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Will it? Multiply the number of patrons that attended the NAB Cup game by 10 and I think there'd be some trouble :P

6,000 x 10 = 60,000

I don't think there's much prospect of that many attending a match at Casey Fields. A boutique stadium at Casey Fields seating 20-25,000 for matches against Western Sydney, Freo, Port Adelaide and the Gold Coast is the ultimate possibility for Casey Fields. While there has been additional parking provided during this year, and will be adequate for NAB matches, there will be a necessity for public transport to be improved for AFL matches. While buses can be provided from the train station, the metropolitan rail service should be extended to Casey Fields to also support the rapid residential growth which will occur in the area over the next 10 years. There are some good synergies coming up which should help the sports complex and MFC.

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CS, may I say first you're an absolute star on this matter. Thank you very much for your insight and the information you have provided throughout!

The train station is one thing i've wondered about since i ran about 3 km to the ground from the train station on this years 411 degree day when we played north. Has there been any word on whether or not the station will be built, and I suppose more to the point, when it will be built. I'd have thought it'd be hand in hand with development of the ground

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Its been on the cards for some time that the rail will push out to Casey. Some studies are looking into a Tooradin push at some stage. Its all a question of when isnt it. who knows how desperate the pollies are geting ..lol.

Rail is the obvious answer to a major leg up for transport requirements to the venue. That, buses and carpark extensions /refurbishing ought to cater to the projections ( as exist)

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6,000 x 10 = 60,000

Were you the one counting the crowd at our NAB game?

I would have guessed there were less than half the 6,000 you're suggesting.

NB: Casey council reports that there were 6,000 there.

Regardless, my point stands - the parking may have been fine with 6,000, but to be a viable ground for real footy you'll need to cater for many times that - far more than what could be catered with parking IMO. Double the cars would have been a nightmare, let alone 4-5 times more.

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Guest Chopper

I thought there was more than 6,000.

I cant wait for this deal to be completed. I think the importance of having a first class pre-season base will be underrated.

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Were you the one counting the crowd at our NAB game?

The figure was released by the AFL, and also reported by the Council (as you referred to in the link you provided).

And, although I attended the match, I didn't bother counting.

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The train station is one thing i've wondered about since i ran about 3 km to the ground from the train station on this years 411 degree day when we played north.

You shouldn’t have run 3km…….there actually is a bus that meets each train, and travels to Cranbourne East. It currently drops you about 1km from Casey Fields. Hopefully its route will be extended as more development occurs, and drop patrons at Casey Fields.

The bus is a “Claytons” train – although an extension of the rail line was promised in the 1999 election by Bracksie, it has never been delivered. Instead they put in this bus route, so you have to pretend your still on the train.

Has there been any word on whether or not the station will be built, and I suppose more to the point, when it will be built. I'd have thought it'd be hand in hand with development of the ground

As I said above, the station was promised in the 1999 election, but not delivered. It has since dropped completely out of the governments public transport strategy – it does not appear in the 2030 transport plan (called “Meeting our Transport Challenges”).

However MOTC is struggling to meet our transport challenges already. So it will undoubtedly be substantially reviewed. I’d be surprised in the Cranbourne East station doesn’t do a Lazarus.

Rather than a station being built as Casey Fields develops, there is a greater argument to have the station hand in hand with residential development. Population growth will drive everyday use (instead of just on event days).

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Really it's the same as VFL park; right area, right gowth potential, right market. Sorry, can't get to it, let's pull it down.

No rail; fail!

Lucky it's only going to be a training base for MFC.

It's not like Waverley Park at all - next to Casey Fields is the closed Leongatha Railway line. The rail corridor already exists, and its just a matter of relaying the tracks, upgrading road crossings and building a station/s.

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It's not like Waverley Park at all - next to Casey Fields is the closed Leongatha Railway line. The rail corridor already exists, and its just a matter of relaying the tracks, upgrading road crossings and building a station/s.

I'm sure Lynne Kosky will take that on board! And be as effective as she's always been when it comes to public transport. What a little goer she is!

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I believe the deal with Casey hasn't been done yet and the preferred aliment is with Frankston, but Frankston are holding out for a better deal than the one offered.

Well just have to wait and see if the offer becomes good enough for Frankston to change it's policy of standing along and giving local kids a go!

There has never been any interest b/w Melbourne and Frankston - it is St Kilda who did a deal with Frankston, and from all accounts it's not going very well. I wouldn't be surprised if it falls over.

The deal with Casey is all but done, it's just down to haggling over fine points now. If Bailey is setting 13/10/08 as the start of preseason, I would expect to see some Casey training happening very soon. They can't move their equipment in until the grandstand is extended, so at this stage it will only be field work, but that's a start. At least we have goal posts here in Casey!

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It's not like Waverley Park at all - next to Casey Fields is the closed Leongatha Railway line. The rail corridor already exists, and its just a matter of relaying the tracks, upgrading road crossings and building a station/s.

