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Everything posted by Gunna’s

  1. [censored] me. Ones a push and then ones play on. Jumper colours depending
  2. Good tackle kozzie. Finish off your good work.
  3. Great replay. Missed the [censored] throw in.
  4. That must have hurt the commentators to retract the statements on Salem cleaning up the ain’t player
  5. Sparrow is a great kick for goal outside 50
  6. [censored] off yellow maggot. There’s been three or four knocked out and paid against us but oh an aints player is tackled you use this excuse to influence the game. [censored] you maggot
  7. How far is he allowed to run? so many umpire errors.
  8. These ruck frees and non frees are farcical
  9. This commentary is cheering the aints hard.
  10. At least I won $200 on a disposals bet with trac, viney, salo and riv.
  11. If we ever get a mcg game against this mob I hope we only sell 100 seats to them.
  12. Massive tug on Gawns jumper. Nothing. Nothing. Fmd
  13. That has to be fifty. On the full [censored]. On the [censored] full the ball has to be returned.
  14. No free on sparrow being taken out sorry rivers
  15. Duncan in protected zone. No fifty. Fmd
  16. Why’s that not fifty against Hawkins? torp from the middle no one on the line defending the dribble……..
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