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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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I sure all parties have scum bags in them as is the case with any organisation.

Did not Craig Thompson leave the Party?

It appeared to me the issue about Gillard was a case of sling mud (I personal have no time for her and was glad to see the back of her) was there anything proven against her?

The other I don't know what you think they done but clearly you have a bised view with regards to Labor, so unfortunitely unless you can back those comment with facts, I can not believe you.

I not see or heard there is endemic corruption in the Labor party and therefore think you been listing to your mate Mr Abbott for too long.

Interesting to see what you will say when issues arise in the Liberal party, my guess is nothing as you appear to be a Fan Boy!

Not that you will listen to my advise but it better to be a swinging voter as both parties give swing electorates much more goodies while safe ones get very little.

I would agree that there was too much power being placed in factional leaders and there was too many disloyal members.

Craig Thompson stole money from his union members and Gillard stuck with him to keep power but that doesn't surprise me as she will soon be charged with the same of fence, just wait and see.

Google Plibersek and you will see her husband has been convicted of drug trafficking, it's common knowledge and only someone as ill informed as you would deny it without at least having a little look first. Michael Coutts-Trotter spent 2 years 9 months of a 9 year sentence for heroin trafficking.

Also google the number of Labor and former Labor party politicians that have been jailed or charged with criminal of fences over the last 10 or so years, you will be astounded. That includes kiddy fiddling, one in jail and another committed suicide to save him the embarrassment of going in remember senator Bob Collins?

But it will all be news to you as you apparently don't have a clue and no idea about the scum that you support.

You seem to be one of those hip pocket supporters that will vote for whoever you can get the most out of instead of who you think will do a better job for the Country; I get nothing out of, nor do I want anything out of either party.

Edited by RobbieF
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Milton Orkopoulos Labor NSW 33 counts, including child sex and drug offences 13 years and 8 months (non-parole period 9 years)

Keith Wright Labor Qld child sex offences 8 years (non-parole period 4 years), paroled after 5½ years

Bill D'arcy Labor NSW child sex offences 11 years (non-parole period 7 years)

Merri Rose Labor NSW extortion 1.5 years

Gordon Nuttall Lbor NSW Corruption, receiving secret commissions, theft 15 years (non-parole period 10 years)

andrew Theophanous ALP politician sentenced in 2002 to 6 years' jail for bribery and fraud.

These are the more serious ones, both parties have had their share of drink driving etc. and there have been no serious charges against coalition members for at least 15 years.

NSW Labor Eddie Obeid and Ian MacDonald are currently facing charges for corruption and accepting bribes.



Former ALP President Michael Williamson


That's a start.

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That's possibly the dumbest post I've ever seen on here.


Abbott no Rocket Scientist and he got them so can anyone.

Or may be I should have kept my comment so simple in its meaning that even you could understand it.

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Abbott no Rocket Scientist and he got them so can anyone.

Or may be I should have kept my comment so simple in its meaning that even you could understand it.

Oh don't worry, I understand you alright, you have absolutely no clue.

You just out dumbed your previous dumbest post; well done.

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Craig Thompson stole money from his union members and Gillard stuck with him to keep power but that doesn't surprise me as she will soon be charged with the same of fence, just wait and see.

Google Plibersek and you will see her husband has been convicted of drug trafficking, it's common knowledge and only someone as ill informed as you would deny it without at least having a little look first. Michael Coutts-Trotter spent 2 years 9 months of a 9 year sentence for heroin trafficking.

Also google the number of Labor and former Labor party politicians that have been jailed or charged with criminal of fences over the last 10 or so years, you will be astounded. That includes kiddy fiddling, one in jail and another committed suicide to save him the embarrassment of going in remember senator Bob Collins?

But it will all be news to you as you apparently don't have a clue and no idea about the scum that you support.

You seem to be one of those hip pocket supporters that will vote for whoever you can get the most out of instead of who you think will do a better job for the Country; I get nothing out of, nor do I want anything out of either party.

Craig Thompson stole money - It is my belief he did based on the evidence I seen so far.