Casey, if you think that the re-opening of that train line will go ahead, I suggest you start talking to John Brumby tomorrow....if it happens, Melbourne will have been back in their city training base for years!

I don't think that this temporary move to Casey is going to have any great benefit to Melbourne at all...I doubt if it will automatically mean a huge surge in membership from that area...

Casey Fields is a very good facility...just in the wrong area...if it was in an area closer to Melbourne, there would be clubs tripping over themselves to get there.....but the fact of where it is, is the reason the council has to offer incentives for someone to move there...why else would a team steeped in inner suburban history such as Melbourne contemplate a move to Cranbourne??

For Melbourne's sake I hope it works...

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Casey, if you think that the re-opening of that train line will go ahead, I suggest you start talking to John Brumby tomorrow....if it happens, Melbourne will have been back in their city training base for years!

I don't think that this temporary move to Casey is going to have any great benefit to Melbourne at all...I doubt if it will automatically mean a huge surge in membership from that area...

Casey Fields is a very good facility...just in the wrong area...if it was in an area closer to Melbourne, there would be clubs tripping over themselves to get there.....but the fact of where it is, is the reason the council has to offer incentives for someone to move there...why else would a team steeped in inner suburban history such as Melbourne contemplate a move to Cranbourne??

For Melbourne's sake I hope it works...

bitter much?

cranbourne is not a particularly long drive away at all.

this is the start of a very successful partnership.

Casey will provide us with top level training facilities over the summer. with a growing young community, melbourne players will be running footy camps and this will lead to an increase in membership.

MFC has never had a relationship with a community. developing one with a young and exciting community can only be for our benefit.

Even if that aspect doesn't go as planned, we'll have great facilities

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Casey, if you think that the re-opening of that train line will go ahead, I suggest you start talking to John Brumby tomorrow....if it happens, Melbourne will have been back in their city training base for years!

There is a ground swel lto get the line not only opened to Casey..but indeed as far as Tooradin. That will probably do it.. way down the line if the rest of line reopens it will be in similar fashion to the Stoney Point in terms of extra services via DRC etc.

yep..its been promised for some time, Cranbourne East etc..A political football for sure.. It wil be a neceesity inside of five years..and there is an election before that. The "other" lot would have built italready had they got it. Such is life..Its not there..but as the ad says..It will happen..just not overnight. Its not a huge infrastrucure build.. its only a tart -up and reactivation really..easy peasy..Just needs the politcal will.

In mean time buses will probably cope for some crowds till they build

I don't think that this temporary move to Casey is going to have any great benefit to Melbourne at all...I doubt if it will automatically mean a huge surge in membership from that area...

Whats temporary ? We are signing on to train there for decades...still in teh context of the eons odf time..I suppose its only a blink huh !!

Trees take time to take root and grow..Melb is not looking at any gains from this investment as an onvernight bonus.

Casey Fields is a very good facility...just in the wrong area...if it was in an area closer to Melbourne, there would be clubs tripping over themselves to get there.....but the fact of where it is, is the reason the council has to offer incentives for someone to move there...why else would a team steeped in inner suburban history such as Melbourne contemplate a move to Cranbourne??

Hmm..wrong area ?? You might want to talk to the DOI and Real Estate Institute about that :lol::rolleyes:

For Melbourne's sake I hope it works...

So do we :)

Go Scorps !! ;)

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You shouldn’t have run 3km…….there actually is a bus that meets each train, and travels to Cranbourne East.

DAMNIT! Haha i got to the ground as the siren sounded, then couldn't get a beer.

Rather than a station being built as Casey Fields develops, there is a greater argument to have the station hand in hand with residential development. Population growth will drive everyday use (instead of just on event days).

Absolutely, that makes a lot of sense.

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One of the criteria necessary when permitting residential development is the proximity to infrasturcture such as transport. Since there's already what appears to be a disused rail line that runs next to Casey Fields, it makes sense for a station to be opened there to service the residential development and the sports facilities there.

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One of the criteria necessary when permitting residential development is the proximity to infrasturcture such as transport. Since there's already what appears to be a disused rail line that runs next to Casey Fields, it makes sense for a station to be opened there to service the residential development and the sports facilities there.

Unfortunately, it's more complicated than that. Cranbourne is a 'single line' which means there is one track in and out, not two. So only one train at a time can go up the line. Which means that if you extend the line, it's really complicated with timetabling, not just for Cranbourne trains, but all the trains in the network have to be 'rejigged' so they aren't pulling into major stations at the same time. The track has also been disused for so long, that it's practically useless - it would need major work. If you happen to drive up the South Gippy Hwy into Cranbourne, you might notice that your car doesn't thump over the railway lines at the crossing - because they have been tarmacked over. I guess the maintenance on disused rail lines was a waste of money, so they were covered over. The railway gates are still there, but the lines are gone. No-one in government (either major party) is particularly interested in reopening the line (I know because I spoke to a Liberal MP before they lost office - they weren't going to do it, and the Bracks/Brumby government hasn't been that interested either). Maybe it will be reopened if the plans to upgrade Westernport Bay go through - who knows.

