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Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

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Everything posted by Timothy Reddan-A'Blew

  1. ...though I see I've been beaten too it (sort of...😒): https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DPZez06NVLuY&ved=2ahUKEwi4xMeQgemHAxXfxzgGHTg8GsoQwqsBegQIEBAG&usg=AOvVaw0LZr1tjdhoRSqW5aS1toAh A 'different' mind comes up with linking banjo and techno 🤪
  2. Just watched it. Ouch. And more than 'nowhere'; it was to a Swan!
  3. ...including the Grundy tap to him. Regrets? I have a few.
  4. That's my instrument, universally the butt of jokes. Such a refreshing, positive sentiment, Lexi. Can I do it, then? Huh? Huh?
  5. Tom Morris to Arden Street: 'What if I wrote you were luring Jack Viney to Arden Street?' Arden Street: 'That's interesting.'
  6. 'T'wasn't intended as such; I really couldn't believe it!
  7. He needs to swallow. It's staying up in his head. (...though I can't really talk...)
  8. Are you sure it was you and not them? Would explain some recent performances...
  9. Oh. Clearly not then. Caution (or that other thing) continues...
  10. ...or they've now realised how unnecessarily cautious (w****rish?) they've been and a froffy cow's is actually OK for them?
  11. Thanks, Mr Stone. Being only a dead tree reader, I only saw it in this morning's branch. I presume if there was reaction to it yesterday, reactors were reacting to it in one o' them new-fangled digity-dogity things?
  12. ...that there's not already half a dozen pages in response to the Cornes *cough* analysis of our apparent cliff fall in this mornings Fair?'Facts' press. Don't tell me we're finally cured of the media?!
  13. Height is far from everything, but 1.98m for Kalani (and Tairon, plus Vic Metro's Miles Tyrer) is 'right up there', I see. Kalani has 2 of the 4 taller boys as teammates (Lions Academy- yuck) - must be something in the Queensland sun (or the rain/humidity...).
  14. 😥 but also🙏
  15. What a Fascinating FIXture it is! With the 'One month later' continuation of this thread, I'm sensing a shift now of our Dees-following from the Hopeless to the Hopeful. A bit earlier than we would have liked but... Go Girls! Go Dees!
  16. Checking in briefly @Demonstone. Heading out of range shortly, so can't participate. Devastated.
  17. There aren't enough of them to make that character assessment!
  18. Well, that was all 'interesting'...
  19. LOL commentator: 'They'll kick themselves if they lose this, but they'll probably miss that, too...'
  20. It's been a good series all round. Thanks to IG, too, then: rich content for a focused audience with effective but not intrusive brand messaging. Up there with Haymes' 'All of(!)The Goals' (in the good - and plentiful! - weeks) for mine 🙂
  21. In the general spirit of this thread... Which bits would the elephant eat?
  22. Your fertile brain, @Demonstone? Regardless, thank you for the multichuckle! I'm curious as to why you chose to reveal this week's opponent's card. Do you feel we are in particular need of straws to clutch?
  23. I copied this to post on one of the other Simon Goodwin 'discussion' threads. Thanks for giving it its own, D Team 👍
  24. Kids, 'bl**dy' is a big person's word for special occasions...
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