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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Of the last 3 premierships we've won this is the only one I haven't seen live, but by far the most enjoyable.
  2. Yeah, but he was a lot younger and nowhere near as smart as he is now.
  3. We now have three of the most important positions in the club filled by ex Collingwood operatives, Jason Taylor Gary Pert and now Marcus Wagner. Are we going to get Eddy to sit on the board.
  4. I went past Goshes today and noticed some training but had no idea it was our guys, would have stopped if i did.
  5. Seeing the sad and hurt looks on the opposition supporters faces and knowing for once it's not me, I've done that too many times.
  6. I watched that version of the game and had to turn it down, they were trying too hard to generate excitement and just succeed in yelling at each other. Even BT and Brayshaw were better. In fact I love listening to BT squirm when he calls our winning games. That comment of his when he says "Melbourne are drowning in goals" will have to go down as one of my all time favourites. As is Brayshaws Bang, Bang Bang Bang.
  7. Maybe we will just merge the 2022 Postgame Grand Final report in to this one.
  8. I have it on good authority that Goody knew after Clarry kicked that last goal in the third we had it and his biggest problem was not letting the players know that at the break. He was unsure how to address them but whatever he said worked and they came out and finished the job.
  9. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/driven-ballantyne-s-long-road-to-the-cusp-of-the-afl-20211015-p5909x.html Read this this morning and his story reminds me of how Tmac had to travel hours to get to training and how dedicated he was to getting on to an AFL list. I googled him but I couldn't find anything. Do you know anything about him?
  10. Perhaps a picnic rug and basket would be good, I'd buy one for my partner who is obsessed with picnics. There are a myriad of things the club could put out if they wanted to.
  11. I'm with you I've ordered so much stuff I will just have two wait until it arrives to see what it is, when it stops coming I'll know I have everything 😀
  12. He's one of the favourite whipping boys an this forum and he's copped plenty from the ones who know the least. Good onya Jack you showed them.
  13. It's my understanding that the new facility will be where the current car park F is and it won't be too far away.
  14. Well they were and I find your gratuitous advice to me to be disrespectful and full of inaccuracy. If that's your way of avoiding battles I suggest you change your tone and method of posting.
  15. I don't have any agenda but thanks for the advice anyway. I actually used to respect the police until they became part of the problem. BTW, I was going to give you some advice after reading some off your comments last night, but as they've been deleted I won't.
  16. You totally miss my point. This is not WW2 in the blackout nor is it old Europe where you had to have a passport to get from one country to the next, we now have a series of States with their own rules and depending on where you live, freedom or not. These are not established laws, we now have police able to pepper spray elderly women and shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at people protesting, there is provocation from both sides but only the police can get away with it.
  17. We're still in Australia aren't we? One could be forgiven for thinking we are in China or Latin America, travel restrictions, Jail sentences, Rubber bullets, tear gas, fines etc
  18. Like most of us I've watched the replay many times and Nibbler was excellent, the run he provides is exceptional and he's turned in to a leader at the club, at one point after we'd kicked a goal and the boys were getting a bit happy with themselves he gave them a bit of a bake and told them to get on with it. Tom had the opportunity to kick 4 or 5 extra goals but couldn't hold on to them, he dropped a few simple chest marks but otherwise played his part and was over the moon when he kicked his first goal. I think if he's held one early and kicked it he would have had a much better day. He seemed to be a bit nervous early on and who'd blame him. I remarked to my son a few years ago, just before we got Jordie that Hawthorn had 11 or 12 players over 30 and some of them were well over 30, you could see then that they were close to the edge, like Geelong older players will only get you so far. They've made the mistake that other club's have, of thinking that if they get a few top shelf players they might sneak another flag, I hope that when we have won a couple of flags we don't go down that path. I'd rather drop down a few positions and replenish with kids through the draft than eek out a couple of extra years near the top and gradually fall down the ladder.
  19. Thanks Ash, I would be happy to send them/one, too you with a reply paid card and reimburse you for your costs. I'm not tech savvy and wouldn't have a clue how to download from YouTube. Just let me know and PM me if you prefer.
  20. Thanks Ash, I got one of the original dvd copies from Mark and I'd love to have this one as well, is there any way I could download this on to a thumb drive>
  21. Watched the third quarter of the Saints Tigers game and a few thoughts He has to do a lot better with his tackling, he's not hard enough at the ball and he won't get away with one arm tackles if he gets a game with us. He doesn't get involved enough in the clearance work and hangs back from the packs, waiting for the ball to be tied up before he goes in. Maybe he is instructed to do that but he ain't no Viney. He doesn't seem to have time to dispose of the ball and does kick it indiscriminately. He did get quite a few possessions but didn't do much damage with them, you wouldn't want to be a forward relying on him to pass it off to you, it's all hurried. I think he will struggle. Hope we can fix it all up but I can see why Ratten didn't rate him.
  22. I've watched the first half of that game and I'm not sure if I can watch the rest, it was a dreadful game and neither side was very convincing. It was as bad a game I've seen Richmond play for a few years and the Saints were if front, but not because they were good, but because Richmond were terrible. Luke was ok but nothing to write home about, the fact that he got the Brownlow votes just shows that there was no one else worthy of them. It may be different in the second half but I'm not sure if I can bear to watch it. I guess I will, but I can't all in one day.😧 He wasn't bad and it was a bit wet so there are extenuating services.
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