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AFL grants immunity for indiscretions against Colin Sylvia

The Daily Magot

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Hi guys

I thought you might appreciate this article I wrote on The Daily Maggot. Not sure if it's just a coincidence, but I feel Sylvia has been getting the rough end of the stick for sometime now.

AFL confirms immunity for indiscretions against Colin Sylvia - http://thedailymaggot.com/?p=2177

It was a pleasure to actually write something that wasn't directly negative about our club.

As you guys know, I don't usually post articles here. I apologise if this is inappropriate, but as many of the Demonland community have inspired these article ideas, I thought I would share a couple.

Also, below is one from yesterday having a go at out-of-form, media-shy Harry O'Brien after the Queen's Birthday Match.

Team success more important than individual glory: Jokes Harry O'Brien - http://thedailymaggot.com/?p=2172


The Maggot


I believe it was assessed as high impact (3 points), intentional (3 points), high force (3 points), off the ball (1 bonus activation point) and against Colin Sylvia (-10 points).


I believe it was assessed as high impact (3 points), intentional (3 points), high force (3 points), off the ball (1 bonus activation point) and against Colin Sylvia (-10 points).

Loved the David Cloke article.


Thanks guys - I appreciate the feedback. Spelling of my username is definitely a concern.

Please let me know if you have any ideas for articles.

"Bruce McAvaney brings commentating to new heights by claiming that 'you just get the feeling the next goal will be pivotal, don't you?' after every goal."


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