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Everything posted by SFebes

  1. That looks more like the Aussie cricket team circa 1999 vs 2018.
  2. Demon faithful would have forced him into early retirement by then so it won't matter.
  3. He'll be 27 before start of next season and 28 the year after if we get him as a FA.
  4. He’s an overrated and undisciplined space cadet with a faux tough guy attitude who butchers the ball more than his brother
  5. Have faith mate, the club knows what Jesse is worth and Mahoney has made mention of it. That’s the only opinion worth listening to, not ours. Go back and listen to it yourself and pour a scotch ?
  6. What? No sense of humour? I was having a dig at the people that host it, not the OP, thought it was pretty obvious. I work too.
  7. Nab AFL TRADE RADIO UPDATE: Repeat what you've already said 10 times a day for 5 days straight. Enjoy the weekend lads
  8. Jesse will be at Freo, they’ve wanted him since before he was drafted, all over red rover.
  9. Want a first rounder......but not renewing his contract and telling him to look elsewhere. Ah dear. I do agree he has talent though but jeez
  10. Listening to Steve Rosich on Trade Radio was quite puzzling, not to mention delusional. Reckons they want to keep Neale and won't accept pick 4. Currently they have picks 5 and 77? And been linked to Hogan, Lobb, Duncan, Conca......so they are going to have to give something up somewhere along the line this year.
  11. If STK are prepared to offer him 3 years then they value him higher than a pick 75 IMO, but we'll take what we can get. When on he's a gun, we just didn't see it enough so realistically won't be missed.
  12. We should rename this thread the Pedo-file
  13. Haha, He tries to be a know-it-all but Dal is too smart for him and shuts him down every time. Sam bobs back up "hit me again" lol
  14. And only played 12-13 games
  15. Agree Patchy. I think he might end up at Essendon.
  16. Matthew Lloyd saying he spoke to someone close to Dom Tyson camp last night and the push was on to get him to the Gold Coast and he wasn't happy about it. Would this be the club trying to send him up there as part of the May trade?
  17. Matthew Lloyd saying he spoke to someone close to Dom Tyson camp last night and the push was on to get him to the Gold Coast and he wasn't happy about it. Would this be the club trying to send him up there as part of the May trade?
  18. 5. He's petrified Auzzie will swoop down and mess his hair up before games
  19. Because Frem have been in his ear all year, and for many years, he probably has built some attachment to them. Also Jesse was a Crows supporter as a kid. He is strange, his interviews are weird, I have always felt he unattached to everyone and everything.
  20. If he thought Melbournes delivery was poor, wait until he gets to a Neale-less Freo.
  21. I don't like it. It's good for individual players, but not for the clubs getting raped. Some of these grassroots clubs need success to stay afloat. Another stupid Gil idea.
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