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Everything posted by joeboy

  1. I saw TJ last weekend with his arm in plaster .
  2. 3 - Whispy Jack - intelligent , articulate , diverse 2 - Scoop Junior - sensible , perceptive , forthright 1 - Jaded - logical , rational , objective .
  3. Almost . What I am saying is the effect of his being unable to contribute @ 100% capacity was " the major disappoinment "
  4. IMO as the premier player in the team ,his absence from the team through injury , or even when playing encumbered by injury , his lack of imput was the single 'major disappoinment ' in the year .
  5. He also very humorously described how one of his sons was still a fervent Melbourne supporter and idolised Davey and Robertson , but warned him not to venture too close to them as they would be disappointments .
  6. Bartram - excused , absent injured Bate - second year blues Bell - made gradual gains Bizzell - retired too late Brown - played to ability Bruce - the major disappointment Buckley - little to enthuse Carroll - too much responsibility Davey - a wasted year Dunn - moments to savour Ferguson - same old sameness Frawley - injury curtailed development Garland - the jury's out Godfrey - handled tough assignments Green - steady and reliable Holland - some mercurial moments Jamar - an underwhelming year C. Johnson - may have expired P. Johnson - not the answer Johnstone - classy but detached Jones - the shining light McDonald - overworked and ageing McLean - ruined early on Miller - went nowhere quickly Moloney - ruined by injury Neitz - overworked and slowing Neville - the jury's out Newton - exciting but frustrating Petterd - showed enough early Pickett - a wasted year Rivers - a major loss Robertson - commendable despite injuries Sylvia - never gained momentum Ward - past his prime Warnock - little to admire Weetra - the jury's out Wheatley - great when fit Whelan - ruined by injury White - totally one dimensional Yze - past his prime Bode - a late developer
  7. Brown - going with glory Carroll - year's worst game Bizzell - fumbled and humbled Ward - loose and disinterested Johnstone - huge possession accumulator McDonald - strangely ineffective game Bate - very minor involvement Pickett - classy but limited Dunn - classy but spasmodic Miller - effective in bursts Bode - showed some glimpses Bruce - playing out time Green - classy when required Robertson - heart and soul Ferguson - brave but limited C. Johnson - little to commend P. Johnson - certainly no defender Jamar - mistake- ridden performance White - should have dominated Newton - highs and lows Jones - not at best McLean - steady and dependable
  8. I'll do it after the final round as always .
  9. Like others previously , I also recall Brown's first agme against Carlton , when he saved the game with a sensational , and foolhardy full length dive and tackle which halted a forward thrust by the Blues with only seconds to go . He always put the team ahead of his own safety and I would always marvel at his heroics . Furthermore he has not overstayed his welcome and was probably our most consisitent performer over the last 4-6 weeks .
  10. Putting a spanner in the works is last night's announcement that Melbourne has approached Dean Laidley's agent , thus ensuring that no announcement will be made until The Kangaroos' season is done and dusted .
  11. 6 - Green 5 - Brown 4 - McLean 3 - Robertson 2 - Pickett 1 - Jones
  12. On reflection I think I may have been over - critical of McLean , but he has set such a high level for himself that we ( I ) expect him to perform herculean efforts each week .
  13. Ok smartarse what's your opinion of the players ?
  14. Brown - continues to shine Carroll - barber deserves conviction Ferguson - devoid of strength Ward - devoid of ability Miller - devoid of passion Green - only classy performer Jones - quicker decisions needed Dunn - needs settled position Johnston - looking towards vacation Pickett - loved his aggression Buckley - has shown little Bode - little to commend C. Johnson - chances have expired P. Johnson - lacks football understanding Neitz - no captain's leadership Bruce - diabolical foot disposal Robertson - playing out time Newton - major disappointment today White - pointless ruck domination Sylvia - played without purpose McLean - fast losing captaincy Jamar - nothing to commend
  15. Brown - continued his reformation Carroll - solid under fire Holland - outstanding until injured Bell - loose until injured Ferguson - was surprisingly composed Johnstone - played without passion McDonald - inspired by occasion Bate - disappointing yet again Davey - continued poor season Robertson - had little influence Pickett - aggressive but unfit Neitz - truly captain's game Jamar - better second half Sylvia - penny finally dropped Dunn - some exciting moments White - disappointed when needed Jones - superlatives keep coming Green - showed his class Newton - showing his versatility Wheatley - always under pressure Bode - played his part McLean - needed more involvement
  16. I'm only asking for you to reveal the quality of your undoubtedly 'brilliant football mind ' for all the world to appreciate . Don't make such flippant put downs without having the guts to give us all just a glimpse of how insightful you really are and how markedly different your opinions are to mine - but restrict yourself to 3 words .
  17. Hey , sorry to give you such an incorrect analysis , but I'd really love to read your 3 words , because I hear you have such a brilliant football mind . Please feel free to share your wisdom here .
  18. Actually ,I know it doesn't mean much but the HeraldSun's unbiased journalist gave Brown BOG !
  19. 6 - Green 5 - Holland 4 - Jones 3 - Davey 2 - White 1 - Brown
  20. Brown - desperation was contagious Carroll - little to do Ferguson - courageous but limited Bell - exciting but loose Wheatley - handled tough tasks Bode - little to excite Moloney - had no impact Mcdonald - useful as always Johnstone - hasn't lost magic Pickett - aggression set tone Davey - loved the freedom Green - wonderful all night Dunn - had limited impact Robertson - license to roam Neitz - struggling to survive Jamar - still just plodded White - had little opposition Jones - fantastic first half Sylvia - some individual cameos Frawley - was well beaten Newton - no second efforts Holland - who'd have thought ?
  21. Brown - playing out time Carroll - our only winner Holland - gave his utmost Ward - loose and uninterested Bell - taught a lesson Miller - devoid of passion Buckley - out of depth Moloney - obviously playing injured Wheatley - many useless possessions McDonald - age taking toll Green - some classy touches Davey - looking for holiday Pckett - played with endeavour Newton - hope on horizon Ferguson - effective but unreliable Jamar - just a plodder White - had no impact McLean - not a defender Godfrey - too much responsibility Bate - significant early injury Neitz - an embarrassing liability Jones - not as prolific
  22. To add insult to injury , the fitness guru at the resurgent Kangaloos is a fanatical Demon suporter !
  23. Whelan Carroll Warnock Bizzell Rivers Yze Petterd T. Johnstone C. Johnson Pickett P. Johnson Davey Garland Jamar Hughes Neaves , Bartram Bode
  24. Brown - heart , no skill Ferguson - heart , no skill Miller - nothing at all Bell - needed the run Ward - made up numbers Holland - heart , no skill Bruce - skill , no heart McDonald - a poor game Green - many meaningless possessions Buckley - little to commend Newton - played without intensity Robertson - just a shadow Neitz - please rest now White - a valiant performance Bate - is going backwards Jones - still a beacon Wheatley - many usless disposals Frawley -kept at task Godfrey- heart no skill Sylvia- couldn't get going Moloney- probably wasn't playing McLean - career worst game
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