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Mighty Demon (3/10)



  1. Dingo

    The Tennis

    Alex Diminaur wearing red and blue socks. Go Demon!
  2. He is suspended for 3 games.Correct? lf so , who takes his position?
  3. Thanks Nick Lowe
  4. Same for me and at the end he was kicking for goal.
  5. So how many training sessions have you been too ? Troll
  6. Two weeks ago Mr Goodwin was at the Sorrento hotel on a Saturday arvo. My son’s friend Steve was there and sent him a selfie of Goody and Steve. Unfortunately there were no journalists there to report on coach and fan enjoying a friendly,sober time!
  7. I can imagine the talk at the dinner table.Hey Mum , what did you do today?Don't tell us you went to footy training ? Again.! Of course l did ! Let me tell you all about it! Half an hour later…. ?
  8. Thanks for you comments. I would like to know about Melky’s problem if possible.
  9. Agree. And he is a premiership player.
  10. Thank you Ghostwriter.You are close to all the action. You remind me of WCW. Keep up the good work.
  11. I don’t doubt you , but when and where did Simon say this?
  12. I had sort of forgotten about Tom until l got up close to him yesterday at training..He is a big unit.What are people’s thoughts about him?
  13. To clarify I mean Melky
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