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Everything posted by Monocology

  1. My mum wants her curtains back Jacqui Felgate
  2. How is Nibbler in traffic these days!?!? Would win an egg 'n spoon race on Westgate freeway.
  3. .....is our year!! ❤️💙❤️💙❤️
  4. I'm giving Tommy benefit of fact that he may be parting Red Seas & we can't see on tellie? Love the man and deserves one at him lace out.
  5. Now a reminder please of last weeks postings - hold your bundle 'landers.
  6. I've waited 50 years - for this very year. Time to rain Hell boys!! 💙❤️
  7. Well done Dogga - many more accolades to come.
  8. Okay so I've now hit psychopath-level viewings of the final 2 minutes, thank you. Didn't mind the 3AW one but the ABC call sounded like kids had overtaken the booth to eat their Domino's pizza
  9. Absolutely. Sometimes I actually fear for her job as she insists on displaying intelligence in a pool full of imbeciles.
  10. They've both been 'intimate with' Major Burns - an oldy but (in the right company) a goody ....
  11. His game v Crows in Adelaide (a loss due to home-ground umpiring but hey - stick it up your woolly jumper) may well be one of the best of any player in our lifetime. If anyone else wins it'll be dead-set theft.
  12. Always enjoy the podcast win or lose & particularly Andy's intro's. Tonight's intro worthy of the achievement thus far. Bravo.
  13. It's a cruel joke, regardless of flag or no flag this year, that we cannot experience this together nor roar them home. A cruel joke as it's taken dark decades to get here & a seemingly lifetime of dreary Sunday's shuffling home from a loss all hang-dog. Tracc's words & emotions nailed it for me. Bring on the new season & give 'em hell.
  14. As a rough guide: I'm on the upper cusp of medium (read as turning into a potato on toothpicks due to C19) & will be definitely going large. They seem a tad smaller after a few washes also.
  15. The Raise Hell t's were pretty good quality - so I expect they've held the same manufacturer.
  16. Hmmmm how do you do that please? Saying 'member discount has been applied' yet no discount nor free shipping option.....
  17. As will the schoolmaster lecturing on the tellie.
  18. The demon is a shocker and doesn't signify our club. Bizarre merch. The other strange one is to leave so much of our product lines out of stock (in medium & large sizes) while going months undefeated. Sure C19 has stuffed everything but would of thought more restocking would have occurred by season end.
  19. Thank you Dan but did you miss him mentioning 'removalists' and wearing 'Port colours'!?!! Gee whiz if this all ain't hard enough without a bit of humour!?
  20. It was once explained to me that Adelaide Crows were 'the Demons of Adelaide' with regards to their fans being less demographicly challenged. Port Adelaide on the other hand...... I don't care to know any detail nor have confirmation but to Adelaide in general..... CLIMB ABOARD!!!!!!
  21. .....I'm on the wrong end of that statement.
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