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Is $500 too much?


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Do you think $500 is too much to attend Melbourne's 150th Celebrations

The club's got to make a buck somehow.

It's either that or celebrate the 155th at the Gold Coast Convention Centre.

Do you think $500 is too much to attend Melbourne's 150th Celebrations

I think it is going to be one of the best functions ever put on by the club.

But $500 is, unfortunately, too much for me. I see myself as incredibly dedicated to the club, and it really does hurt not to be able to attend such a function, which IMO will see the start of the NEW Melbourne Football Club. It will be a real call to arms and a very inspirational event.

Rob - there is also a $350 option if that makes the event more available to you.

If you can afford to go to this night, DO NOT MISS IT. It will be incredible.

There are $350 tickets that aren't much different to the $500 tickets.

$150 bucks is pretty different mate


Look, if the tickets were cheaper, every man and his dog would attend. Those who REALLY want to go, will find a way. Myself, I cannnot afford it, but If i really wanted to go, I would find a way to get 500 in a hurry.


I think it might be a bit much, but i'm going anyway.

There will be nothing like this again (untill 200th) and will be one of the greatest night's in our club's history. What a way to celebrate such an amazing achievement


Seeing as it will be a once in a liftime thing its a bargain

Its not as though we didnt know about it coming


i got on board the $350 option... no guaranteed hero on my table, which would've been nice, but not $150 nice... it's allowed me to go and made me very happy...

i got on board the $350 option... no guaranteed hero on my table, which would've been nice, but not $150 nice... it's allowed me to go and made me very happy...

Yeah, ditto... I'm on board aswell. How often will the club turn 150??? It's once in a lifetime... not missing out on it

I think he means, different in what you get from the ticket...

Correct (Thanks Clint Bizkit).

I bought two once the $350 tickets were announced.


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