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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. So if there isnt any esperienced beside Ball then why stake the "big fish" for the sake of it? If Ball is interested and he passes his medical he provides us with a real benefits in the midfield and leadershiip where we are lacking. Bradshaw is for a team trying to go for a window in the next 2 to 3 years. Sydney and Carlton....but not MFC. Its not a matter about having a claim a name player but more securing an experienced player that definitely offers upside for our long term goals. I cant see the value in trumping Sydney financially for Bradshaw. I dont see him giving us that value.
  2. It already been explained to you why its not representative of people's opinions. Its only reflective of the opinions of those that firstly cared to vote and secondly that the limited options provided (ie yes or no) actually represented their opinion. There seems to two key views on Jurrah...all positive... yes he is or not yet but he could be. I dont think "no" represented those views. Your poll was a self serving outcome with a leading question which is not reflective or reliable indicator of the opinions expressed and it clearly does not reflect the course of the debate which at best was semantical and a fruitless pursuit because it was never going to establish any clear outcome becauee the critieria is so subjective and undefined. ...you clearly dont understand or are easily chuffed. Clearly you do care to go through the charade. Well done.
  3. Maybe but its a black mark against the kid which has not helped him in the market at all.
  4. Bradshaw is not a big fish. He is 30+ with dodgy hamstrings at the near twilight of a good career. Didn't he state that he wanted to go Sydney? Ever thought this might be decoy PR release in the whole Ball saga? I would not be happy if MFC was to pay over his market price at Sydney to play here. The club needs to start winning games but it needs to do that from the core ingredients its been working on (developing quality youth) and picking up real class in the engine room in Scully and Trengove and possibly Ball. Bradshaw is questionable icing to it. Barring fitness, I would disappointed if Watts did not warrant playing at least the majority of games this year for MFC up forward or learning the game via the wing etc.
  5. It will be no more reliable than this forum. Many people might not have seen him play. Then again its never disturbed the drafting experta waxing lyrically on plagarised comment off other forums. 9 games in a starved forward line vs a midfielder in the system for seven years. Harsh test. Barry, we all love Brent Moloney!
  6. I think we have enough KPBs. And fitness is an issue. Pass.
  7. http://stats.rleague.com/afl/stats/players...uthbertson.html Well putting it simply..you're wrong. He played 32 games over 3 years. And after 9 games and 25 years you would have been frothing at the mouth over the player His efforts over his first nine games aptly rival Jurrah's output. And as you have alluded to below all you have is your enthusiasm. That's fine. Its not working is it! Get out of here. No kidding! Are your sure? Wow.
  8. ...but not reflective of people's opinions Your Poll's conclusion "QUOTE (Clint Bizkit @ Oct 29 2009, 01:44 PM) It simply confirms that we have a very good player on our hands, star or no star. Indeed. I think that is what the poll has concluded too." It was a fruitless poll. The poll did not include any option but yes or no and did not reflect the opinions stated in the thread which was on the semantics of being a star . Glad you're so easily chuffed.
  9. Right so spare us the hissy fits. If you cant discuss and prepare to be challenged then...
  10. No it wasnt. The poll was a simple yes or no situation. If you have included a Not Yet option then you would have more properly canvassed people's opinions. And you poll did not support your conclusion. The poll was useless and discussion fulfilling my statement. You are comparing one player after 9 games against a player that after a quick sparkle his career faded. After 9 games with 25 goals Cutho efforts are comparable and statistically challenging on Jurrah. Jurrah has the world at his feet. Just for the record, Cutho destroyed the Pies with 7 goals then the week before he also kicked 7 against North Melbourne in his 4th and 5th games. But you could tell there was something missing...aye you are canny one. Proves a point about "star" After 7 goals one week against North the next week he kicks 7 goals again the team who was 4th. Voila he does not keep it up the next week....Amazing how people picked that then after a bloke kicks 14 goals in 2 games..Amazing. The fact is we dont know how Jurrah will go and we hope he will do better this year. He is a talent no doubt but back then so was Cutho. If Jurrah is a star then Cutho surely achieves that metric as well. Both assessments would have been premature.
