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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Tsk, tsk, Titan. BTW, any thoughts on the ICC suspensions?? Terms seem about right although Salmon Butt as Captain should have had a life ban. Asif is finished and Amir has a chance at rehab in 5 years. Pity they get take back their ill gotten winnings.
  2. Thanks Ralphius. It did seem quite straightforward even for most ardent soapbox warrior.
  3. We have sought not to merge the threads as the context of the posts have often been put out of order with the major thread into which they were merged. In addition, as I previously stated the other threads were repetitious and as a result served no purpose being merged. But I am sure you were sharp enough to work that out.
  4. They were locked down as they deemed by the owner of the site as being repetitious and unnecessary when the discussion can be carried out here. There were no new points raised in the closed threads and no one was or is prevented from having their say...even when it totally off the point like yours Iva. Thanks for your "sky is falling" warning. I am sure you will make the most of the 30 weeks to vent your anguish on the issue.
  5. Danny Hughes...drop kicks.... to the centre!! Cant recall that. Kicked a few mongrel punts 50 ro 60 metres from time to time. I do not recall any thing prodigous about the kicking of this old fashioned hard man of defence.
  6. If we are talking membership revenue, there should careful conisderation of the mix of members types and how much each will pay.
  7. Its a tool in the armoury. However, while you might get an extra 5 to 15 metres, the ability to comfortably control the final destination of the ball is at risk. It is certainly to be used sparingly (and I mean spearingly) possibly when a defender who can kick a torp uses that option once in a while to spread a zone defence or its a kick on goal after the siren from outside 50. However we are talking exceptional situations. Otherwise there are better options for field kicking. I like the kick when well executed but I am also well aware of its deficiencies particularly in the modern game.
  8. Your sarcasm meter is on the blink. B) In regard to your last sentence about being nowhere we near the 8, there may be mitigating circumstances (eg critical LT injuries). I think are other equally appropriate measures that should also be considered assessing the season.
  9. Good then Scully should dominate in his 2nd year. Watts dominated up fwd in his 3rd year and Blease, Tapscott, Strauss, Trengove, Gysberts should be up to AFL tempo immediately. Really!!! Bailey has talked ad nauseam about getting 50 games in each of the young players to get their apprenticeship in AFL.nothing has changed except the unrealistic expectations that surround these guys.
  10. FCS, it was said by Neitz 11 years ago and people seem to forget that Neitz was in his first year as captain of a young side that outperformed itself that year and got belted in the GF. I dont think the professionalism and spin will be any less under Stynes/ Schwab. As I recall Schwab was also CEO at the time of the 2000 GF. And other posters have shown you cant lay your bets on what players say. Of course Sylvia is going to say youth is no excuse for poor performance. The facts about our list suggest otherwise. Some posters may need chill on vaulting expectations from a young team.
  11. I think this been adequately explained ad nauseam Jamar is listed at 198cm on the MFC website so hopefully the shrinkage does not hard his development. And WOW I did not know 5cm of height would impact your development as a football. Maybe height is not relevant. Hmmm. I dont that thats the issue.
  12. Sylvia was crippled with OP, had a crappy attitude and didn't deliver. We were talking about minor degrees of performance. We invested pick 3 on him and he was more value to us persevering with him that trying to trade him with his medical history. Firstly,Newton was taken as a bottom age recruit in 2004 and was never expected to have a made an impact within his first couple of years. Indeed his development was stymied somewhat by the presence of Sauntner and others at Sandy. After 5 years on the main list, he was relegated to the rookie list. He is a fringe player who if we get something out of then great then if we dont then we lose as much as we have lost on countless other rookies who have not cut it. While your argument on cost is persuasive then we should not take any rookies at all unless we know that they will definitely made the grade. Its unrealistic I know but Nerwton is not the worst rookie we have had on the list over the years. The rookie list has strong element of punting for the future. And in my opinion, those who gripe 7 year line are sweating the small stuff. Indeed. In the minds of some posters Jamar was washed up and ordinary.
  13. Exactly Bob. It makes a furphy of the one rule 5 strikes and your out. Clearly there is an imprtant element of judgement that the selectors should apply to each and every case. And like you said Clarke is proven class notwithstanding his run of outs. However, he is not out of the woods yet and needs to back this form up coming into and throughout the World Cup. But there are positive signs in his past 2 knocks.
  14. Here is what I said..... I guess you cant work out an opinion from an argument. Oh well.
  15. And public schooling free for his first born.
  16. On a more interesting note, India has announced that Eden Gardens (home of Indian cricket like the MCG is to Australia) currently being upgraded for the World Cup wont be ready for the blockbuster England vs India clash. The Commonwealth Games all over. It says alot about the ICC when the elephant in the competition is incompetent at event organisation.
  17. I trust the FD department adopts a more outlooking approach with foresight. Harrington has hsown himself to be well capable of that.
  18. He's rookie listed player FCS. MFC need to develop a forward who can pinch hit in the ruck. We dont have one as yet. He is a cheap option thats hardly chewing up the dollars or holding anyone back. If he comes good then great if he doesnt then we have lost little.
  19. This ones a storm in a teacup. Off season fodder for the media. The Saints ought to kick their arses hard behind the scenes though. Just dumb behaviour that puts the Club in a poor light Thank God MFC players have not demonstrated similar behaviours.
  20. Old rumour where the offer numbers keep getting bigger the longer it goes on.
  21. The issue of committing to contest for a ball is a split second decision often taken where there is numerous people in your vicinity and the ball is in motion often in mid air. As a result there is no capacity or opportunity to readily assess all points of contact. The outcomes you talk about are what you see from the other side of the fence. The rule is simple whether or not the player is at risk you make the contest you dont avoid it. And what September results show you is that teams that are not prepared to commit and whether the contest fail...sometimes embarrassingly. Flowers comments were in reference to the fact that he has his awareness radar down when he was collected by Dipper. It had nothing to do with a contested situation.
  22. Its not vague. Its clear and simple when its your turn to make the physical contest for a ball you do it....you go. All players need to be able to effect that same level of courage whether running the straight line or running backwards into packs. Its not questioning whether there is danger involved. And sides that have a couple of shirkers rarely play football in September and if they do they get found out very quickly.
  23. Its not relevant when you are trying to pick the best sides. Its not a relevant consideration for selectors. I didn't know you knew much about high end business positions beside a fascination with the $$$ that go with it and probably a fair lashing of tall poppy syndrome as well. Its got nothing to do with conservatism just a belief in rationale well thought out and considered points of view which are short supply in your corner. Fair enough. Going around in circles!!!....that's WYL position. B) As usual you miss the point. If you cant have an opinion thats not challenged on a forum...well then..... keep working on the blog.
  24. Shhh You'll give it away. B) C&B can not only ask his probing questions but answers them too as well. Neat trick that.
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