Gillard stuck with him to keep power - Agreed and suspect Abbott would have done the same. But Craig was not charge or convicted at the time and in Australia it is our custom to believe in his innocent until he is convicted.

she will soon be charged with the same of fence - Can you support this statement?

Google Plibersek and you will see her husband has been convicted of drug trafficking - He may well be a convicted drug trafficker but what that to do with his wife? Do you consider her guilty by association? If so, I hope you don't have any black sheep in your family or friends. A person is responsible for there own actions and not that of others, it the Australian way.

I tender to try and switch off when there is political mud sling as I think it childish and disgusting.

Also google the number of Labor and former Labor party politicians that have been jailed or charged with criminal of fences over the last 10 or so years, you will be astounded - Charged does not mean guilty. I have always suspected there can be political influence to play here just what happened to Jo in Queensland he was not convicted due to a corrupt jury. In WA the was IMO very corrupt practices in Charlie Courts reign and Brian Burke was convicted of theft from the ALP without any complaint being made against him. So of course there bad egg in the ALP as there is in the Liberal and Nationals etc. I don't agree that the ALP is the only party with these types of issues which you are implying in your comments.

But it will all be news to you as you apparently don't have a clue and no idea about the scum that you support. Now that's no way to talk about the Melbourne Football Club, Oh you must not have actual read my posts as if you did you would not have made that statement. I am but a big fan of Rudd but less of Abbott and had no time for Gillard, it is fantastic she gone. I just made comments to balance you Fan Boy comments about Abbott as he scares the crappers out of me.

You seem to be one of those hip pocket supporters that will vote for whoever you can get the most out of instead of who you think will do a better job for the Country; I get nothing out of, nor do I want anything out of either party. ROFLMAO now I know you are either drunk or been to Windy Pill for one of their sessions. What I want is good GOVERNANCE from which ever Party is in charge. IMO both the ALP and Liberal have the wrong leaders. The difference between me and you is I am NOT a political party FAN BOY.

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Oh don't worry, I understand you alright, you have absolutely no clue.

You just out dumbed your previous dumbest post; well done.

I rest my case!

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Abbott has a Bachelor of Economics a Bachelor of Laws and a Master of Arts as a Rhodes Scholar Queens College Oxford.

That answer your question?

just as I thought, he's an economic giant & a legendary creative/artistic writer of some repute...

& into law.. maybe he can ride Le Tour as well next year whilst juggling a caraff on his head. :)

Edited by dee-luded
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just as I thought, he's an economic giant & a legendary creative/artistic writer of some repute...

& into law.. maybe he can ride Le Tour as well next year whilst juggling a caraff on his head. :)

now that hes the prime minister they are teaching him to converse in sentences

next term hes up to 10 letter words

Edited by jazza
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now that hes the prime minister they are teaching him to converse in sentences

next term hes up to 10 letter words

What blows me away about Abbott is he need someone else to tell him what to say otherwise he will not tell the truth.

One can only wonder did he sit the tests for all those degrees or did he get someone else to do it for him?

I can not help thinking that may be Abbott is the ALP's biggest asset.

IMO Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better leader/PM and one that I very much respect.

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What blows me away about Abbott is he need someone else to tell him what to say otherwise he will not tell the truth.

One can only wonder did he sit the tests for all those degrees or did he get someone else to do it for him?

I can not help thinking that may be Abbott is the ALP's biggest asset.

IMO Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better leader/PM and one that I very much respect.

Interesting; Turnbull is a money hungry pig and I'd never vote for a party that he led, I'd abstain from voting at all.

But judging from your other contributions to this board you wouldn't know that and would probably have no idea (I could stop there) what he's like.

Only what you see in the headlines and no real thought behind it.

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Turnbull is an infinitely better option as national leader than Abbott. Pointing to this election result as some sort of vote of confidence for Tony Abbott is laughable. As Hawke said, the Coslition didn't win it, Labor lost it through their very public disunity. Most people know next to nothing when it comes to following politics, but they generally know who the PM at the time is. When a political party in power switches leaders twice, returning to the same bloke they had in the first place, they pretty much seal their own fate, no matter what their policy achievements. In truth, they should never have ditched Rudd in the first place.

