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Everything posted by M_9

  1. Just love that sound. The sound of whinging Cat’s supporters booing the umps.
  2. Care factor by Cat’s doc - zero
  3. Sorry, Cam Guthrie.
  4. Geez I hope Port win and one of their players gets right up in Tuohy’s face. He’s been gobbing off after every Cat’s goal.
  5. Dumb, and dumber.
  6. I fully agree. Billings must be given time to master his role. Garry Lyon pointed out how our ball movement had altered from the back half. I've no reason to believe Hunter would be any better than Jack. Like Lever, IMV Jack's performance will lift as he becomes more confident and familiar with his team mates.
  7. I’m not sure a Sat or Sun arvo would make much difference (I haven’t looked at the stats re past Cats v Dees at the G). Geelong resident Cats are spoilt. They’ll travel up to 20km but no more.
  8. I live on the Surfcoast and travelled up by train. V Line had an additional train up and back. Not sure it was needed. I have 30 or so mates who are Cats members and attend every home game. Not one attended Sat night. The return train arrives at Geelong at 12:30am. Can’t really blame them although almost as many Dees fans travelling up and back.
  9. When you say ‘any posters’ are you suggesting there was more than just me? In my defence I did state (with stats) that the key to Harry’s game is his marking. Good to see on Saturday it was more than that. Tackling, competing and at least one deft touch.
  10. ‘Petty will never make it as a forward’ M_9 Friday May 3rd. You’re a peanut pal. Oh, wait …
  11. Goody has said McAdam won’t be playing.
  12. McKay, you peanut
  13. Fair chance no Zac Williams next week (hammy). May be a plus for them the way he’s been playing.
  14. I take back what I said about the Blues not having a small forward.
  15. The Pies tackling has got them back into the game. They were asleep for the first 10 minutes.
  16. Only looking to see the Blues strengths and weaknesses. Fair chance we’ll be playing the Blues with them coming off two losses.
  17. IIMO the difference in forward structures tonight is akin to what we’ll see tomorrow night. One team with two bigs and not much by way of small goal kickers, and the other with one tall (yet to score) and one or two dangerous smalls (Elliot, Daicos).
  18. Blues starting to panic.
  19. Pies not bad with the long bomb i50. They’ve stolen our game plan … previous game plan?
  20. First kick a goal. Well done son.
  21. Ah, the beauty of having two power forwards a la Blues and Cats. One stays put (Curnow, Hawkins) the other drifts to the wing or further back (McKay, Cameron). If it’s TMac on Cameron tomorrow night probably McKay’s his man next week. Just don’t see May up to that much travelling.
  22. Pies have given up 6.3, 6.1 and tonight 5.4 in the first quarter of their last 3 games.
  23. Pies have Elliot - that is all.
  24. Pies defence NFI.
  25. OK, I may be able to say it but I'd have all fingers and toes crossed. You don't need me to point out that his performance in the last 4 games (not the Hawks where he played back against rubbish opposition) has been very poor. In his last 2 games Petty has had a total of 8 disposals, taken 5 marks, laid 2 tackles, had no goal assists, and of most significance, booted only one goal. Good opposition, such as the Cats, will easily run off him. TBH he is overrated as a forward on this board. Purely on the back of one standout game. Since his bag of six goals he's managed a total of 3 goals in the 4.5 games since where he's played as a forward. The FD will persist with him regardless of his output until he 'comes good' or there's a suitable replacement (McAdam maybe albeit obviously not like for like). Harrison needs to start marking the ball. That's his one strength. Look at his stats last year - 10 marks, 11 disposals (Tigers), 8 m, 13d (Saints), 7m, 17d (Bombers), 6m, 17d (Giants) etc Don't get me wrong. I love him as a player. He's highly skilled. He is a forward. He needs to be kicking goals.
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