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Everything posted by joeboy

  1. N.Jones - 30+ mostly hard fought possessions , and you gave 6 players votes before him ?????
  2. 6 - N.Jones ( by a street ) 5 - Cross ( slow, but makes up for it with nous) 4 - Vince ( for weight of possessions ) 3 - Tyson ( plenty of possessions but has become soooo slow to move the ball on ) 2 - Dunn ( for trying and taking the game on ) 1 - Bail ( for trying and taking the game on )
  3. N.Jones - carbon copy game Salem - had little impact Watts - nothing of note Dawes - waste of space Viney - disposal was amateurish Frawley - tried but failed Tyson - rarely hurt opposition Dunn - performed task admirably Kent - was rarely sighted Cross - professional tagging role Garland - excellent until injured Pedersen - made little impression Michie - rarely hurt opposition Vince - prolific and cared McDonald - loose and erratic Gawn - little to commend Howe - lazy and loose Jamar - end of era Bail - tried but limited M.Jones - has no tricks Fitzpatrick - 2 minute game Jetta - slow and loose
  4. Good luck in your endeavours
  5. I've been sleepless over our performances since 1965.. Roos should consider himself lucky
  6. The sad thing is that all of these attempts at selecting a viable 2015 team reek of same old same old.. we're doomed for 10 years if we're relying on the likes of Dawse, Garland, Watts , Grimes,, Howe , and others to suddenly become consistent and effective footballers . We've seen years and years of the same rubbish from the same people ,to know that they're not EVER going to be up to it!
  7. 6 - N.Jones ( cared and tried to make a difference) 5 - Gawn ( was almost unsighted , but less than most others ) 4 - Jetta ( was slow , and loose , but he gave a damn ) 3 - Dunn ( the ONLY player in our team who could hit a target) 2 - Vince ( for his first quarter ) 1 - Tyson ( for lots of possessions , though most were irrelevant)
  8. N.Jones - never stopped trying Grimes - unsighted until injured Salem - miles from ready Watts - embarrassing and insipid Dawes - probably not awake Viney - horrible decision making Frawley - scared off suitors Tyson - prolific not effective Dunn - played with professionalism Kent - disposal from hell Cross - age has wearied Garland - was barely interested Michie - little to commend Vince - one great quarter McDonald - some dumb decisions Riley - tried but irrelevant Barry - little to commend Gawn - showed some skills Howe - arrogant and lazy Jamar - time has passed M.Jones - was barely noticed Jetta - loose and slow
  9. Heard him being interviewed on SEN this evening and completely changed my opinion of him. He spoke glowingly of his time at the club , even lovingly. He bore no malice towards anyone, even Neeld, and was extremely gracious and modest about his achievements in the AFL . He went out with class, in my opinion
  10. 6 - Jetta ( great reinvention) 5 - Gawn ( at least he gave us some hope ) 4 - Tyson ( prolific , though rarely used his possessions to advantage ) 3 - Howe ( classy and smart , but was very loose ) 2 - Riley ( showed dash and aggression) 1 - Jamar ( palmed well , usually to advantage )
  11. N.Jones- had little impact Watts - relevant no longer Dawes - tried without impacting Viney - failed to impose Frawley - going through motions Tyson - prolific , not damaging Dunn - just a game Kent - was rarely sighted Cross - professional as expected Garland - was hardly noticed Michie - a Casey performance Kennedy - Harris - just a kid McDonald - amateur against professional Riley - effective when subbed Barry - some hurried efforts Gawn - one promising light Howe - loose but classy Jamar - probably broke even Bail - continued poor form M.Jones - little to commend Jetta - brave and relentless Vince - few worthwhile possessions
  12. Firstly, they were never my words.. I only suggested that he may not be the Messiah
  13. If you want to get personal then perhaps you should just open up Uranus and hop in
  14. Add to the list that perhaps Roos isn't the Messiah after all. Looking closely at who on our list has actually improved under him: Dunn, definitely Pedersen , certainly McDonald , arguably Jetta, yep That's it.
