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Everything posted by DSP

  1. We should be 6 goals down. What a mess this qtr has been.
  2. Between omac and wagner im consideting jumping off the 3rd tier. Absolutely rubbish.
  3. Swiss cheese defense. Game is slipping away rapidly.
  4. Where are our smalls today apart from fritsch. Jeffy and hannan are unsighted.
  5. Absolute rubbish call on lewis. Pathetic.
  6. How is wagner getting a game. I dont get it.
  7. Well apart from the shizen effort down back, great qtr of footy
  8. Love how they let ablett get away with it. Love child.
  9. Early days but our defense looks hungover. Slow as molasses.
  10. Pedders with a beauty of a pack mark. Old man still has it
  11. I see the usual geelong armchair ride by the umps is to continue in 18...
  12. Watching Bayley warm up. Absolute text book kick. Beautiful to watch. Hope he slots a couple!
  13. Absolte cracker of a day. Perfect conditions. Cmon dees!!
  14. Anyone know where we go to get member scarves? Havent seen anything from club about it.
  15. Viney is in our top 3 most valuable players. The club HAS to get this right and get the foot healed.
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