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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. It won’t happen but Salem should be dropped to send a message. He showed no effort or intent. - a very lazy game. Vanders has to go. Surely Weed has to be given a go.
  2. 25cm, that’s a big miss.
  3. Vandenberg should never have been selected - he’s done
  4. As a football club we should learn from this - and sack Goodwin.
  5. Vanders is conspicuous by his absence
  6. We are an incompetent pack of losers. Absolutely pathetic
  7. Hibberd didn’t bother to tackle
  8. Any chance of a spray Goodwin?
  9. 2 certain goals stuffed up. Only we could do it. Rabble
  10. FMD l’m sick of this incompetent crap
  11. Trouble is, we aren’t that good either.
  12. Sad about Nev, but understandable.
  13. ufortunately, there is no shortage of morons in this world.
  14. feral cats are known super-spreaders.
  15. more than just cute, tackles ferociously and great decision maker.
  16. Stop Papley and we win. Caleb Daniel is my favourite non-Dee.
  17. Yep, I got it wrong.
  18. I also remember seeing Sid Catlin having a dart at quarter time at the old South Melbourne ground.
  19. Agree to a point, but if you talk to youth mental health workers they see energy drink consumption as a real cause for concern and believe their ill effects are very much under-estimated.
  20. It's not a good look for the Club. Energy drinks are major medical issue in that they fuel anxiety, interfere with mood regulation and cause insomnia.
  21. Would have liked the Club to be more vocal in demanding an early replacement game or requiring Essenscum to forfeit. As it stands we are being disadvantaged and will go into the Geelong game underdone.We are the losers here and need to be given some consideration.
  22. My bad. However, Jackson looks far from ready.
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