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Everything posted by Wolfgang219

  1. After reading the barcode thread it had me thinking about the noise and ticket allocation. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a viral campaign that f.....Ed with West Coast home crowd. The semi final ticket allocation is 50/50.to competing clubs based on membership base. So out of the 60k stadium you would estimate between 18-25k would be for Dees (assuming 10k is for corporates) before going to the public if we don’t use them. So if every member logged on and bought a ticket to exhaust our allocation and then not use it we could reduce their home crowd by 25-45%. AFL would hate it due to ‘look of the game’ and all the empty seats and the outage would be awesome but gees it would be good if you could get every member to donate the $100 ticket to help the team. Go Dees
  2. The easy alternate is to supply your credit card number and a member log on line and order the tickets. Then send them by email
  3. Let’s hope hey changed the legislation not just added more finals to the major event list. When The legislation was first release Victoria police’s legal opinion was that they couldn’t secure a conviction and therefore would not charge anyone. I believe no one has ever been taken to court and the only time this gets air is when the government have to deflect scalpers. People received fines for scalping but it was only the Melbourne city council $500 penalty notice for selling without a licence. You could sell a ticket on the other side of punt road (Yarra council) and Vicpol could do nothing! Edit: it was changed in 2009 https://economicdevelopment.vic.gov.au/about-us/legislation-and-regulation/ticket-scalping-legislation but I bet no one has been ever charged with it
  4. The AFL have banned the WA based umpires from West Coast games since round 14. Probably around that reddit post!!! https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.perthnow.com.au/sport/west-coast-eagles/unofficial-ban-lifted-as-wa-umpires-return-to-perth-for-western-derby-ng-b88914129z.amp Margett (a WA based umpire) was a best man at a West Coast players wedding. I’m sure they don’t intend to be biased but I think the stats might refute that.
  5. Here come the umps
  6. How did they miss the high on spargo
  7. People forget West coke are 2nd on the ladder and we are playing them at home !!!
  8. Just listening to the boos you can understand why eagles get such a great run with the umps
  9. Agreed on that one... frost being the biggest of the group could at least pushed franklin
  10. Surely you are not talking about the Nev Jetta tackle over the boundary line??? Buddy has tried to run through him with strength but Nev dived at him and hit his head into buddy’s shoulder (nearly from behind) during the attempted tackle. Courergous act by Nev but buddy hasn’t done anything wrong. Unless their is another incident dent I can’t recall??
  11. No one dies from being hit in the temple. Most one punch victims hit their head on concrete and because they are unconscious they don’t brace for the impact.
  12. Think it was way too light... The AFL want to be a community leaders in all sorts of PC issues but not in its own affair. The exact same as the drug saga. If a player did this this in the VAFA or another league what would be the expected punishment. Gaff should of received the same.
  13. They only noticed Harmes because they killed one of their players... I don’t notice Adelaide players (maybe Keith and Cheney who kept stopping our fwd thrusts) but I’m not a journalist... pretty poor if you ask me
  14. Had a read of the Herald Sun today (very rare) and looked up the votes for the dees game. 3. Petrecca 2. Harmes 1. Crouch I was shocked especially as Gawn was 4 off the lead. The vote giver must of been the Adelaide correspondent who is a crows supporter and only watched them. I wouldn’t have petrecca in my top 5-7 and Harmes played well but not second BOG
  15. We are trying not to lose it rather than trying to win this
  16. Lol frost... just to make it interesting
  17. Well done hogan, playing sore and still presenting... had an off night but kept trying
  18. That’s not frost fault. It was a Shepard 50m off the ball
  19. The protected area was to allow a player to roll around and not to have players stop the kick by running in a direct line. As usually they they have forgotten why the rule was made and just call it as an infringement.
  20. A few years ago I heard comments from someone in AFL house that the football operations manager or CEO have two meetings a year with the umpiring department to emphasis how they want the game to ‘look’. It it might have been a poorly worded statement but I don’t think it was: the AFL are trying to influence the look and feel and consider their job to produce a brand/entrainment. I think this mindset goes to the heart of the issue. The game is a sport and that by it’s very nature Is the entertainment but by trying to manipulate the events to meet ‘business’ outcomes they are destroying what made it great
  21. A bit like r23 last year They jumped us in the first qtr and maintained the lead for the rest of the game
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