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Everything posted by grazman

  1. Living in Canberra having Foxtel was an absolute must because the last TV rights deal was an absolute Barry Crocker for any footy fan up here. I got to watch every single Dees match year with the footy channel. I mourn the passing of the footy channel, but won't really give a toss so long as there is decent coverage on FTA. (not delayed until 3am). I've still kept my Foxtel subscription, because even though I rarely watch TV of any description when I do it is usually on SBS or ABC (ABC2) which are all on Foxtel (crystal clear reception). The real issue for me as a consumer is when the games will be telecast. The only real problem that I have is the way that they bundle up all the crappy channels that people wouldn't normally think about watching into packages rather than allowing you to choose individual channels. (still from a marketing perspective it makes sense)
  2. Good point PGS. There was a story a short while ago in the Melb papers about the two team mentality, and how the Eagles through Worsfold use nothing less than fear and intimidation to bludgeon the journo's over there into printing only sweetness and light. "there is no right or wrong, only public opinion"
  3. Depends which circles you move in. Despite the flack that she gets, Caro is a reasonable journo and wouldn't make such a claim without some pretty 'tight' sources.
  4. Of course the drug problem Caro refers to may not necessarily be confined to personal use. Nice little Abletesque synergy going on.
  5. Ahh Robbie Flower.... The memories. When I was a kid growing up in NSW in the late 70s early 80s we didn't get to see much Aussie Rules except for the Winners (God bless the ABC). Anyway I knew I was Victorian and I should be following a team so I got out the sports almanac and looked at all the teams and one night I saw Robbie Flower feature on the highlights real... I have followed Melbourne ever since. I can't really add too much more to other people's descriptions of Robbie, too watch him play he was sublime and made me forget that I'd actually picked a very crappy time to barack for the Red and Blue.
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