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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. Clark standing at Southern end goal square waiting for first bounce
  2. I think Port won toss but elected to kick into it
  3. Casey come out Looks like Fitz will get a lot of ruck work today
  4. The umpires have landed! All in readiness 8 mins from starting time
  5. Just watching them run on now Clark, Blease, Trengove, McKenzie, Fitzpatrick, Taggert and a few more.
  6. At Casey Fields, Port reserves are getting on top in last quarter with the Port kicking with the aid of a stiff breeze. Conditions are excellent. Th siren has just sounded with Port winning by 9 points.
  7. Seven off that list are in my Round 1 team. We will go well if they make it through Saturday's game.
  8. 316, If I were to judge you from your avatar I would say you enjoy watching one man beat another man's brains out... but that would be a judgement formed on one flimsy piece of evidence. I prefer to judge people over a long period with the knowledge that most of us trip up at some stage in our life. I'm not prepared to condemn as swiftly as you... but I totally reject the notion that your professed purity makes you a better person than Liam!
  9. 316, stick to the facts as you know them... this would have made you a far more reliable analyst in this case!
  10. 316, A bloke who has a problem with the drink is pretty easy to find in Oz... If you consider anyone who loves the idea of having a beer or a wine when socialising, a problem! If that is the measure then I have a problem. I see no evidence that Liam has a problem. He looks great!
  11. here's hoping this thread will be re-named "The Dramatic Resurrection Of Liam Jurrah" sometime soon!
  12. I don't want to comment on the case as others much more knowledgeable in law than me have given an informative summary. I do note, however, that Liam looked reasonably fit and physically healthy throughout proceedings. He should be commended for that alone, as many would have let themselves go in his circumstance. I think his football career is alive and well, even at AFL level... stay tuned!
  13. Oh yes, apparently Mitch Clark is back...
  14. Reminiscent of TE Lawrence... "So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people - greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are..."
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