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Hi guys and gals,

My wife and I help out with a few Victorian Rescues, we help case manage and we foster.

I know this is not for all but if any could help out in any way, even copying this flyer and posting on their facebook that would be awesome!!!

No animals get put down, we foster until adopted.


Any more info I'll try and answer any questions you may have.


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I have two staffy's - we got one from Stafford rescue. She was used in puppy factory as a breeding machine and was in very poor condition when we got her. She had lost most of her hair and was dumped over the fence at the pound as the vet reckons her bills would have started to mount from her mistreatment.

It took only a short time, with good food and love to get her back to reasonable condition. When we first got her, it was obvious she had been kept caged as she didnt know how to run ( still runs like a hippo now) and was suspicious of walking on grass ( the funniest thing was her first visit to the doggy beach).

We are fortunate that we think she was more neglected than physically abused as she has the sweetest disposition and is quite trusting of people ( which doesn't marry with abuse).

We now financially support Stafford rescue and would never get a dog from anywhere but a rescue organisation. Not only do you get a wonderful pet but the warmth you feel both from the animal and from within knowing that you have given an animal a chance of a good life is fantastic.

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Yeah Nut, we had a rottie in the same condition except she also had 3/4 of her teeth removed.

I own a Englush Bull Terrier and also have things to do with the Victorian Bull Terrier Rescue.

You see some horrible crud but the dogs are so trusting once shown love.

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Sorry to be a spoiler but I donate quite a bit of my income to organisations like Bush Heritage and our number one enemy is the tabby cat gone feral! The carnage they do to our wildlife is extraordinary. So I know cats are cute but I for one am not giving money to save a local moggy. Sorry but if we could unleash a calisy type virus for cats I would be up for it. They say we would never do it because it could take out family pets but I say release it into the feral population, if a pet is effected it is because they are associating with ferals and is not under control at night. So be it.

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I lost my little mate recently, a 19+ Yr old tabby.

I too participate in site regeneration with indigenous & native plants, and have participated in other animal protection areas.

I like to recreate habitat for wildlife, & my little mate used to accompany me to my sites on many occasions, whilst I worked doing pruning, plantings etc.

He would jump up on the back of my drivers seat, then sit on my shoulder, putting his head out the window as I drove, checking things out as we passed. He would withdraw his nose & face once over 60 Klms per Hr, as the air got up his nostrils.

he would come to the parks with me, tree planting days, where i would leave the car door ajar for him if he needed to get back in.... to the park at night for a walk ,after it was clear of the dogs. Travel to country Victoria visiting friends & rellies, occasionally had to stop in a side road, to let him out to go to the toilet.

he would always ask permission to do such things as enter & new dwelling waiting for 'permission'. would ask to be let in thru the front fly wire door, & when let in would give a different call passing thru the door as a 'thankyou' appreciation.

Would come up & lick my forehead if I was lying down sick, & lay down next to me & rest his paw on my head.

He would always sit next to me when I ate my dinner in the lounge, & was always eager for a taste test, but would not hop onto the table as he new it was not on. he would leave my dinner alone, even if I went to the kitchen. he would wait for a hand out, or an invitation.

when he was young, at my family home, before selling it, he would sometimes catch 'ringtail possums'; which I saw him eating after I came home from socialising.

I used to smack him hard, hit him. He caught a few. I eventually realised he was only doing what nature itself taught him to do, to survive. And he just did not understand why I was hitting him, he showed signs of distrust so I stopped.

the 'ringtail possums' were aplenty, love the little things, & they did not drop off in numbers when my littler mate was rampant. but a couple of years later the ringtails disappeared, after the brush tails appeared in the area.

as he got passed his adolescence, he stopped catching the possums.

he was the Most personable little soul, creature, I have ever known. & I miss him greatly.

Edited by dee-luded
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Yeah Nut, we had a rottie in the same condition except she also had 3/4 of her teeth removed.

I own a Englush Bull Terrier and also have things to do with the Victorian Bull Terrier Rescue.

You see some horrible crud but the dogs are so trusting once shown love.

The teeth thing must be common. Poor diet and stress. Our blossom had half her teeth removed by the vet before she came home with us. She had ground them down to almost nothing.

