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Everything posted by DSP

  1. Was hoping for a pick in the 20's, but it seems like a done deal. Club is sending a clear message. Like it or not, anyone that isnt putting it all on the line is not welcome anymore.
  2. Let the wrist cutting commence. At least its done. he's nominated now and it'll get done fairly quickly. Jack can move on and hopefully the supporters can too.
  3. If true, he saw some pretty lean times at the club. Always put in. Thanks Garlo!
  4. He hasnt even commited to a club. Geelong is going to the draft apparently and Sydney have confirmed they are out. That leaves Port.
  5. Any club would give up pick 4 for Lever. He is ready to go. No need for development. Slots in and we have 3 All Australian Squad defenders at our disposal. This trade will pay off in spades soon enough.
  6. “It is going to take giving to the team like never before. It will take unconditionally competing at every contest. It will take sacrifices you have not thought about before or thought were too great to take … And it will take a mindset that every day matters.” Couldnt agree more Goody.
  7. How is he not elite? Best intercept player in the game - something we do NOT have down back. Made All Australian 40 man squad. Future leader. Clean user of the ball.
  8. This. History hasnt been kind for us as a whole in the last decade. Poor choices, complete busts and injuries. Sure there have been a few diamonds in teh rough, but taking Lever is rock solid choice. We dont have to put years of development into him. He's ready to go and will only get better.
  9. Looks like Tmac is gonna be up forward next year and thats not a bad thing.
  10. Damn, was hoping we would of got something back for 2 first rounders other than steak knives. Its done now. Lever will be rock solid.
  11. He is already the best intercept mark in the game. Pretty close to the best intercept spolier as well. Clean disposal. Future Leader. Id say he is more than on his way.
  12. This was talked about on SEN yesterday. They said Level is on par if not ahead of Rance when they were at the same age. Absolutely has the potential to be a 10 year, A grade defender for us.
  13. Listening to that audio grab from the B&F. He has absolutely come to terms with moving on. It's happeneing, its jus a matter of where.
  14. Happy to give him some more time, but early signs havent exactly wowed me. Def needs to work on his strength. Pushed off the ball too easily.
  15. Guy from champion data was just on SEN. He crunched all the figures from last few seasons and on numbers alone rated Watts anywhere from pick 20-30 value.
  16. If Tex ever even contemplates leaving Adelaide at some point, I hope he is absolutely hounded. What a grade A sook. Terrible leadership qualities.
  17. Appauling to be honest. He has every right to be there.
  18. Absolutely. If he was out at a park or a resturaunt etc - no issues at all. But being outside a nightclub at 1am, where you KNOW there is going to be people that are intoxicated just wanting to have a go is asking for trouble. Protecting a family member is one thing, assualting a cop is another. That being said, until he is actually sentenced its all hearsay.
  19. I didnt say I believe it. Far from it. i simply said that there is an absolute possibility that either a player or someone from MFC talking to a Storm player.
  20. They literally are next door neighbours. Of course they would talk to each other.
  21. Should be a major foucus for us next year. Not gonna happen this season.
  22. 2 sides of the coin. Its off season and he is allowed to enjoy himself. Flipside: A professional would never be in the situtation where assualting anyone, let alone a cop, at 1am outside a nightclub is a possibility.
  23. Id say its less than 10% chance and diminishing by the day. Very, very unlikely.
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