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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. Only watched it on TV and we commented on the last quarter, where is he? How much time was he on the ground then. He did some good things but seemed to disappear for long periods. The last quarter I thought was set up for him to grab control of the match but we hardly saw him. 

  2. Just now, buck_nekkid said:

    Goody said it was about if it was a mark or not.

    If so, not sure why Jetta would be losing it like he was. You would just walk away as you had won. I think Goody was either guessing or hosing it down.

    There was more to it. We haven’t seen Jetta get that worked up before that I can remember. 

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  3. 44 minutes ago, DaveyJones'sLocker said:

    Anyone know what the busy up with lecras and Jetta was about ?

    I suspect something very inappropriate was said by LeCras in frustration. Jetta was livid and LeCras seemed to be trying to apologise after the initial scuffle. That is how it looked to me anyway. 

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  4. 38 minutes ago, beelzebub said:

    Interesting observations from other coaches that they are setting up to feed off our strengths, although I think most on here worked this out some time ago. So why are our mids still over committing to the contested ball? Is it just that we have 3 or 4 ball hunters who can’t resist? So the opposition sets up on the outside to intercept our clearances and then take off the other way leaving 2 or 3 of our onballers trailing behind. How many times have I watched that scenario unfold this year.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, DV8 said:

    LoL... in what order 'EH' ?


    alpha beta cal ?


    I read the tea leaves the same, DJ.

    In the reverse order of how they finish DV8 on the ladder as per the first round of draft picks. That way we get a first rounder! 

  6. 28 minutes ago, picket fence said:

    A weapon???

    Slow, cant kick. Seriously??

    Not sure he is slow, how fast are you? But yes at this stage he has a lot to work on mainly strength in tackles and ability to kick more than 40 meters when he gets it. That is why I wanted him out of the side for a rest and maybe JKH in! What is your point? 

  7. 6 minutes ago, napster said:

    Spargo, with his weak kicking very lucky to stay in. 10 disposals at 60% efficiency, so 6 effective disposals.

    JKH 14 disposals at 100% efficiency so 14 effective disposals, a big difference. He did some good things, can provide a good link, and was a long way from our worst (see ANB and or Garlett). I think he’s mostly done his bit since he came back in. He seems to be the selector’s whipping boy, given little leeway compared to others like Hannan and Garlett who until recently had to play a whole string of poor games before they got the chop. For a change, Garlett’s game v Sydney was so bad that in itself it brought about his omission.

    Of JKH and Spargo, Spargo should have been given a rest, but I’d prefer either of them to Hannan. I think Hannan’s busy running style creates an impression that he’s fast, but then see the foot race with Lynden Dunne on Queen’s Birthday. Regarding tackling pressure, the last game the three of them played together was v the Dogs, Spargo 7 tackles, JKH 8, Hannan zero.

    Tend to agree, not happy with JKH’s omission. Spargo needs a rest, has struggled with tackles and kicking 30 m plus in the past 3 seasons plus. 

    He will be a weapon in time but not this year. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Older demon said:

    5 changes and only 2 forced due to injury. Been a while since the club made such a big statement. I hope it results in success......

    5 changes seems at odds with Goody’s press conference where expressed confidence in the playing group and the process/game plan and that we had been competitive in all our matches. 

    Thinking JKH was showing something at last and would have given Jeffy another chance over there.  

  9. 3 hours ago, drysdale demon said:

    Just as an aside question Earl, do you know anything about boxing and the time and planning it takes to get a boxer to the level ready enough to reach the pinnacle of their career?

    Short answer is no  but not sure of your point. My analogy refers to our game plan, it’s aggressive, simple but predictable and the better teams and coaching panels have been able to counter it so far. Also our game style works well on narrower grounds it seems, our record at the MCG is ordinary this season.

    An interesting observation at training this season is that when we do the full length ground ball movement drill at Gosches Paddock we practice moving the ball by foot, switching play, looking for the loose man but we do this drill on only 2/3rds of the ground width! So we practice moving the ball in a limited corridor, much narrower than the Gee. The Swans used the full width of the ground to up holes in our defensive zone and in the last quarter to retain possession and use up time. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, Mazer Rackham said:

    Good lord. There are some shortcomings in the MFC team? How come no-one's noticed? Why hasn't anyone said anything?

    Thanks Supercoach Terry. Great gameday coach but as for the rest of it ....

    (Balances out Goody nicely, who seems to be lacking in the game day department. Perhaps Terry could point that one out for us as well?)

    I am coming to the conclusion that the coaching department is lacking in the game plan department, let alone game day strategy. 

    Watching the replay yet again of last week’s game to compliment being there and seeing the disaster unfold before me I keep coming back to the game plan and it’s limitations.

    To use a boxing analogy we are the classic slugger/brawler who lacks speed, balance and finesse, we just keep moving forward, hunting the opponent, throwing haymakers, hoping that if we throw enough punches we will overwhelm the opposition. It works against mugs but not against your classic boxers. 

    We are predictable and slow but potentially dangerous. We are the Rocky Balboa of the AFL. 

    Our opponent on Sunday was your classic boxer, think M Ali, fast on his feet, determined to keep his distance and just counter punch and move away, using the full area of the ring to set up angles of attack that negate your attack and maximise his counter punching. And this is what the Swans did, they used the full width of the Gee to work their way forward by foot to then get a shot on goal, often from 40 or 50 m but it worked. Meantime we bombed high forward hoping for a big mark or loose ball inside a 30m arc patrolled by Allir and later Cheney and got nothing. 

    As a footy team we are so predictable in attack but also dangerous because we win so much contested footy and manufacture so many inside 50’s and have some good big forwards to mark the ball coming in. So on paper the game plan makes some sense. However it is not working. 

