that we've been able to keep hold of our sponsors AND signed them up for next year, and the only one we've lost was because they couldn't fly into Australia anymore. People are quick to knock them, but Bartlett and Pert have clearly stepped up to the plate in the last month. It's a terrific step forward for everyone at the club and it's clearly having a positive effect on the playing group as well.
  4. I wouldn't say on the way out, as the article just talks about his trouble getting into the 22, but you can see how they've added 2 and 2 to get 4 here. On large coin until 2021. Would the club look at him again if he became available? You would doubt it, plus you wouldn't make a move until the end of next year so you could get him on a more reasonable contract. It's such a shame the way things have gone for him. He is a highly talented player who was capable of kicking 50 goals a season. Now he can't crack an average Freo side.
  5. If Preuss can hold his own against Grundy last week, then I'll back him in to do the same against English. Bruce doesn't worry me at all, although he has that 'Kent Kinglsey' vibe about him. Johannisen will give them some dash, so he is the pick of their 'ins'. Love the fact we made no change and I think, on paper, that we should be knocking them off by 3-4 goals.
  6. Our old mate Tom Browne reporting Gawn won't play - he didn't train today - but Preuss is looking good.
  7. This is a horrible article that is full of misinformation. For a start, he keeps bringing up Pick 3 - which was not part of the deal at any stage. He says effectively it is Pick 3 and Pick 12 (last year for us) vs. Pick 2 and Pick 12 this year for North. The problem is that our first pick last and North's first pick this year were not even part of the deal itself, so are completely irrelevant. He even goes as far as saying we have runs on the board because Pickett and Jackson have looked good so far even though, again, Jackson was not part of the deal in any way, shape or form. Basically, it is their picks in this upcoming draft (Picks 12 and 27 at the moment) plus the bloke they drafted with one of the picks they got last year (Flynn Perez) to come out as being better than Pickett overall. Time will tell on that of course, but I'm more than happy with Pickett. And sorry for the short rant, but that article is unmitigated poo.
  8. Spot on, dazzle. Higgins isn't the answer at 33 years of age. I'd rather back in the talent we already have.
  9. Ox brushed it off. Said if you give it out in the media, you're going to have to take it sometimes. He disagreed with Dimma's view of the GF in 2000 and Ox crying, but he didn't hit back. But then, he didn't need to. Dimma did enough damage to his own reputation with those comments. Made himself look like a massive sook and a sniper, which he has always been. Also, that clip from 2000 makes my blood boil... until you see Lloyd come flying in with the softest effort I've ever seen. Still makes me laugh to this day.
  10. I see the merit in rotation as well, but if we're looking at doing that in our backline, I'd be hoping to bring in Rivers, Jetta or even Joel Smith before I'd look to Josh Wagner. That's no disrespect to him, but I think he's just a foot soldier who plays okay at AFL but doesn't really excel at anything.
  11. Right on the money as always, Moonie!
  12. Great to see Channel 9 looking after SWYL like that. Brings a tear to the eye.
  13. I reckon that will be the attitude from our club as a whole. All clubs can certainly look at ways to get better through the draft and by trading or signing free agents, but I think we are all beginning to see that we have a very talented list that we should be backing in to improve. And Petty might almost become a new recruit in 2021 after missing 2020 altogether. I think he has some real upside for us at both ends of the ground.
  14. This is not so much a topic for 'trade', and I apologise if it's been mentioned earlier in the thread, but for those who are bemoaning our lack of first round pick - we still have the future second rounder from the Hawks up our sleeve from the Frost trade which, right now, would have us at Pick #21. Now that will blow out somewhat with the academy picks, but it gives us something better to work with either at the draft or on the trade table than we would have done with our own picks.
  15. Classic Norf. Winning the free kick count by a mile and they're still absolutely terrible. You've got to love it.
  16. I hope not. @DeeSpencer claims Jordan Sweet is the modern day version of Dean Cox, Jim Stynes and Aaron Sandilands. It's a wonder why he hasn't been given a run earlier.
  17. If Gawn doesn't play, which is looking more likely by the hour, then I'd say we make no change at all from the weekend. The players should be right to go with the week off. Happy for big Preuss to go again in the ruck. He only needs to break even with English, or some bloke called Sweet who DeeSpencer thinks may be the second coming of Polly Farmer, and we'll be good to go.
  18. Ripping stuff. Can you imagine in the potential game day thread once we went 4 goals down in the first quarter? 'Sack Northey!' 'When's the last time Stretch got a hard ball?' 'Ricky Jackson is too small. I've always said that'. 'Stuff this club. Been letting me down since the '88 GF.' '
  19. I'm a bit guilty of that, although I tried to put it out there that for me to be happy with the deal, it would have to be a large price to get it over the line. As he showed on Saturday night, he can come in and play a role for us, and play that role very well. It would turn the heads of other clubs who might be on the look out to improve their ruck stocks. But, he is contracted to us and I'm happy to keep him unless a club falls over themselves with a deal that is too good to turn down.
  20. Harsh. The bloke deserves a little more respect than that. While he needs to continue to play in a manner that is fitting of a spot in the side, I'd love to see him get to 300 games this year, especially as that would mean we play finals to get him there.
  21. Yeah he kicked a couple in the first quarter against the Swans last year. Clunked a few and looked good. But, he is no forward, and if Gawn comes back we will be asking him to play down there more than in the ruck, which isn't the best idea to be honest. Tom might not be in the greatest form of his life, but he knows how to play forward more than Preuss does, so he should keep his spot over him for that reason. And I agree - it is terrific that we have a fit list to pick from and it puts pressure on those in this side to play well consistently or risk losing their spot.
  22. And no doubt you're right about that. I'm not suggesting it's what we will get, but more what we should shrug our shoulders and demand if a club wants him. He is still under contract and, unless he really pushed hard for a trade or made things difficult, then I'd see no reason in letting him go unless we got a seriously good offer.
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