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fired up

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Everything posted by fired up

  1. Take off ypur rose colored glasses DBW.
  2. Have coached juniors against cotchin ABSOLUTE GUN>
  3. I dont think many players need to be delisted at all. They need to be told and shown what is expected of them and have aplan to follow. [censored] performances not tollerated. [censored] attitude not tollerated for this a hard but fair coach is needed not an ex melb player. We need a lot brought to club that we have not had for 43 years.
  4. We have the wrong Davey Or the wrong coach .
  5. No disrespect to Neita i think these days a captin or leader should play in the midfeild or back to direct, inspire and lead way when the heats on. GL and DN captins at FF great leaders lift team. Viney in centre in and under hard all day Who inspires most.
  6. Dont know why brown gets bagged so much Thought Miller played ok must get out of habit to h/ball first option.
  7. Give Bizz a run not just 1 week he will prove his worth.
  8. Daniher in last quarter i saw twice looking up to god for help instead of getting on the phone and rearanging or back up plan he has not got a clue god helps them who help themselves. The players tried hard no forward line structure. ND you are a good bloke and hope you stay around the club as FD job but defantlily nothing to do with match day, training or strategey.
  9. Look good at start then slowy fades away how ironic.
  10. If the ship sinks is it the captains fault.
  11. We need 22 players on ground with spirit pride, passion,teamsmanship,leadership,beleive in each other,who will bleed for the jumper. WHEN WE HAVE THIS WE WILL HAVE SUCESS.
  12. For some unknown reason the start and after main break is always dissapointing part of our game. We always play catch up footy if we win it seems agreat win if we lose it is very frustrating waisted c hances from not being switched on or fully prepared. Also when we are up afair bit we never finnish of hard always seem to let them back in NO KILLER INSTINCT.
  13. It was a fair hard tackle like old times well done byron. the pressure he puts on the ball carrier is extreme and causes turnovers and mistakes if you take him on you may pay the price. Every body says melb is soft including our own then when someone shows some hardness he gets shitcanned GO HARD BYRON> :angry:
  14. Daniher should not get another year under any circumstances quite simply the guy has not got a clue.He has had ten years this is his list he has built and you want him to start again we will be sitting here ten years down the track talking the same crap with still no flag.Softness of players and mental toughness lacking , fire in belly missing comes from coaching panel. half the players look like they dont even want to be out there.If ND is so good why is it that guys like Armstrong, Jolly,Simmonds,Thompson can hardly get game time at Melb. go to other clubs and star . THINK ABOUT IT. <_<
  15. Totally agree. Before all the injuries hit what about the shocking round 1 game Nab cup series. If your not fired up for round 1 then there is a big underlying problem :angry:
  16. The flaw in our team is THE COACH. One plan if that dosn;t work he's bugged.
  17. I a gree Daniher has not got what it takes to get them across the line. the list at the moment is proberly the best its everbeen with all the talent and yet we play stupid football The time is now no excuses 10 years and he wants more . What happens when neitz, white, yze,bizzel retire then we will all hear we're in a rebuilding phase 5year plan AGAIN.This season so far seams to be the game plan of Neil Balme just before he was sacked. It makes me sick to watch crap like friday's game go b ack to attacking footy and having a fairdinkin crack. IT'S TIME TO DELIVER DANIHER OR GET OUT AND LET SOMEONE WHO CAN. :angry:
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