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Everything posted by pinkshark

  1. My favourite image of the grand final by a mile.
  2. After Clarry kicks that goal at end of third, the camera pans to the bulldogs midfield reassembling for the final center bounce of the quarter. They are simply [censored] stunned and shell shocked. of a million favourite things I also bloody well love Tmac. His shepherd on the goal line for that sparrow goal just sensational. If he’s not physically strong enough that goal is touched on the line, but the big meat eating Tmac actually throws the bulldogs defender off his feet. Literally. Marvel cinematic universe stylie!
  3. Thanks LDVC. But I still don't get it. 🤔 Surely it is meant to be, 'when all is said and done, more is done than said.' See, this is not confusing. Makes sense. Anyway not important.
  4. Story on dees website about the defensive unit. No mention of Hunt. I'm a bit disappointed by that. A little. That man deserves as much praise as anyone on the team. He stood up this year Jayden Hunt. He was excellent.
  5. Pretty sure? 6 foot 10 human being with a bald head and long beard? 😁
  6. I don't get this quote. 'more is said than done'? Doesn't that mean there has been more talk (said) than walk (done). So we've talked the talk, more than walked the walk? Which is not what you want to do. Don't get it. Can someone enlighten me on this? What penny is not dropping for me?
  7. Dunstall one of the worst of all. Nick 'little nick' Del Santo right there as well. He's a loser anyway. Won nothing the clown. As for David King? Refuse to listen to him. As in if he is on a show with others I mute him when he speaks. Context gets lost sometimes but it doesn't matter. Just a fat, daily chicken-parma consuming, gambling addict.
  8. His nephew was out there. He was as invested as us, Jimmy Brayshaw, the big [censored].
  9. Sensational. Loved it. Hilarious.
  10. Im 33 pages in of 44. Been reading 10 pages at a time. Savouring it. Loving it. But I need now to also express myself. It's all been said by all of you on here, but [censored] me dead, that was like living a dream for 40 minutes. My text to mates simply said: No more jokes, no more mockery. I wore my jumper for the first time these last few days with a pride I'd never felt.. Always when I wore it people looked at me with a combination of pity/concern/or a look of 'you [censored] [censored]". Like many others on here, there were no tears, which I expected. Just pure elation and dis-[censored]-belief. The relief like nothing Ive ever felt before. Had my mad 12 and 8 year old Demon supporting sons on each side of me from go to wo. What a night! As I said it's all been said. But I haven't apologised to Neal Bullen. So, Nibbler, sorry for doubting you. His last 4 matches his best 4 matches of his career. Flawless in the granny. Absolutely effing flawless, composed, disposed of it accurately. Focus on this bloke on the replays. Didn't put a foot wrong. Like most, if not all, others. Great job WA Demons and other people that flew our flag and supported us. You legends. Nev, Jonesy, Vanders and Jayden Hunt (the unluckiest of all to miss out) - love your work. Have always loved it. I hope Jayden wins a flag with us next year. When we are allowed back at the G to have the Melbourne/Victorian celebration, we are all going to lose our minds. I intend to. It draws out our celebratory period in some ways, which is another bonus, like basking in the glory of being in a granny for 2 weeks instaed of the usual 1 week. So I'll see you all there. Thanks also to this demonland community. Many years ago when I came across this site I was so pleased. Still am.
  11. Biggest drawcard in the game is what he would have been. Freak.
  12. They will not come out flat. They are too well prepared this year. They are fit, strong and hungry. They feel us, the fans. They're locked in. They wont be [censored] flat in this grand final. I was struck by the business like, quiet focus, and professional nature of Melbourne in the rooms before and after the geelong prelim game, even the Brisbane game as well. I've so much faith in the Melbourne way right now.
  13. The ole sluts and legless? Wow, they were the days. I love London. Best city on Earth (when pandemic free). CARN THE DEMONS!!!
  14. Loved the bloke. Loved his effort. Loved his loyalty. Loved his game. Loved his tatts. Loved his bald head. I remember a Bradshaw interview from years back. Angus said how Jones picked him up in a hot car, looking cool and then proceeded from this day forward to teach him everything about being a professional. No lesson more important than loyalty by the way. this is where a premiership tilt starts. This was 6,7, 8 years ago. Gus is now the bloke picking up the young kids, showing them. we are winning a flag.
  15. I love the reality of these five simple words. Goodwin and his coaches will have our boys running through brick walls come saturday week. You little beauty.
  16. Yes the 1 in 27 games negative theory. What can we do about it? Non Melbourne people want us to lose. They'll say they want the dees to win. But they don't mean it. Commentators, pundits, all year long, just have not given us the credit. I've been saying for years of suffering that there is only one way and one way only to shut them all up. That day arrives on Saturday week.
  17. King will crash and burn sooner or later. He is a [censored]. Hard core gambler supposedly and that rarely ends well. I have not listened to punditry all year. Has been liberating. I read this forum (thank you all), the mfc website (which is pretty ordinary by the way, - thank god for Gus and Gawny) and I watch every second of every game. That's all I need. Go DEES
  18. Dont know what to say don't know what to write. Want to say something profound and inspiring but again, it means nothing. I'm all over the effing shop! blah wahblahyayada yada yada. kjbfiuryshvio;asuxfiojsio'g.mn,buyth. All that matters is how we perform in the grand final. Come on MFC!!!!
  19. A drink spilling, throw your infant child off your lap, fist pumping, spittle flying, veins in neck popping, lose your mind type of moment wasn't it? Then he did it again. And again, And again. And again.
  20. just [censored] astonishing.
  21. He stays in. He, along with Jones and Gawn and Hunt, have been through the [censored] together and come out the other side. I love the big T Mac.
  22. so good watching all this unfold. So enjoyable with the kids. We are on cloud nine. That second quarter was insane. We absolutely stopped brisbane dead in their tracks. Was like the final quarter of a game where we often choke the death out of a team. But there was still 15 minutes in the 1st half to go! We were fantastic. The smothers, the almost smothers, tackling intensity - animals. We've put a heap of oppo players in the hands of their medicos this year. They bloody well want it bad this group. They are locked in. There's no bruise free footy with this lot! Tmac looked like he couldnt walk in the rooms after the game. I hope he's ok. Did people notice gawny and jones celebrating with each other in the rooms? Good feels. The Nibbler was good last night. I'm one of his critics. All of them. Fantastic. Did themselves and us and the club very proud.
  23. Come on Dees!! We keep doing things 'right' this year. Everything pretty much hums along for us like it does generally for the best side in the competition. That's us this year. So stuff Brisbane. Throw the ball up umpire and let's do it all again. !!!
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