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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. with you on this, i get sick to death of all the armchair critics sitting at heir typewriters telling people how Watts or Trengove or whoever are not up to it, the bloke along with about 5-6 others in the team are playing with no confidence. I know Watts and Trengove can play because l've seen it. I was there tonight and l hated what l saw with Watts but he is totally out of form and needs a run at Casey not to be judged by toerags who really have no right to judge AFL footballers.

    You seem to be making judgements here. Does that make you a toerag?

    • Like 3
  2. Just to bring up a favourite of mine - Alex Georgiou, body on body with LRT all night, only got a dozen possessions himself, but the increasingly frustrated and angry LRT was kept to one kick and three handballs.

    Will not be dropped as long as he keeps doing the job assigned to him.

    • Like 3
  3. Roh Bail and Cam Pedersen throw themselves in despite not having any guarantee of several games in a row. If anxiety about his future is inhibiting Jack, how come?

    He's got superb skills and disposal when he gets an easy possession. He doesn't get the other sort.

    • Like 1
  4. He actually needs 10 or more games in the seniors without fear of being dropped to actually understand his role and feel confident in his abilility. Which is something he hasn't had.

    You're surely not suggesting that he plays like a squib because he's afraid of being dropped?

  5. aggressively talk our players down????

    ... or a response to generations of failed football decisions by the club, that may have instilled this attitude amongst us, to try to do the football clubs job for them?

    I vote for the former.

    • Like 1
  6. JKH is mid-range pace - you can see it in his draft highlights reel - but you can also see him finding space almost at will. His big advantage is the speed of his decision making. He's taken three steps while an average player would still be making up their mind. As with Dawes - a good brain is hard to find.

    • Like 3
  7. It will take a miracle to keep Tappy on the list. Injury has limited his opportunities, but he hasn't done enough with the opportunities he's had. We have to delist at least five - I think he and Nicho are gone. Perhaps Pedo too, but I'm not sure of that.

  8. I've done nothing of the sort, I have made a prediction. Huge difference.

    Not so. Your posts show you have virtually no understanding of depression, so your prediction is made in ignorance. It's just a fantasy of the future of a man you don't know, and like all fantasies it contains a strong element of wishful thinking. Go to the mirror, C&B.

  9. One day he is going to look back and realise he threw away a dream and let down 30,000 people and he's going to think 'WTF did I do that for?'. Then he is going to dwell on that for the rest of his life. I would think this move is unlikely to be the best one for his future mental health....

    I realise I'm singing with the choir here, but you're virtually wishing him a lifelong struggle with depression. Stay away from mirrors, C&B.

    • Like 3
  10. I've loved the Dees for well over fifty years, but right now I just don't. I'll keep going to games for the rest of this season, but if I'm still feeling this way at the end of the year, that's it. I've spoken with a couple of sixty-year members who still take out memberships but never go to games and just detest the changes in the game. Good on them, but as for me, it'll be a clean cut.

  11. I would send JKH to Casey for a few weeks to build fitness and experience. Subbing won't get him that, and starting him in AFL isn't going to do much for his development or his confidence - playing the small forward in a team without big forwards is no way to develop a young, 68kg player. It's not as if we're much of a chance in the coming few games anyway. He's going to be very good, so don't burn him.

    • Like 1
  12. Maybe I was the only one watching Georgiou. He kept Maistre pretty quiet in the first half, playing as a lock-down defender, and played that role competently all night, until he went off either cramped or injured in the last. He didn't (can't?) kick long, but he always found space and hit his targets reliably. Barring injury, he'll play every game.

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  13. From a design point of view, the logo is impossibly busy and redundant. The script is illegible, and amounts to scribble. The Southern Cross has no particular significance, and is probably only there to balance the trident. With MFC in the yoke and a football on the shield, why have the words "football club" at the bottom? And that odd flame above the "M" - why? Keep the "EST 1858" ribbon as a bow to tradition - we have always bowed to tradition, we always will. That's what's got us where we are.

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