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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. WYL, I am not sure why you are lecturing on the mental disposition of Fevola. You dont know anything about Fevola's state outside what you read in the HS. It does not help when you try to naively gloss it with generalisation and populist notions. And for that matter you know little about Cousins to make the differentiation with Fevola. I am respectful of Fevola and his potential state of mind and if he indeed he has a disgnosed mental illness. But I dont know the inner facts (Neither do you) He is now in a rehabilitation clinic. If he is dealing with a declared mental illness and is out of the rehab clinic and is not drinking, gambling, violent and is respectful of the manner he liases with women then I highly doubt the press are going to hound him. Fevola will be stained by his past but he will not be tormented for trying to rectify his life. You missed the point on Cousins. Cousins was villified by the media at the peak of his spiral downwards. My understanding is that Cousins is trying hard to deal with and rectify his problems. He has not publicly strayed and does the media still haunt him?? Like I said if Fevola is diagnosed with a mental illness and is trying to get back on track without stuffing up then do you really think the general public would support the media harassment of mentally ill patient? FCS, there are posters on here that treat Fev as a "victim". I know a few TV executives and their not all stupid. Its the same with public figures like politicans who reach a dark space personally in the limelight (eg John Brogden and Nick Sherry). The media wisely and decently backed off. And please dont give me chapter and verse of Fevola's condition. It adds nothing to the discussion and it highlights what you dont know and not what you do.
  2. If he laid low and got his life together without getting into trouble and making a fool of himself in public situations then the media will have no further oxygen to run its circus. Its exactly the same with Cousins. He is trying to get on with his life. Benny's past is done is present is his own. Really you claim to work in the media and you should know better. Fevola can take and should take responsibility for the terrible position he is in. He has had 13 years of senior football and has been trouble from start to finish. His marriage is a consequence of this. And I dont why you are making any statements about Fevola's actual disposition because you dont know where he is at. No one does. Depression and rehabilitation not an issue you can generalise with a stereotype. And whatever personal experiences you may or may not have had do not necessarily correspond with the actual situation that Fev is in. The Defence rests your honour....
  3. Caro Wilson wrote in the Age today: "Fevola's manager Alastair Lynch has ''handled'' the situation quite brilliantly. With Fevola's life and career spiralling out of control again after yet another bender he took the inspired decision to place the troubled star in a rehabilitation facility. Alistair Lynch checked Fev into rehab. You are easily impressed. Only when Fev hits rock bottom and takes the responsibility for his actions and actually demonstrates that he can be more functional person in the community. The motive of Brisbane to recruit players to improve their list is correct. The decision to Fevola was not correct. Sometimes we forget that Brisbane is a football club and not a Salvation Army with responsibiilities to its members, sponsors and the other players on the list. Fevola failed his side of the contractual obligations. Please dont patronise me with any generalisations on depression. You dont know Fevola's actual disposition and making assumptions about the condition does not help. And btw the way I would be totally devastated too if I got a $1 million plus payout when I actually screwed up on my contract conditions, embarrassed my employer and workmates repeatedly with my public and not so public and humiliated family members. Abosolutely shattered.
  4. At the very least..... Given the tattered reputation the Saints have had, Fevola would be the last person they would pick up. And given the bruising the AFL directly and indirectly taken through the individual clubs, I would think there would be zero tolerance for the likes of Fevola and Nixon. Fevola is finished in the AFL. Its more important that he had rebuilds a function life for himself in society.
  5. I cant believe that given what he has done at Carlton and Brisbane that posters would blindly arrange for Fevola to play like he is a plug in electric toaster. And defining clubs these days as elitist or blue collar is fairy tale stuff. The issue with Fevola is not white/blue collar issue. He is just self harming destructive individual whose problems are independent of social stratum or economic disposition.
  6. How about the individual take responsibility for their own disposition. I would have thought the AFL and club showed "real leadership" when they stupidly gave him a second chance in AFL up in Brisbane after the train wreck of incidents he had performed at Carlton. And you have no idea what impact the sacking would have on him. Given he is so far down the wrong path how far can he go?
  7. Dont forget to light your torch and hunt with the mob jcb. As Old has stated when he first went into her hotel room his reputation (and his business) was destroyed. Anything else that has gone is subject to criminal assessment. He's finished in the business now regardless what happens next. His personal life would be in tatters too. She's a girl with massive issues. He is a bloke who has massive problems. No winners here Enjoy the witchhunt and the media circus.
  8. They were a high profile glamour club in a time when the business angle and money was not critical in VFL/AFL. Its only be become serious in the past 15 to 20 years. MFC floundered because they were a poorly run club on and off the field since 1965. MFC performances during the 1970s were often putrid and never deserved the replays. Your re write of history to fit an argument is amazing and easily spotted. And 4 to 5 other Victorian Clubs... Indeed. We are no near out of the woods at all.
  9. Agree on both counts. And they are incidents that have got public. There are others..... They have been. The Chairman, one Board director and the CEO at the time have gone. Voss has burnt huge credits. The error of Brisbane in no way mitigates the multiple failings of Fevola.
