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Alternative Jumpers - St.K v Ess


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You are carping on a bit.....no alot.

The issue is not whether you can see it but the players. I thought that would have been evident given the WB fiasco.

EPL has clash guernseys and has not suffered. Your silly AFL conspiracy does not hold water. I find it highly unlikely you will be correct in 15 years given you are so wide of the mark so often these days. And I know if you shoot enough you will eventually hit a target but I wont hold my breath for you Hacker.

So you are quite happy that Badly designed clash jumpers are used just because the EPL does it are you RR. OK that's your opinion & not mine.

The main reason the AFL/VFL code has always pulled monster crowds in this relatively small city is because it is fiercely tribal & loyal to its traditions.

If the AFL continue to chisel away at these too much the code will suffer. I know you will disagree buts thats just who you are

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So Jumpers like North and Collingwood that have been in existence since at least 1925 and have clashed with vertical stripes for 85 years is an AFL plot????

The cads. I agree I dont trust Adrian Anderson or his great great grandfather Yosemite Anderson who designed the guernseys either.

never had any problems sorting out North & Collingwood on a wet day via Black & White TV Rhino, not even Hawthorn at Glenferrie-and we all remember what a bog that was.

Why is it a problem now? Because the AFL says so...that's why.

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So you are quite happy that Badly designed clash jumpers are used just because the EPL does it are you RR. OK that's your opinion & not mine.

The main reason the AFL/VFL code has always pulled monster crowds in this relatively small city is because it is fiercely tribal & loyal to its traditions.

If the AFL continue to chisel away at these too much the code will suffer. I know you will disagree buts thats just who you are

Its a pity you can neither sustain or support an argument without trying to misrepresent the other case which in most cases has shown your position up...time and time...time again.

The AFL also got more sense to see the need for change. If fact the VFL/AFL is different beast now to what it was 10 or 20 years ago. And blow me down the crowds, memberships and TV rights have increased dramatically.

All teams should be wearing a predominantly white or non clash strip against the home team.

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never had any problems sorting out North & Collingwood on a wet day via Black & White TV Rhino, not even Hawthorn at Glenferrie-and we all remember what a bog that was.

Why is it a problem now? Because the AFL says so...that's why.

Its not about you. Its about the players and the speed of the game. Its a problem easily demonstrated to you by the game against WB. You carried on as usual like a pork chop about the clash and how it was a disaster. But now its not a problem..... :wacko:

You really cant present a coherent consistent position on too much WYL.

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Its not about you. Its about the players and the speed of the game. Its a problem easily demonstrated to you by the game against WB. You carried on as usual like a pork chop about the clash and how it was a disaster. But now its not a problem..... :wacko:

You really cant present a coherent consistent position on too much WYL.

That was an umpire clash RR. Totally different situation.

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The issue is about the clash of colour during the game that causes errors like Bartrams handball to an umpire. Its completely relevant.

so you are saying the Bulldogs kit with the lighter blue jumper would have caused problems? I don't agree During the early mid eighties you have a point but not with the dark Royal Blue

Like i said before, during the 2000 GF both sides wore the Trad strips & i had no troubles following the game.

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so you are saying the Bulldogs kit with the lighter blue jumper would have caused problems? I don't agree During the early mid eighties you have a point but not with the dark Royal Blue

All teams should be wearing a predominantly white or non clash strip against the home team.

How could it be simpler than that? :wacko:

Like i said before, during the 2000 GF both sides wore the Trad strips & i had no troubles following the game.

I told you its irrelvant and the game is much quicker today than in 2000.

Its not about you. Its about the players and the speed of the game. .

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That's been helped along by the AFL perenially scheduling us to play away games against the Dons.

We haven't played them in a home match since Round 1 2005!

That was the Broadbridge match and jumpers were the last thing anyone would think about. The time before was the Elimination final, so same deal there.

If memory serves, clash jumpers weren't a big deal in 2003 and earlier.

It'll be interesting to see what happens this year with it.

Can always rely on you for the stats 45HG, thanks. I thought it had been a while. But not 5 years ! It seems almost strategic... :rolleyes: (nah...couldn't be !)

I would suggest a choice along the lines of the following was put to us by the AFL at fixture time in response to our request to finally get a home game v Ess at The G this season:

Get this home fixture you want along with the financial benefits associated with drawing 40K+ but concede the jumper kerfuffle for one game


Wear your precious home guernsey in a home game v Freo in a Sunday twilight fixture that might be squeezed to Etihad Stadium to make way for a better game.

Your choice???

You present a good argument ID and I thank you for your efforts...but our work is now done. ;)

By the way I'll choose C) :

I'll take the "home fixture in our regular traditional jumper worn for 151 years, plus financial benefits with a crowd over 45K." (Etihad & Collo can go jump)

All teams should be wearing a predominantly white or non clash strip against the home team.

That seems fair to me. Then everyone knows where everyone stands. All home sides can wear what they want to wear.


@opeth1 Definitely wearing our jumper vs Essendon round 15 at the G.

28 minutes ago via TweetDeck in reply to opeth1

/close thread

Cheers. Thanks Schwabby. Thanks to BrettMCG for that update too. Worthwhile exercise today people. :)

Bingo. Will take the twitter with thanks to CamSchwab.

Jesaulenko...you beauty !

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You are missing the point Ash mate! How different was the Saints jumper? The one yesterday? Little larger white in the middle and the back is white not black. Correct. Same design in principle though yeah? What changes did Essendon make? just a fatter sash yeah? OK now look at the changes the AFL have asked Melbourne to Make. They now expect us to wear a predominantly white jumper. Its teh team of the red and the blue. No white about it mate!! Why should we give up our jumper at our home game. How about your mob go red with black sash? Is that to much? It really is a joke.