    Against the best sides we have got close but usually our conversion rate has failed us. On Sunday it reached a new level of ineptitude that was inexplicable! 7 missed set shots from inside 40 metres while the Swans nailed every shot from 50m set shot or on the run. 


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  11. 6 minutes ago, Chook said:

    Wow that's pathetic. No wonder we're a joke of a footy club.

    Saw this at the time and wondered why there wasn’t a response from our guys. But maybe that is because they are gun shy. Any retaliation would end in a free goal kick to the opposition. 

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  12. 11 minutes ago, goodwindees said:

    As some of you know, particularly Skuitt, many weeks ago I posted that the Dees had an arrangement in place that if Sydney could be satisfied with a very high Draft Pick, Hannaberry would be Demon next year on a long term contract, and as I stated, “very big coin”

    Let me make it clear that my Demonland Post was the very first mention in any form of media about Hannaberry breaking a Contract with more than 2 full seasons to run.  A couple of weeks later Damian Barrett & others started to get a sniff and started running stories.

    As we now all know, the Saints became aware of Dan’s availability and are in for anything with a pulse and have taken over the running.

    Let me update you.  About 2 weeks ago, the Dees informed Dan’s management & the Swans that due to the necessary but unexpected increase in the contract values of some recent signings that the Melb FC would be withdrawing any interest in that Trade.  I believe that the Club also had to increase their offer for Andrew Gaff which made a 4/5 year $800k offer to Dan rather difficult. 

    I can also inform you all that the Swans are desperate for the Hannaberry trade to happen as they are extremely keen on Steven May and need the Pick and the salary cap relief.

    I have also been told that the Tom Lynch to Richmond deal has been done.

    Also, just to make yesterday’s defeat worse.  In addition to Buddy having the exact same heal injury that sidelined Mitchell Starc for so long, Josh Kennedy has a knee injury that hasn’t allowed him to train for weeks and is also being jabbed to play. 

    Where were we getting the high draft pick from to trade? 

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  13. 1 hour ago, jnrmac said:

    They were 2 men down and we let them control the footy and chip it around. Our brainless leaders kept bombing it to Aliir and Heeney. We should have been controlling the footy and making them run at us - tiring them out.

    We also kept turning over the footy like under 12s. When they got a run on we had no idea what to do. Its happened 6 times this year and our coaching panel are clueless on how to deal with it.

    Forget the kicking, the above is the reason we will go nowhere even if we do make it. No footy IQ amongst anyone playing.

    Agreed Jnr but my point is our game plan lacks smarts, it is all about us, not about playing for the situation. We are attack at all costs and depend perhaps inordinately on an average conversion rate in front of goal. We have all the deficiencies you mentioned and more but hope to cover them through total attack and scoring pressure. This is Goodwin’s blueprint I think. 

    It has been demonstrated to work against inferior sides but......

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  14. 2 hours ago, praha said:

    Anyone who thinks we lost because of our kicking for goal is clueless. 

    watch the second quarter. watch our defensive awareness (or lack thereof). Watch the latest All Access video on the AFL website.

    The club hasn't played finals in 11 years, we continue to buy memberships...watching that [censored] is infuriating. It was round 23 all over again. They were two down on the bench ffs. We are in year 5 of a rebuild. we mark the ball at half back with 90 seconds left, and look for a short pass. How dense can you be? How much of a loser can you be?

    To make finals we have to -- in two weeks -- break every stereotype that has clouded the club for 50 years. We haven't done it in 5 decades. How are we going to do it in 2 weeks?

    Interesting first sentence Praha. After being there and seeing the disaster unfold I then later viewed the first 2 quarters on replay today. 

    At the time I said that our inaccuracy at goal in the first two quarters will do us in. We missed 7 set shots, 6 of which were within the 35 meter and near enough to be in front! We could usually expect 5 goals 2, instead we got zero of 7. We had a similar number of snaps for goal often from within 30 meters and no angle and again got zero 7 ( I am not including the goals that were kicked). We could usually expect 2 or 3 goals from those shots.

    My point is our game plan is not sophisticated, it is about attack at all cost, kick or handball the ball forward, there is no tempo football, no holding possession at all costs. Just pump it forward. That very simple game plan comes from the coach.

    With zero sophistication in our play then we must score goals when the opportunity arises to stay in front and so we must score when we mark inside 40m and dead in front. On 6 occasions in the first half we marked inside that arc and should have enjoyed the 36 point increase, instead we got 6 points in total in reward. And the 6 or 7 snaps at goal from inside 30 metres that missed are an anomaly, I would expect at least 2 of those to go through but not this week.

    Inaccuracy cost us big time on the weekend. We could easily expect an extra 7 or 8 goals in that match and then we win. And yes that win would have been full of turnovers and missed passes, handballs and tackles but we still win despite our ineptitude. But yes will get caught out in finals but that is where we are at. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

    I still don't think there has been enough focus on the cats and there current situation on the ladder. This is a team that has the like of Hawkins, Danger, Selwood, Menzel then they throw in ablett this year and they are currently sitting 9th. 

    They should be sitting top 4 but they aren't even in the 8. At the beginning of the season if you said with 3 rounds to go geelong would be 9th you wouldn't believe it. 

    And if they had lost the 2 games won after the siren against us they would be well out contention! 

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  16. 8 minutes ago, dees189227 said:

    The hawks can do some damage in the finals. With Clarko there anything is possible. 

    I have been worried for a while that the Dorks could snatch another flag this year if they get into the Eight, especially if they get top 4. Their team is not what it was but they just keep playing consistent, smart football and many of the other contenders are copping injuries or suspensions. Only the Tigers and perhaps an improving GWS  are playing better footy. I hope we don’t have to meet them early if we make the Eight. We more than match them on paper but we get outplayed and outcoached just about every time we play them. 

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