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Everything posted by SFebes

  1. I mentioned him in my last post, not a fan, ask Bombers supporters too. Could play for sure but similar issues to what we are having.
  2. You mean like McCartney, Rawlings or Jennings? What can't people see here. Re coach, it needs to come from imo: Clarkson, Longmire, R Lyon, B Scott, Fagan, C Scott, Beveridge, Hardwick, Hinkley, Simpson, Ratten. I'm not sold on Worsfold. We need someone with a bit of inspiration and drive. Of course many of those we just won't get but that's the path I think we need to take, we can't afford any more rookies, not until we are on our feet properly. Surround one of the above with Solomon, Voss, Mitchell, Hodge or Hayes. I also think Mahoney should go along with Goodwin and I'm still not sold on Taylor either. Bit of a mess when you actually look over the whole club tbh.
  3. I don't buy into the travel rubbish. We have travelled well in previous years with a decent away record. If Sam Landsberger thinks we are still going ok then he is off his tree. It's not just the last two games, its over the last few years. We have bashed up lowly teams, even when we have won some, we've still played crap with no structure for most of the game only to kick away at the end (think Adel). When did Melbourne put in their last 4 quarter effort? Cairns is only a 2 hour flight from Bris, conditions were the same for all teams. We played (like usual with no system or plan and run around with heads cut of, while the opposition has so much space to mark, run and carry, especially out of defence but easily through the middle too. We guard space, not players, hence UC marks differential. The same issues have been there for 3 or more years. Season on the line, finals on the line, yet we don't show up? You can see there's a bit of squabble between the players now too. I truly believe Goodwin has no idea, we are meant to be ruthless and play with a brand yet skirt the boundary and are 18th for tackles and was it 13th for clearances? There is no play, its grab ball and bash it forward then repeat. Thats bush footy stuff. If we can't beat two mediocre sides with finals on the line then something is seriously up. You can excuse skills but you can't excuse a plan and effort. Good and well coached sides find a way. We have had 24 goalless quarters under Goodwin FFS, when is the evidence enough?! He is so out of his depth it isn't funny, you can just tell by looking at him in the box, then we see game day. He's lost the players, there is no plan and they dont trust him, neither do supporters.
  4. I do like Rivers’ poise and cool head. I think we may have found one in him. Although I’m a bit concerned about his speed, time will tell but so far so good.
  5. I’ve already done it and I suggest others get it off their chest also.
  6. After last week I drafted an email to Glenn Bartlett, I've tried to cool off but tonight I've sent it. I'm not putting up with this rubbish in 2021 and neither should anyone else, enough is enough. Whether its Goodwin or Mahoney and his stupid contract extensions, he needed to hear it. I'm off to bed, [censored] this.
  7. Why did Max punch the ball out to the boundary when he would've taken a chest mark 20m out, thats where this club is at, its sad.
  8. Hmmm, I've gone very cold (sub zero) on this appointment.
  9. Wheres Viney gone? Petracca tried his guts out and thats about it.
  10. Gawn punches it out instead of easy chest mark 20 out lol
  11. He really has. What a waste of time and money. Like Rivers. Kozzie flying for speccies in the wet says it all. We are like witches hats. This really has been an appalling performance. Goodwin Looks cooked in the box. Petracca getting mad with everyone. Hibberd limping and should never have played. Ins useless. Poorly coached and NO SYSTEM whatsoever. He's lost the players completely.
  12. Bad bad easy miss Pickett. We need to basically double our score again to win now. One more Freo goal and its all over.
  13. Viney is tough but what does he add, such a dumb limited footballer. A real shame.
  14. 24 goalless quarters under Goodwin, nearly a 25th. Lets hope that stat doesnt rise by end of game. We just look lifeless, an odd cameo from Viney but really we should be behind by a lot. Still a chance, but it's Freos to lose
  15. How the hell do they get more i50s into the wind? This is appalling. Thank god its raining or we should be 7 goals down at a guess.
  16. I liked that the boys got around Viney then. Somehow hanging in there.
  17. was that 24 goalless quarters under Goodwin? I'm amazed how easy they waltz through the corridor. Somehow still in it but should be game over
  18. We are still in it by scoreboard but they are all over us and better coached/drilled. They look so slick and easily run past us without trouble.
  19. Same crap each week. Season on the line and we have 4 tackles in the wet? Lead some stats but poorly coached and no PLAN! Kick it to Max on every kick in. Jeez Simon is out of his depth. Go already. Weak as [censored]. Should be game over already tbh.
  20. Hibberd on Walters, perfect matchup by Goodwin seeing Hibberd almost didnt play.
  21. With so many changes each week, how do we even find continuity and connection that Goodwin speaks of? Totally unsettled and all over the place. 13 changes in 2 weeks and 17 in 3 weeks? A lot of these changes also weren't even close to the right ones either.
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