There are many people in this country about to find out that a change for change's sake perhaps wasn't such a great idea after all.

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Turnbull is an infinitely better option as national leader than Abbott. Pointing to this election result as some sort of vote of confidence for Tony Abbott is laughable. As Hawke said, the Coslition didn't win it, Labor lost it through their very public disunity. Most people know next to nothing when it comes to following politics, but they generally know who the PM at the time is. When a political party in power switches leaders twice, returning to the same bloke they had in the first place, they pretty much seal their own fate, no matter what their policy achievements. In truth, they should never have ditched Rudd in the first place.

There are many people in this country about to find out that a change for change's sake perhaps wasn't such a great idea after all.

Totally agree with you comments.

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I get nothing out of, nor do I want anything out of either party.

If you have a superannuation fund, you get something from the government whether you like it or not.

Someone of your means (I read that you are a foundation hero) should at least acknowledge the benefits government is giving you via super. The are others as well but this one is the easiest to see.

Although I understand many of the points you have made in this thread and even agree with a few, you make a mockery of yourself when you say you get nothing out of government. You may not want anything, but you are getting something just the same.

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Coming from one of the mental giants of the board and seconded by the other one; I don't think Abbott has much to worry about.

gee fanks robbee
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gee fanks robbee

I put these guy on my ignore list as I am not interested in anything he says and his personal attacks on other posters says more about himself then those he trying to degrade simple because they have a different view to his. So people in this world only think their view is right and try to strongly impose it on others.

There are a number of politicians I can not stand and Abbott is one, Gillard is another. What our mate who accused me of supporting just the ALP will be shocked. I would not have voted for either of them. Rudd is not as bad as the other two politicians I just mentioned but it a close third. All major parties have a long way to go before they can claim they are supporting the Australian people. IMO it disgusting how both parties allow the Yankees to illegally hold and tortured Mr Hicks and other Australians. As a Australian citizen, regardless of what they may be accrued of, that should entitle them to certain rights. And don't get me started on the illegal wars Australia has been involved in, just to name a few issues there the various Australian Governments have failed the nation.

My last advice our friend and I know he will respond even though I will never see it as it what he does and can not help himself. Is I think MFC is too good for you mate so go with your trash talk and join Collingwood. So how I think you will fit right in over there.

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If you have a superannuation fund, you get something from the government whether you like it or not.

Someone of your means (I read that you are a foundation hero) should at least acknowledge the benefits government is giving you via super. The are others as well but this one is the easiest to see.

Although I understand many of the points you have made in this thread and even agree with a few, you make a mockery of yourself when you say you get nothing out of government. You may not want anything, but you are getting something just the same.

So what you're saying is that the Government taking less tax from me if I put money in to superannuation, which they insist I do in the first place, is a government handout. Ok.

There are no other handouts, I pay tax and lots of it so its more like the other way around.

I don't get any additional benefits from a Liberal Government in fact they have made my life hell with the financial sector reform but its my view they will do a better job overall and hopefully will spend within my means.

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You don't salary sacrifice? I don't think I've ever met someone with a high income who doesn't.

Salary Sacrifice isn't mandated. As soon as you do it, you're taking advantage of the government's tax breaks and effectively receiving a handout.

Handout has become a dirty word, if you prefer 'concession', that's fine. But you benefit from this policy.

If you're not salary sacrificing then either you don't earn enough (unlikely from what has been indicated before) or you're taking advantage of another form of government concession (negative gearing for example).

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You don't salary sacrifice? I don't think I've ever met someone with a high income who doesn't.

Salary Sacrifice isn't mandated. As soon as you do it, you're taking advantage of the government's tax breaks and effectively receiving a handout.

Handout has become a dirty word, if you prefer 'concession', that's fine. But you benefit from this policy.

If you're not salary sacrificing then either you don't earn enough (unlikely from what has been indicated before) or you're taking advantage of another form of government concession (negative gearing for example).