  10. I have just spring cleaned the thread to remove it of some of the unreasonable rhetoric and name calling of the people involved in the media circle. I have also issued warnings to a number of posters to cool it. This thread will be monitored and if the thread descends once again into a verbal mire then it will be closed and CofC applied to offending posters. Thanks.
  11. Agree entirely. He needs to demonstrate that he has indeed changed his ways. All he is doing is in "rehab" whatever that actually means. All you have provided are "ifs" for someone who has serious personal issues to the extent that football is a minor issue.He is a serial and destructive trouble maker that would need to make a huge quantum shift in his personal life. And they are not issues that are easily addressed in a short amount of time. He has also burnt so many bridges that many are not easily repaired and at 30yo......
  12. Good summation with a few facts forgotten by many.
  13. Ok so you want them to fold. But do we have a viable sustainable business plan beyond the goodwill of generous supporters. We are that far removed from the North situation at all. With the exception of the debt and some charismatic leadership, MFC are in a similar position. And GC are evil. I will remember that....
  14. Wrong. "Yesterday the girl showed The Age a video lasting a few seconds on her mobile phone of Nixon in his underwear kneeling on a bed and holding a television remote. It is not possible to see who shot the video or establish how it was obtained." There is no linkage to where the video is shot and when the video was taken.
  15. Whatever pound of flesh he needs to give or remorse he needs to show, doing so through this media storm is not the way either he or the girl should be heading. I not sure what he needs to prove or show to you at all. He owes me nothing. At the moment there are two individuals who through errors of their ways are now porns in a media witchhunt. Its been amazing how many people are prepared to light a torch and mindlessly join the queue set by our wonderful free (cheap) press.
  16. That Giantology role cant come soon enough.
  17. Voss isnt 17 and vulnerable is he?? He is coach. He is responsible and accountable. Already a Chairman and CEO have fallen on their sword for agreeing to this without going to the Board. The Chairman and CEO would only work on the recommenation of the Board appointed head of the football department...the Coach. Irrelevant whether he is or isnt. They had stacks of kids out there the other night. Did not seem to do them alot of good though. Its such a flaccid argument when there have been many others to have won a pennant or two without being standout footballers.
  18. So why make it up?? When the truth does arise, you can be sure you are way off the mark. You must lead an exciting life if you're desperate to know what's happened.
  19. This is his medicine?? And trial by media circus is "paying his dues to those he's upset"??? Its a strange world we live in.
  20. JoelMac is no world beater but FFS the Lions could have done with him on Friday night. And given the unmitigated disaster with Fevola and the fallout with their playing list, I douby whether Voss is a cutting judge of players. Brisbane's favorite son has burnt up some pretty big credits in his short stint as coach.
  21. Absolutely spot on. Its amazing. Most people believe it because they blindly suck the hoopla from the media. Do we know when he arrived? I would have thought this could have gone on 10-20 years ago and no one would have batted an eye. I am aware of incidents from back then that would have made front page news today that was known in footy circles but excused because "boys can be boys". And I dont know what Nixon has to step down from. He is a director/shareholder of private company. Its none of our business what he does in respect of his role in that company. However if has done something illegal he will be made accountable under the law. Nevertheless regardless of the outcome of any investigation, his good name, reputation and name in society is in tatters and irrevocable stained. As B. Bob has pointed out Nixon's misjudgement (and this may taking a polite view of it) highlights the guy would seem to have some personal issues of his own. As does the girl.
  22. Never let the facts cloud the dream Ron. Nixon maximised the outcome for his players (clients). He did exactly what he was paid to do. Thats integrity. The issues with Woewodin and Powell were rods of the MFC's own doing. FWIW, MFC did the right thing in 2002 in regard Woey and Powell. I am not sure Bruce's decision had anything to with anyone but Bruce. And I am not sure Nixon had any adverse impact there. Not sure about that. By all accounts he has built an impressive client list and business over the years. I dont think that an issue with Nixon. He's had an embarrassing situation drink driving moment and he has left himself open to be compromised by this wayward girl. Its not clear whether he has actually had any "involvements" with her. If it is established he has done then he should be condemned and convicted. If he has not he has been sucked into the whole pathetic media circus with Nixon being the biggest clown. The more statements this girl makes the more surreal its becomes. A perfect study in trying to use the media and at the same time being (ab)used by the media.
  23. Lucy in the sky with diamonds.. Very well put 45. That's MFC 3 years ago. We got rid of the debt thanks to the generousity of supporters and have all the traits you are critical of are elements of MFC. Refer 45's post if you can see the connection.
  24. As someone else a good ordinary player who plays without fear. A mature body in a young team. Serviceable to date and a great pick up from the PSD. Consider some PSD players and higher draft picks never get a run. IMO competing for a spot in the 22. Always will, But not best 22 IMO atm. Bruce's departure would have done him favours and he needs to make the most of spot opened up in the team.
  25. Probably a sage appointment for the MCC. Neither here nor there for MFC.
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