IF WE ARE FORCED to change jumpers vs. Essendon, can we go with the 70's-80's Royal Blue. I mean that's the whole reason we went that way in the begiining.

The point I'm making is, Essendons away jumper is what it is. We've come up with a design [unlike Collingwood] and the AFL has approved it.

So now we have to deal with what we have. Everyone is carrying on about "the arrogant Bombers", well Essendon have an away strip, and will wear if told to. I think peoples anger should be at the AFL, not Essendon.

I keep saying that I agree, Melbourne shouldn't have to wear an away strip for a home game, but for the sake of this match, if it turns out that Essendons away jumper doesn't differ enough from Melbournes home jumper, use common sense, and after this season, get the AFL to change Essendons away strip for future games. It ain't going to change between now and when we play you.

On Sunday, common sense prevailed, well done St Kilda.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

The point I'm making is, Essendons away jumper is what it is. We've come up with a design [unlike Collingwood] and the AFL has approved it.

So now we have to deal with what we have. Everyone is carrying on about "the arrogant Bombers", well Essendon have an away strip, and will wear if told to. I think peoples anger should be at the AFL, not Essendon.

I keep saying that I agree, Melbourne shouldn't have to wear an away strip for a home game, but for the sake of this match, if it turns out that Essendons away jumper doesn't differ enough from Melbournes home jumper, use common sense, and after this season, get the AFL to change Essendons away strip for future games. It ain't going to change between now and when we play you.

On Sunday, common sense prevailed, well done St Kilda.

Collingwood do have a predominantly white strip mate. The lose the black back and wear their 90's all white with black stripes strip. Again you are very much misinformed.

Essendon are most uncooperative at the moment in regards to clash jumpers. They should get the red shorts out and reverse the sash and body to avoid clashes with sides wearing dark jumpers. Not that hard.

Edited by Balls_Grinter_14
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The point I'm making is, Essendons away jumper is what it is. We've come up with a design [unlike Collingwood] and the AFL has approved it.

So now we have to deal with what we have. Everyone is carrying on about "the arrogant Bombers", well Essendon have an away strip, and will wear if told to. I think peoples anger should be at the AFL, not Essendon.

I keep saying that I agree, Melbourne shouldn't have to wear an away strip for a home game, but for the sake of this match, if it turns out that Essendons away jumper doesn't differ enough from Melbournes home jumper, use common sense, and after this season, get the AFL to change Essendons away strip for future games. It ain't going to change between now and when we play you.

On Sunday, common sense prevailed, well done St Kilda.

And, the point is, the AFL should never have approved that joke of an "away jumper". It does not solve the clash problem that away jumpers are supposed to solve! It makes a complete mockery of the AFL and the rules it supposedly requires all teams to follow. Whoever approved that jumper needs a good kick up the rear!

And, Balls is right re Collingwood. Collingwood DOES have a clash jumper. It's all white on the majority of the back, instead of the black on the home jumper. It therefore does not clash with anyone except possibly Nth Melb. It's certainly WAY ahead of the Essendon joke.

The fault with this fiasco lies equally with BOTH Essendon AND the AFL. With Essendon, because their joke of a clash jumper clearly does not comply with the requirement of avoiding a clash, and is a cynical response at best. With the AFL, because they have been too weak to stand up to Essendon and read the riot act to them.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

In all honesty, going forward, If we need to have a permanent 10 year clash jumper, I would hope we would get something like this happening. I don't hate the current one, but i prefer domething more traditional. More Melbourne. This is about right I reckon. Perhaps the MFC could be added to the middle.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

I am more of a traditionalist and prefer this version myself. I would be more happy with this kind of jumper than our current away strip.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14


and what of the jumper above Vagg (MFCone)

would you be happier if we were wearing this in times of 'Clash' ???

It's more like 'OUR' jumper

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Collingwood do have a predominantly white strip mate. The lose the black back and wear their 90's all white with black stripes strip. Again you are very much misinformed.

Essendon are most uncooperative at the moment in regards to clash jumpers. They should get the red shorts out and reverse the sash and body to avoid clashes with sides wearing dark jumpers. Not that hard.

Yep, that Collingwood reverse jumper really helps when they play North Melbourne. But no, you're right, I'm obviously the one misinformed. If Essendon away jumper is a joke, Collingwoods is an academy award winning comedy that's broken all box office records.

And mate, I would love to see the red shorts back again, or what ever is needed to stop a clash.

As I said, I really don't care what we wear, as long as a clash is avoided. Obviously the Essendon FC have a different view, but again, blame the AFL for giving our away jumper the all clear.

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Guest Balls_Grinter_14

Yep, that Collingwood reverse jumper really helps when they play North Melbourne. But no, you're right, I'm obviously the one misinformed. If Essendon away jumper is a joke, Collingwoods is an academy award winning comedy that's broken all box office records.

And mate, I would love to see the red shorts back again, or what ever is needed to stop a clash.

As I said, I really don't care what we wear, as long as a clash is avoided. Obviously the Essendon FC have a different view, but again, blame the AFL for giving our away jumper the all clear.

Collingwoods white jumper avoids clash's with St Kilda, Melbourne, Port Adelaide, Essendon, Carlton....any more you need?

They are fortunate to not have to change their jumpers too much. But at least they meet the AFL Guidelines. Essendon = Fail. Your 'arrangement' with Etihad is suspect too. How is it that you still charge 17 away game members $5.00 to get into the ground? What a joke.

Pizz off to a Bumbers forum Ash. You are beginning to be a pest.

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and what of the jumper above Vagg (MFCone)

would you be happier if we were wearing this in times of 'Clash' ???

It's more like 'OUR' jumper

Yeah, not bad, Balls. I'd be happy with that. (I'm also not unhappy with our current two clash jumpers.)


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