Do things for Vic bully rescue ? You must know one of my very mad ( I stress mad) friends Angii.

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Sorry to be a spoiler but I donate quite a bit of my income to organisations like Bush Heritage and our number one enemy is the tabby cat gone feral! The carnage they do to our wildlife is extraordinary. So I know cats are cute but I for one am not giving money to save a local moggy. Sorry but if we could unleash a calisy type virus for cats I would be up for it. They say we would never do it because it could take out family pets but I say release it into the feral population, if a pet is effected it is because they are associating with ferals and is not under control at night. So be it.

Unfortunately I think you are misdirecting your message.

I think they should release a khaleesi virus on bad pet owners. We have a cat at home who is firstly neutered and secondly kept close to home and definitely in at night. I agree that the feral cat population is a problem.

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Maybe Nutbean,

I've not been able to go to much Bullie rescue things since we moved out bush, TBH, we all know each other by our pets, not usually our names. Ha ha.

We own the white Bully Maximus. She may know him :)

she has two girl bullies - Mia and Zoe

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Nice post d-l, I was nearly in tears reading that.

I still miss our family dog, Fraggle, and he passed away 8 years ago. I live in a pretty small apartment and as much as I'd like to get another dog I don't think it would be fair to have him / her cooped up in a confined space.

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This was one of our foster dogs, she was surrendered twice, a Dutch shepherd, full of energy and was bounced around a bit. A beautiful girl, she was super smart and trained so well, loved cuddles and annoying my bully to play.

We found a lovely couple with acres for her to run around with, the hubby worked from home so she was around him all the time which she loved being around humans.

Unfortunately she was bitten by a snake not long ago and passed away, we were devastated as were the owners, the only solice I take was once adopted out she got four of the best months of her life.

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Nice post d-l, I was nearly in tears reading that.

I still miss our family dog, Fraggle, and he passed away 8 years ago. I live in a pretty small apartment and as much as I'd like to get another dog I don't think it would be fair to have him / her cooped up in a confined space.

yep, confined space isn't great for their self esteem & mojo.

my little mate was left behind by another family. I first noticed him walking along the footpath with 3 little girls, strolling along swinging his tail as one of the group. This was shortly after I split with my fiance` & I returned home to my sick dad.

sometime later, he was left behind when they moved. he may have escaped them, run away. we had already made friends but I would not 'steal' him from his family.

he was abandoned, so I took care of him. he was such a funny little fella. a bit like a white over tabby semi longhair with shortish stocky legs, 'Garfield`ish', cheaky & friendly & cautious, & if he only understood 'English' he would 'talk' to you. a great communicator. message wise, & emotionally. just a fun little thing to be around, was like a son, we'd play & have fun knocking about with one another.

got some looks driving around with him sitting shoulder high, head hanging out the window, fur blowing in the breeze.

He would wait on the brick front fence post for me to come home at night, & after he was car trained, he would either hop in the front window, or step out onto the door & then out onto the bonnet, & take a ride up the drive-way, like a 'jaguar emblem' up front, all the way to the garage, where I would gently slow down.

He had car surfed in his early days {walking pace}, riding slowly out on the side streets on the bonnet, & on the roof. he was a very proud little thing.

I would bath him sometimes & he had so much trust with me, I was able, when he was bloodied from a fight, or muddy, put him in the bath like an infant. He was quite scared in the bath, but his love & trust allowed me to gently pour warm water over his head & body to rinse him down. sniffling & snorting, he'd look up into my eyes to see if I could be trusted, to take care of him.

He was run over once we think, I found him bloody & sore on the laundry step, waiting for me to get home, blood in the mouth & nose, I thought he'd been kicked in the head, Vets next day thought he'd been run over, broken jaw at the point of the chin, all points off his claws off, tell tale sign from trying to grip the asphalt; they wired him up.

He jumped out the car window at a Sandringham intersection one day, stopped at a redlight. Luckily I was watching him closely, & was quick enough, grabbing him by the tail half way down the door, & pulled him back up, & in. He never did that again. He learn't it wasn't a good idea, just seemed to know. It was a spontaneous thing on his part, & he retired that shot from his repertoire.

