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Everything posted by Dante

  1. Should we ask him to change it, or just get a new player with that name?
  2. This comment nearly caused me to shed a tear When his superstar friend Christian Petracca appeared to have the grand final at his feet, Gawn’s three-quarter time message to the ballistic midfielder was one of love: “I’m so proud of the man you’ve become.” As I said in another post, Max is like a big brother to all the players.
  3. I've watched the PF a half a dozen times and with 6.15 to go Fritter is being chased by two Cats defenders and it appears to me that he gets the ball and throws it back on to the feet of the cats defenders and in doing so it propels the ball forward to Kozzi who kicks a goal. Has anyone else noticed this?
  4. Nah, I drank enough in the preceding years, to more than make up for what I haven't drunk since. Went cold turkey, stopped drinking one day and haven't had a drink since, missed the company of the guys but not the drinking.
  5. I stopped drinking about 30 odd years ago, but did give it a nudge when I was having a few and the beer of choice at the time was VB, I thought it was a great drop.
  6. I think Howes will play games next year, maybe wing H/F, he looks like a very accomplished player to me. Nice to see he was stoked to be at Melbourne, it wasn't that long ago that recruits would have been praying that we didn't pick them up. I'm proud of what this club has finally achieved, destination club, Hell Yeah.
  7. https://www.theage.com.au/politics/federal/morrison-government-preparing-to-tighten-quarantine-rules-as-new-variant-emerges-20211127-p59co5.html There you go, god that took forever
  8. Isn't it about time this thread was taken off the football board and put on the General Board?
  9. It wouldn't surprise me if this kid becomes a very good player for us, he seems to have an awareness and is always looking for an option. I'm very glad to see him on our list.
  10. About 1.40 in he has a run down the wing and he reminded me of a young Robbie Flower the way he moved, very smooth.
  11. I believe we are looking at the facility being built for the Women's World Cup, the State Government will build it and pay for it and we will take it over when the World Cup finishes in 2023. It may well be where car park F currently is, if not very close to that. That's the plan.
  12. So if they don't get sick, do they get their money back? It's like putting someone in jail because you think they may commit a crime.
  13. Well one thing, no one will be able to take their position for granted, there will be a contest for every spot. Wow, did I really say that, it would be the first time ever, at the club, you could say that, it's so hard to believe.
  14. We might have to have Melbourne A and B sides, like the Australian cricket side did.
  15. I was going to give you a face palm, but your last post is well balanced and quite fair. Just a bit more of that would be appreciated.
  16. If he was at Melbourne he would have been given time to develop and would have had a much better chance to become the best player he could be, I doubt that will happen at the Gold Coast. Good luck at GC and remember we will always welcome you back in the future.
  17. Got this footy card from a friend who happened upon it in a store near Kyneton and it's sat on my desk since he gave it to me, Tassie played in our last premiership in 1964
  18. Now I know how to do it this is one I posted on another thread but it didn't show up either, a jumper signed Jack Viney and Brian Wilson who was there on the night. A premiership player and a Brownlow medalist.
  19. It shows up on my post, all three times, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. 🤨
  20. I did, I'll have to do it again, I'll get someone who knows how to do it for me, it shows up in my post as just the photo.. That better?
  21. Walking back to my place from the shops on Saturday when one of my neighbours collared me and said, its time, so I said for what, thinking she might have wanted to have a coffee with me. Well she said when am I thinking of taking down my banners? Well to tell the truth I hadn't considered it, so I said, off the top of my head, maybe Christmas when I put up my decorations. But now that it seems to upset this busy body I think I'll leave it for another year and just replace them with next years ones. This is a car I saw when I was having a walk on Sunday, that's dedication.
  22. Have our supporters not only join up as members but actually attend match day. We are going to get opposition supporters there this year because most attend games to watch good football but they also want to see a good game. Our supporters are no different. I want to see us outnumber them and I want our supporters to give the players their support on game day. I went to the GWS game at the G and if you closed your eyes you would have thought you were at Goshes on a training day. I'd like opposition teams' supporters to dread the trek to the G to play us. If we have continued success all the other things will flow on, the Home Base, the facilities we need and the respect we deserve.
  23. Several years ago I was at a Crown Dees function and was the top bidder for Jack Viney's jumper and he signed it for me. Brian Wilson was at the function and I got him to sign it as well, seeing as he wore number 7 as well. Couple of weeks ago I was at another function and sat next to Jack, I reminded him of the jumper and he said you now have a jumper signed by a Brownlow medalist and a Premiership player.
  24. Wow, I'm glad you know what's good for people and Wow, where did you get that assumption from, Norman I haven't got a clue Swann
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