What would be the benefit to the club in a move to Casey. Hmmm - let's see. Just a few to start. When the grandstand extension is built they will be able to move their weight training room there. It will be heaps bigger so not only can they get some additional equipment, but more players will be able to use the facility. The physio room will also be bigger - that's got to be an advantage. The ground is the same size as the G, and no-one plays cricket on it, so our footy players can practice footy all year round, not just in the 'off season' like they have to do now. It's also a really good surface for football, much better than Sandringham, South Melbourne etc... - I was told this by an ex player who was really excited about the move, so I have no reason to doubt his statements.

Plus all the benefits for admin etc... by having more office space.

Should we really start debating what good it could be for the club to be able to connect with little kids? If you look at our history - community connection has always been a problem - you need to get your 'brand' into people's minds to make it successful - no better way than being accessible to the little tykes who think footy players are some sort of gods. Get them young, and get them for life.

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Unfortunately, it's more complicated than that. Cranbourne is a 'single line' which means there is one track in and out, not two. So only one train at a time can go up the line. Which means that if you extend the line, it's really complicated with timetabling, not just for Cranbourne trains, but all the trains in the network have to be 'rejigged' so they aren't pulling into major stations at the same time. The track has also been disused for so long, that it's practically useless - it would need major work. If you happen to drive up the South Gippy Hwy into Cranbourne, you might notice that your car doesn't thump over the railway lines at the crossing - because they have been tarmacked over. I guess the maintenance on disused rail lines was a waste of money, so they were covered over. The railway gates are still there, but the lines are gone. No-one in government (either major party) is particularly interested in reopening the line (I know because I spoke to a Liberal MP before they lost office - they weren't going to do it, and the Bracks/Brumby government hasn't been that interested either). Maybe it will be reopened if the plans to upgrade Westernport Bay go through - who knows.

With all due respect Suzanna..thast not quite a realistic appraisal.. if you wanna talk trains.. Im up for it !!

Where ever you move the terminal to becomes the EOL...you can however still call Cranbourne the effective EOl and run out as per normal ..except you you send them off in the opppsosite direction to start..they then return anc continue as per normal. Such workings , or similar wok fine on the Belgrave and Hurstbridge lines. This in itself is not a problem. Finding paths ( times in tietables ) isnt either as the headways on this line are wel lbelow saturation. ( a very simplified explanation..but will do for here..lol )

As to the track..much of the real work would be in the right of way allignments and subroadbeds.. These are already done and in place..just need a workover as you mention. This is not big..more work in doing original r-o-w works. Reactivating the crossing requirtes a bit of work..not nothing unknown etc. Just a matter of doing..Works can be done in 3 days ( actually 3 nights)..for the level crossing. Any works for a line to WPB are totally about a different casue ( and wil actuall be a different guage)..Irrelevant.. your Lib fellow isnt too well informed then..still who of them are ?? lol

I'll bet ya a slab that Cranbourne East ( Casey Fields ) will be back on the agenda come next election.

Wanna talk trains..

or shall we return to the football ? ;)

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yep..its been promised for some time, Cranbourne East etc..A political football for sure.. It wil be a neceesity inside of five years..and there is an election before that. The "other" lot would have built italready had they got it. Such is life..

Of course they would have. Just like Doncaster (1970s?) & Clayton/Rowville (1960s?).

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Of course they would have. Just like Doncaster (1970s?) & Clayton/Rowville (1960s?).

heheh.. its a valid point that.. No excuses at all are there.. espc the Rowville line...got sold a pup there for sure.

However..they needed to be buiilt..ROW acquired etc. problems with planning etc.

For CAsey only a Station need be built.. a few K of line rehabilitated and some wire strung..all on exisitng easements etc. Actually technically that line could be reactivated with a memo ( I kid you not ) But redone to Sparks standard is a bit of work.. but not a horrendous amount..and with housing and infrstructire requirements in that area growing.. its not if...but when !!

now about them Scorps !! :)

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Irrelevant.. your Lib fellow isnt too well informed then..still who of them are ?? lol

I'll bet ya a slab that Cranbourne East ( Casey Fields ) will be back on the agenda come next election.

Wanna talk trains..

or shall we return to the football ? ;)

Well I guess so - maybe it was just an excuse instead of an explanation. I still can't see the line being reopened any time soon, but who knows - the money might materialise from somewhere.

And no - I don't want to talk trains, maybe I will just introduce you to my dad, and then run quickly away.

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Do you play with model trains Bub?

Shhhh !!! lol I get enough stick for being an ol' bastard !! :lol::rolleyes:

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