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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. Holy [censored], a siren. I can't believe it, we won? What a disgraceful second half. Hang your heads in shame boys, [censored] pathetic.
  2. And Stringer kicks a goal. They're a super goal from the lead. Just waiting for us to lose now, just like all those matches last year which were within our grasp and we just threw it away.
  3. 69 to 54 in our favour. 24 minutes into the final quarter. Should win but we're doing our best to lose it. This is a Casey Scorpions-esque capitulation.
  4. Holy crap, amazing. Look what happens when you get a clearance AND RUN WITH THE BALL AND KICK IT TO ATTACK! Guess you need to be a rocket scientist?!
  5. Oh my god, just [censored] off. Just [censored] off. Seriously umpire? [censored] me dead.
  6. 2nd quarter last week, the 2nd half this week... we are incapable of playing consistent football. I really thought we'd have left that in the past after this pre-season.
  7. And the smartest [censored] kick in 2 quarters of football comes from MCKENZIE of all players. Staggering, a player kicking it long to our attack so it goes out of bounds in our I50. A foreign concept to our players, apparently.
  8. We are the best team in the entire league at making a victory as hard for ourselves as humanly possible.
  9. Stand up leaders! For crying out loud, you are completely losing the plot Melbourne.
  10. Wow, it would not surprise me whatsoever to see us lose this. 5 goals in a row. Pick up Melbourne. If we serve up this rubbish against the Bulldogs Z-grade team, what hope do we have in the season proper? EDIT: 6 in a row. [censored] hell Melbourne, lose this and you are a disgrace.
  11. "Oh, it's Pederson... back on the ground... Oh, excuse me that's Garland." "Uh, I was going to say..."
  12. Haha, Toumpas picks him up under the groin and throws him on the ground. One for the highlight reel.
  13. Gee whiz Saty, you just summed up his career. Nice to see you can take the rose-tinted glasses off once in a while.
  14. Not showing much of that "fast moving attacking play" that they've practiced all pre-season. Nothing but second-guessing and turnovers from what I can see.
  15. Only started watching five minutes ago and... if I didn't know the scoreline I'd be embarrassed with how we're playing. Who the hell was Dawes kicking to a minute ago? Caused a turnover then goal. Our defence seem to be running around without any direction at all.
  16. They either don't rate us or they want to avoid any injuries at all costs. Sub VFL team they're putting out.
  17. It's getting hard to follow a sport filled to the brim with so many slimy, despicable people. I can't decide if I despise Essendon or MC more.
  18. Meh. Lamumba will play twice as many games for us as Clark plays for Geelong. He's also an excellent leader for our young list and sets a perfect example at training.
  19. Let him exhaust himself in the NAB cup. He just leaves himself more vulnerable to yet another season ending injury.
  20. I'm fairly positive it's pseudo-science. Little more than an embarrassing coincidence that every AFL team does ocean water recovery sessions after matches.
  21. Good post Wolfmother. It seems while PJ is doing an excellent job with corporate, our media/sales/public relations departments remain average at best. Just take a look at the flat-out embarrassing Nathan Jones video crowing for 35,000 members. He looks completely disinterested, clearly just pulled aside after training one day and fed lines from off-screen. Camera not stable, video not colour balanced, a motionless and generic graphic, amateurish editing, and terrible sub-Garage Band "music" to boot. And this video is meant to be the crown jewel to convince skeptics to hand over their hard earned after what the MFC has dished up for the last 8 years? So much relies on perception with our club, and if we dish up rubbish like this (and Monday's pissweak effort at training) we'll continue along our merry path of mediocrity for many years to come.
  22. Just like how Petracca went from almighty deity to fat, unhealthy, overrated slob to Saints fans when their club decided to pass on him.
  23. Credit to the club for trying to make amends, but gee whiz that explanation from PJ leaves a sour taste in my mouth. $1000 and a permit? Sometimes these expenses are worth the goodwill alone, especially after spending weeks on a positive PR campaign visiting schools in our "abandoned heartland", from which many families decided to turn up to training en masse -- only to find nobody home or willing to take their money. It's staggeringly inept from a business point of view, especially one such as ours trying to wipe the slate clean from a decade of misery. So let's hope they've learned a valuable lesson.
  24. Obviously not when the squad hasn't been announced.
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