  11. Not necessarily. At the stage of playing 9 games each, Jurrah and Cuthbertson had both performed at a level that had supporters thinking either was a "star". Its just another angle on the semantics of rating players as "stars". Its a valid comparison.
  12. Depending on your definition of star then Isaac Weetra was a star too.
  13. I dont think the quality of the player is in question at all by anyone. The issue is a reasonable assessment of his achievements to date. The coming years could be very exciting with him and others developing.
  14. I guess the question is what would you (or another captain) have done differently. I have only seen the final 15 overs of the India innings and if ever there was a game when a Captain was let down by his bowlers... this was one of them. I dont wish to exonerate Ponting as at times he looks wooden under pressure. However, "off with his head" calls are too often made without a preferable or sensible solution.
  15. I doubt it. I'm not sure what your question establishes though.
  16. Prefer a poll...simple yes or no question... that proves the point.
  17. And you've done exactly that with your pointless nit picking. Exactly.
  18. I wonder if the Hawks are wondering why they did not take Joel Selwood in 2006. Almost as good as Richmond with Buddy and Tambling.
  19. From the Age today. The 20-year-old Tasmanian - who was drafted one pick above Geelong superstar Joel Selwood - was delisted yesterday with a year left on his contract, which will be paid out after the Hawks were unable to off-load him to another club during trade week. I wonder what level of interest there was for Thorp if Hawks were obviously that keen to offload him.
  20. Rivers statistically had the best disposal efficiency in the club by a long way in 2009. If you think it's bad at 86.4% then either you are a perfectionist or we are in big trouble. - You should try watching games more often rather focussing on stats pages. At times his ball usage is extremely poor. I am not sure the veracity of your stats but they must be generous in the size of target he kicks too. Junior in a back pocket!!!!! Anyway, the little champ will be 34 and Cheney 20 next year - try again! - With the added influx of 2 or 3 quality players in the midfield Junior will struggle to do more than cameos in the midfield. If you did watch the games late last year, Junior did start to do more roles up back. And age has nothing to do with it. Rivers is our best 3rd tall. Only 2 of Warnock, Frawley and Garland will play in the same defence/team with Warnock my choice to miss out. - What does 3rd best tall mean exactly? It means he is not good enough to be our best tall or second best tall. Why? He not strong enough to play on bigger talls and he is not quick enough particularly over shorter distances to pick up quicker forwards. And Warnock would be our first picked back to play on a KPF. Top 5 in the past 2 B&F gives recognition to his value in the team. Frawley and Garland can play short and tall forwards well. Rivers cant. And you want another player albeit shorter in that mould. Brilliant. Cheney is better than Bennell. Early days. Bennell is quicker and a best user of the ball at this stage. One of Grimes or Bruce (30 yo) will play midfield. So one willl take a backline spot then. Exactly my point. Where does Cheney fit exactly?
  21. Rivers disposal is ordinary at best. IF Cheney is behind Rivers on kicking efficienct then you should be worried. At Cheney's size with his lack of pace what sort of forward is he suited to? Hmmm. Russell Robertson of Carlton? Hardly the type of player to mount attacks off the backline with. And we already have Rivers who has questionable disposal and a lack of pace. When you look at MFC's defence for next year B: Junior, Warnock, Rivers/Bennell HB:Bruce/Grimes, Frawley, Garland. What role does Cheney play, which opponent will he take?
  22. He exciting and original in the way he goes about his football. He is a player I would genuinely go to see. And with a good pre season and he maintains his match fitness he could be a very good footballer at this level. But he might not get there. But after nine games, he shows alot of skill in some areas......but he is no star .....yet. Biggest issue for him may be the crush of expectation from MFC supporters rather than the crush of an opposition defender. I hope he makes it big, I really do. MFC needs it. Footy needs it. Players that play with instinctive skills need to nurtured and are part of what makes AFL enjoyable But he has a number of on field and off field challenges to navigate before he is at stardom level.
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