He would ward off big dogs from outside his front yard, surprising many people, but I had to guard him, as he thought he was bigger than reality. & he would back me up, if he thought I was protecting the property, or him, he'd want to help, as well. an incredible little thing.

He's been on the spirit of tassie, smuggled on in an overnight bag once, & once in a cage on the boat, & another time stayed in my car going over. We lived in tassie for awhile, & visited organic gardens, etc, the beach, & friends over there. Been on country trips in Tas & Vic, & also lived in country Victoria. we moved house about 4 times in 15 months at one point.

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Sorry to be a spoiler but I donate quite a bit of my income to organisations like Bush Heritage and our number one enemy is the tabby cat gone feral! The carnage they do to our wildlife is extraordinary. So I know cats are cute but I for one am not giving money to save a local moggy. Sorry but if we could unleash a calisy type virus for cats I would be up for it. They say we would never do it because it could take out family pets but I say release it into the feral population, if a pet is effected it is because they are associating with ferals and is not under control at night. So be it.

not a problem if they are de-sexed. they will still catch small animals, but they (de-sexed pets) cannot breed to become a rampant pest. like the Fox, cane toad, rabbit, goats, buffalo, carp, other fish tank species, camels, feral wild dogs, & yes feral cats.

all carnivores & exotic animals should have to be de-sexed when kept as pets. Cats, Dogs, ferrets, snakes, exotic frogs, anything that can be let loose into the wild. cats catch small animals. feral dogs catch from small to large animals such as Koalas, lambs, cats, other native animals - baby wombats, joeys, echidnas, possums, platypus, young calves, etc.

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not a problem if they are de-sexed. they will still catch small animals, but they (de-sexed pets) cannot breed to become a rampant pest. like the Fox, cane toad, rabbit, goats, buffalo, carp, other fish tank species, camels, feral wild dogs, & yes feral cats.

all carnivores & exotic animals should have to be de-sexed when kept as pets. Cats, Dogs, ferrets, snakes, exotic frogs, anything that can be let loose into the wild. cats catch small animals. feral dogs catch from small to large animals such as Koalas, lambs, cats, other native animals - baby wombats, joeys, echidnas, possums, platypus, young calves, etc.

If only we could make it a national priority to battle all these feral pests. I would happily pay an environmental levy on my tax if I knew the millions were going to fight pests and rehabilitate natural environments.

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If only we could make it a national priority to battle all these feral pests. I would happily pay an environmental levy on my tax if I knew the millions were going to fight pests and rehabilitate natural environments.

I would too... maybe when the next great depression arrives, we could send out men & women as Hunters, for food, & to rid our Coast to Coasts, of the feral pests as much as possible.

pay are indigenous folk by the pelt, or 'head', if the animal too big.

turn those toads to fertiliser.

rid our Rivers of Weeping Willows & 'golden' & Desert Ash trees, etc.

& let us build a Hydro-Electric turbine in a dam wall on the Snowy River & resend the waters south once again. Free the mighty Snowy. some work for the regions & good use of the water for power & for nature. lets live sustainably again.

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All pets we get are de sexed straight away.

Stafford rescue do that as well.

The girl we got was desexed before we got her.

I know people want purebreeds with papers - I understand show dogs - but on a whole other level I don't like it. Apart from the whole puppy mill debate and conditions, there are so many unwanted animals craving a good home. Desexing animals is a responsible approach

I like Petbarn's approach - they have a huge sign up about dogs - they do not sell them - they will help anyone wanting a dog obtain one through a rescue service -bravo petbarn ( not sure what there approach to cats is)

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not a problem if they are de-sexed. they will still catch small animals, but they (de-sexed pets) cannot breed to become a rampant pest. like the Fox, cane toad, rabbit, goats, buffalo, carp, other fish tank species, camels, feral wild dogs, & yes feral cats.

all carnivores & exotic animals should have to be de-sexed when kept as pets. Cats, Dogs, ferrets, snakes, exotic frogs, anything that can be let loose into the wild. cats catch small animals. feral dogs catch from small to large animals such as Koalas, lambs, cats, other native animals - baby wombats, joeys, echidnas, possums, platypus, young calves, etc.

interesting thought there d-l......desexing pet snakes....

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