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Everything posted by jules7

  1. Umpiring disgraceful, stop listening to the feral crowd
  2. This season is our worst nightmare, surely things will improve soon
  3. This umpiring Is atrocious.
  4. If this is true, how is he going to play again? This is terrible news for him and the team.
  5. I know it’s not illegal, but looks like Jack will never change
  6. How awesome is it to have training back. I obviously don't have a life!
  7. Awesome Joeboy!
  8. Jack Viney was their, the TV camera’s showed him during the game.
  9. Me too ❤️?
  10. I would assume that our bar codes from last week would be the same for this weeks tickets
  11. OMG this is sensational will be remembered for a long, long time.
  12. That is fantastic!
  13. Clarrie well done, just the beginning and only 21 years old.
  14. We are Row B seat 10 etc See you there GO DEES
  15. Yes Yze we have 4 tickets in N14.
  16. Good luck demon fans getting your tickets, let us know how you go!
  17. Jaded, my daughter got 4 tickets this morning using multiple devices but said the phone was the best and only device that worked. Good luck! This is an absolute joke what they are putting all the supporters through.
  18. Me too!
  19. This is awesome, thanks for sharing
  20. Absolutely wonderful news, well deserved Max.
  21. How great is that, Go Dees!
  22. It is definitely associated with overuse, they definitely need to look at training loads. Have had a lot of experience with these injuries in association with basketball.
  23. Poor Kid, no mother should see her son looking like this, especially as a result of playing a football game. Totally unnecessary with long lasting consequences, for both Andrew and his Mum.
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