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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Simple question, can you tell me which are not correct? No forget it, you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink. If you can't tell me which are false, and from you post you can't, then I give up.
  2. Got my Christian Salem jumper tonight, you little beauty😄.
  3. Australia was the first country to close its borders to the rest of the World, did you forget that? This is NOT Europe, what happens there has little bearing in what happens here, when we open the borders, things may change. I notice all the Dan men won't answer the questions I posed. When you haven't got an answer then try to change the subject.
  4. So you're saying that last year or a few months ago even, he wouldn't have kept us in lock down if we had these numbers, you stand with Dan, I'll just go on the facts. You seem to be a Dan man, then perhaps you can tell me why, or how you think he's done a great job. That goes for anyone who thinks that way, anyone, particularly those that have given me the face palm Who's got who's head up their [censored].
  5. Well here's the point. I don't live in Europe or anywhere in the rest of the World, unlike Bing181, I actually live in Australia, more particularly Victoria, so I'm better qualified to comment on what's happening here. Perhaps if Bing181 lived in Victoria and not France, he'd be qualified to comment on what's happened here, but he's not. So here's the thing LDvC, I'd like to comment on where I live, Victoria and as well, the rest of Australia. We have the worst record, by far, in terms of numbers of infections. I think even you'd have to agree with that? We have had more deaths, by far, than any other State, Agree? We've had more time locked in that any other State, Agree? We have had more lockdowns than any other State, Agree? We are the only State that's had a curfew, a couple in fact, Agree? We are the only State that's completely effed up the Hotel Quarantine system, Agree? We've been locked out of every State in Australia, more times than every other State. Agree? Andrews criticised NSW for not locking down earlier than they did and when we got a few infections he set out to lock us down, for the sixth time, it was supposed to be a short sharp lockdown, he told NSW that's the way to do it, well that worked out well for him, didn't it. The only reason he let us out of the last lockdown was he finally realised that we had had enough and would start to disobey his directives if not went on much longer. We are getting huge numbers, despite the lockdown, and there was no sound reason to let us out but he has, strange that, don't you think. Do you really think he would have let us out if it was the same time last year. There are plenty of Public Servants that are in the Stand by Dan crew and if not for them he wouldn't be able to show his face in public. I could go on, but I'm becoming bored pointing out the facts to you and I still doubt you get even with the facts in front of you so I'd rather not waste any more of my time. BTW, if you want to discuss Europe, talk to Bing181, I'm sure he can give you all the help you need.
  6. I'm going through the games we've played this season, only the ones we won, and you can see the improvement as the year goes on. I can't see the point in watching the games we lost, why disappoint myself. When I finish i'll watch the GF again, rinse and repeat.
  7. Congratulations Jess and Max, Father and son in the future.
  8. Sigh! you really are naive. Andrews doesn't need any excuse to lock us down again, stop trying to shift the blame on the retailers and restauranteurs, if he wants to lock us down again it will haver nothing to do with compliance or non compliance. I'm not interested in continuing this debate, your lips move far to slowly for my liking.
  9. Yes it is, we've handled the pandemic appallingly in Victoria. We've had, more cases, more deaths, harsher restrictions and longer lock downs than any other State. So someone has effed it up, who would you blame, shopkeepers, Restaurateurs, Publicans?
  10. Nearly 2,000 infections today and 25 deaths, how's that working out for you? I'm double vaxxed and I'm all for others to get the jab but we are opening now because the Government realised that keeping us locked up was useless.
  11. When I saw the vids of Luke before the draft you could tell he was an exceptional athlete and would be a very good player, having watched the footage of Mac Andrew he's not within a bulls roar of Luke at the same time of their development. I can't see the comparison between them particularly the skill level and football nous. I'd hope we could pick him up but wouldn't lose any sleep if we don't. He would spend 3 to 4 years at Casey before he would be ready in my opinion.
  12. I recall Choco saying that he was pleased and surprised that Melbourne offered him a long term contract when he signed on, I think it was at least 3 years.
  13. And that's what killed me, we were once the biggest club in the land and then we fell in to a hole and tinpot, made up clubs, like the Eagles and the Crows started winning Grand Finals, that's when I started to despair we'd never win another flag. We've done it now and will do it again next year and hopefully the year after that. It's despair, you just go through the motions every year and know what the outcome will be. I didn't watch a game in 2019 or 2020, not one and I didn't follow the results or really care, I still renewed my memberships but was just sick of the disappointment. I went to the first game this year and said to my partner that I liked what I saw, so we went to every game we could after that, glad we did.
  14. Yes it will, we haven't won two flags in a row since 1959 - 1960.
  15. Don't doubt that but Picket made a statement of fact that Dunstan will play in the first game. So baring injuries, I asked him at who's expense?
  16. At who's expense? I'd think the club would play the GF team in front of the members, barring injuries of course.
  17. We have to give Geelong the chance to have a blockbuster. Any team, anywhere anytime.
  18. He did have a back injury and missed a couple of games, we don't know how long his back had been troubling him. Early in the year he was grabbing everything that came his way but the last part of the season he was getting his hands to it but not holding them. Every one of the players in the GF played their part.
  19. I thought it was only me, in my opinion Daniels gets too many cheap possessions from team mates because they see him as a distributor and give it off to him when they can. Salem earns most of his possessions and very rarely stuffs up, if he does he is like a man possessed and does whatever it takes to get the ball back.
  20. We get the ANZAC eve and QB blockbusters so we can't complain if other clubs get one as well. I agree with you that this is generally a fizzer but we have had a couple of fizzers ourselves. The one I get annoyed at is the ANZAC day game and how they treat it as bigger then the GF and the ANZAC medal bigger than the Norm Smith, how can it be when only two clubs can participate. There have been games when both of these sides have been sub par and half a dozen other clubs would have beaten either side.
  21. Cassie whoever we play we will beat and we may as well play the second best and capitalise on it. I've always been a proponent of playing the best sides during the year, I don't want a soft draw (Port), make the finals then get smashed. We are not the old unreliable Melbourne anymore, get used to going to the football expecting to win. I don't care about the feelings of the Bullies fans, they didn't care about mine when I left the Western Oval with my kids and copped their abuse as I walked out. If the players are as timid as some of our supporters we will fail this year and I don't think they are. Stay strong.
  22. It seems as if some of our supporters on here are worried that we will lose if we play the GF replay as our season opener. Why?
  23. Every time I see him kick that last goal in the third I well up and feel so proud that he's ours. He plays the game so cleanly, no cheap shots, no retaliation when he gets cleaned up, he just continues to demoralise the opposition. Couldn't be any prouder and thanks Jason Taylor for bringing him to our club.
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