  15. 6 - Howe ( excellent disposal , regularly broke the lines ) 5 - McDonald ( was the mainstay of defence and was rarely beaten 1 on 1 ) 4 - Jetta ( easily beat his opponent but his disposal was erratic ) 3 - Jones ( prolific, but ignored first options , at the team's expense) 2 - Tyson ( read comments for Jones) 1 - Dunn ( rarely made an error )
  16. Jones - ignored first options Watts - abysmal and embarrassing Dawes - not on field Viney - lost in transit Frawley - missing second half Tyson - horribly wasteful disposal McKenzie - competition's worst disposalist Dunn - persisted,unlike others Garland - was rarely sighted Pedersen - was rarely sighted Vince - uncharacteristically wasteful disposal Kennedy - Harris - fumbled his chances McDonald - outstanding all game Riley - no genuine skill Tapscott - little before injury Howe - easily our best Jamar - only broke even Bail - played little part Terlich - worst decision maker Jetta - tried but limited Kent - occasionally showed potential Blease- nothing to like
  17. N.Jones - a major player Grimes - never imbued confidence Watts - one brilliant quarter Dawes - had little impact Viney - take first options!!! Frawley - provided forward presence Tyson - back to prolific McKenzie - performed task successfully Dunn - continued outstanding season Kent - just needs confidence Blease - just a cameo Garland - outstanding all game Pedersen - is obviously tiring Vince - an angry game Kennedy- Harris - occasionally looked dangerous McDonald - confident and important Riley - just lacks class Tapscott - the battering ram Howe - classy but inconsistent Jamar - lionhearted all game Bail - provided good run Jetta - read game beautifully
  18. 6 - McDonald ( looked as if he cared, and at least broke even ) 5 - Viney ( just a terrier who never stops ) 4 - Riley ( had some useful clearances and showed some dash) 3 - N.Jones ( never stopped trying , but was held ) 2 - Pedersen ( I'm not sure why) 1 - McKenzie ( for limiting Selwood's output)
  19. N.Jones- just did enough Grimes- little to commend Watts - irrelevant and insipid Dawes - tried but ineffective Viney - played with heart Frawley - rarely exerted himself Tyson - no repeat efforts McKenzie - praiseworthy but limited Dunn - ineffective both ends Kent - rarely made position Garland - was rarely sighted Pedersen - tried but ineffective Vince - performance mirrored haircut McDonald - great under pressure Riley - showed some endeavour Tapscott - career ending performance Howe - five minute performance Bail - probably wasn't playing M.Jones - was rarely noticed Terlich - had no impact Jetta - quiet before subbed
  20. Add Jobe Watson to that list .Every second word is 'ahh' .. so bloody irritating!!
  21. 6 - McDonald ( made mistakes , but played with passion and purpose ) 5 - M.Jones ( prolific possessions though he rarely hurt the opposition) 4 - Dunn ( continued to try , and at least broke even with opponent ) 3 - Vince ( quiet until last quarter , but at least kept trying) 2 - Kent ( kept presenting) 1 - Viney ( tried , but his disposal is amateurish )
  22. N.Jones - seemingly lost interest Grimes - mistake riddled performance Salem - nowhere near ready Watts - embarrassing and insipid Dawes - tried but poor Viney - tried but lacking Frawley - going through motions Tyson - played without passion McKenzie - determined but limited Dunn - seemed to care Kent - some occasional impact Garland - poor decision making Pedersen - had no influence Vince - succumbed to tagger McDonald - successful against odds Barry - looked totally lost Gawn - a dumb footballer Howe - probably wasn't playing Jamar - possibly broke even Bail - costly skill errors M.Jones - couldn't hurt opposition Terlich - brave but dumb
  23. 6 - Jamar ( dominated the centre , and was our best forward ) 5 - Howe ( played with class and skill ) 4 - Viney ( unusual but effective tagging game ) 3 - Grimes ( reasonably safe and constructive ) 2 - Vince ( great second half ) 1 - Gawn ( great 20 minutes .. I'm struggling )
  24. N.Jones - never found rhythm Grimes - excellent all game Salem - a schoolboy footballer Watts - classy but flawed Dawes - disappointingly little influence Viney - excellent tagging game Frawley - succumbed when pressured Tyson - few clear possessions Dunn - surprisingly poor disposal Kent - probably wasn't playing Garland - career worst game Pederson - great first half Vince - great second half Nicholson - crap , as expected Barry - had little impact Gawn - couldn't assert himself Howe - most effective defender Jamar - clearly our best Bail - couldn't justify selection M.Jones - was he playing? Terlich - poor before injury Jetta - useful both ends
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