I don't salary sacrifice I'm running my own company and just pay tax on what I earn. I can't be bothered with all the peripheral issues I make enough out of the business and I'm not in pursuit of every dollar I can get my hands on. My accountant is an old fashioned one and he keeps me completely honest no funny business.

As I said I just pay less tax on what I contribute to super, hardly a concession when someone robs you of a lesser amount. If I ran my company the way a labor government runs the country I'd be broke and on the dole; now there's a concession.

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I don't salary sacrifice I'm running my own company and just pay tax on what I earn. I can't be bothered with all the peripheral issues I make enough out of the business and I'm not in pursuit of every dollar I can get my hands on. My accountant is an old fashioned one and he keeps me completely honest no funny business.

As I said I just pay less tax on what I contribute to super, hardly a concession when someone robs you of a lesser amount. If I ran my company the way a labor government runs the country I'd be broke and on the dole; now there's a concession.

Lol, salary sacrifice and negative gearing are hardly "funny business". It's all above board. Odd thing to say imo.

Contributions via salary sacrifice and SG are called "concessional contributions". Call my crazy but I think that's concessional.

You're benefiting from a government policy, paying less tax on earnings because of the concessional environment of superannuation. You "get something" out of this superannuation policy because you don't have to pay your marginal rate. I figured that was pretty straightforward. It's your money and you're saving it by paying less tax. The amount you save obviously depends on your marginal tax rate, so unless you're a business owner and are somehow under the tax free threshold, you're benefiting.

I assume, not being a fan of handouts, you gave Rudd's $900 stimulus back?

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no Robbie wouldn't have handed back the stimulus,that would of got him around ho chi min city for 7 months while we supported another bad year,

was wondering though if Robbie is happy with abbotts maternity leave payment,that could be his /her next holiday fund

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Lol, salary sacrifice and negative gearing are hardly "funny business". It's all above board. Odd thing to say imo.

Contributions via salary sacrifice and SG are called "concessional contributions". Call my crazy but I think that's concessional.

You're benefiting from a government policy, paying less tax on earnings because of the concessional environment of superannuation. You "get something" out of this superannuation policy because you don't have to pay your marginal rate. I figured that was pretty straightforward. It's your money and you're saving it by paying less tax. The amount you save obviously depends on your marginal tax rate, so unless you're a business owner and are somehow under the tax free threshold, you're benefiting.

I assume, not being a fan of handouts, you gave Rudd's $900 stimulus back?

I don't think we will ever agree on this I don't consider it a benefit if I have to pay a bit less tax, so lets agree to disagree.

Lol no way known was I ever going to get the $900, you do realise it was means tested don't you?

So you can't hand back what you never received; I take it you got it?

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no Robbie wouldn't have handed back the stimulus,that would of got him around ho chi min city for 7 months while we supported another bad year,

was wondering though if Robbie is happy with abbotts maternity leave payment,that could be his /her next holiday fund

Considering my eldest son is 40 and my youngest is 33 I don't think I'll be trying for the maternity bonus.

I'll leave Vietnam for bogan backpackers like yourself, watch out for the street stall food I believe it's a killer. I actually have enough to fund my own holidays, but I guess you have to string a few centre link payments together so you can shoot off to Bali to get your hair braided.

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Considering my eldest son is 40 and my youngest is 33 I don't think I'll be trying for the maternity bonus.

I'll leave Vietnam for bogan backpackers like yourself, watch out for the street stall food I believe it's a killer. I actually have enough to fund my own holidays, but I guess you have to string a few centre link payments together so you can shoot off to Bali to get your hair braided.

classic Robbie ,your a pisser

if your that old perhaps your bookkeeper can get down this way and I will teach them how to milk cows,yes that a real job

then after 5 lazy easy days your B/K can go home to the estate and confirm we are not all dole bludgers.some of us actually consider farming a worthy occupation ,good luck getting this years gin and tonic record ,perhaps the gentry at the all Melbourne club will spur you on to greater deeds.should your chauffer quit I hear the biff is looking for a job,you could be called a builder of the country under tonys new open for business campaign

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